ITT: What You Expected vs. What You Got

ITT: What You Expected vs. What You Got

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i made this awhile ago


This 100%




i'm going to go listen to smile now, thanks

You didn't get cornfields?

Great album, that album was so much more than just a minecraft soundtrack


do it, i'm listening to it now, friend

convinced me too lel


hey man



I love Brian so much



can someone explain this meme


Genuine kek

the album was never actually finished, we have the smile sessions, but that's not exactly a coherent album

oh ok, thanks


viral marketing

more like
2 b h

cute pic of grimes


listening to this album now, holy fuck this is surprisingly good

Smile Sessions is pretty what Smile would have sounded like, the whole thing was recorded before Brian went off the deep end


What's the album you listened to?

crop + image search friend

Ariel Pink - li8omm

I searched too, it's called Pom Pom - Untitled (CD 001

the album?

this album is haunting as fuck

C418 - Minecraft - Volume Alpha

Ariel Pink - Pom Pom

there, now you don't have to wade through the meme answers

What album is this?

antichrist superstar - nine inch nails


Frankie Sinatra - AAAHHH

have you not listened to ariel pink before?


Wildflower - Avalanches

bottomless pit wasnt that brutal though, should have replaced it with niggas on the moon


I never gave him a chance until someone compared pom pom to we're only in it for the money


this so much, that one track (hiders?) sounded exactly like shakin stevens


what made you think it was gonna sound tumblr and grimes? you know he called her a retard right?

God it has such an amazing album opener

Why would you expect that?

Never gave Dylan a chance

Is that Haibane Renmei?

it is absolutely coherent for the first 19 tracks (which is around what the album would've been if finished on time), the tracks even flow into each other. After track 19 is when you start getting demos, different takes of the same song, etc

what sasha grey film is that?


Nah it's the other one


this album is fucking good man
brian wilson still got it
greatest of all time

C418 is in a weird spot where he's both underrated and overrated at the same

this is why you should actually listen to things and not listen to Sup Forums memes

actual what i got


Still a good album though



I got the other way around

ive only made 1 of these but i shill4deak

its lain

(the anime that actually deserves a 10)

Does someone have the one for Divine Music From a Jail?





dude it's throbbing gristle


I'd rather describe it as industrial ambient made out of black metal.

>that house in the 3rd pic
Maximum comfiness

link to this album??

It's ritual industrial actually.

only one track available...

listen to it

If this doesn't show the value of art, I don't know what does. The transformation of stereotypes here is incredible

>happy fag music
>sad fag music

dude what the fuck
when did T+E release an album

it's a book