/daily/ - Bash the Basho edition

It's time to """troll"""

Listen to your library, show off your backlog, babble about new music, tell us what you have been listening to today and what you will listen to in the following month, have a high quality kek at Jangle's Thrift Tourney and trole skillz, just let the good times flow.

>the new topsters

>strugglin' but tryin' to get back on track

>play music with the boys but without neat filters and emotes

>play music with the boys but without dancing avatars and playlists

>site with templates, OP covers, archive, & random stuff

Ask about our Skype group if you're a normie.

Most importantly, I haven't even heard any Basho.

Previously on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:



Robbie Basho - Visions of the Country (1st impressions)
This album is really beautiful. While Fahey’s style of primitivism seems evolved from early folk and blues, Basho seems just as rooted in country and bluegrass. The vocals fit very well with the musical invocations of rolling green hills and hay bales, and the delivery is almost aesthetically similar to yodelling. The styles are pretty varied throughout this album, ranging from upbeat fingerpicking backed with fiddle to sprawling piano pieces, all seemingly fitting the narrative of the album.
Recommended for fans of Fahey, bluegrass, early american folk, Neil Young and Johnny Cash.

I would have got away with it too if it wasn't for these meddling kids!!!

Watch out fuckers, next troll will be much less predictable.

Hey guys I'm sharing a chart with
Can you post that chart

Okay I'll give some short thoughts then.

>Meat Puppets II
One hell of an album. From the name "Meat Puppets" I was expecting an early gringcore/hardcore punk album. Instead what I got is one of the most unique punk albums ever. Reminds me of Violent Femmes but with more thought-out and emotional instrumentals. No way I'd rec this to a large amount of people, since I can't see /daily/ really liking this at all, but this is my SHIT DUDES.

>แห่สดดนตรีพื้นบ้านหนองโก ชุดที่ 8 + 9
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH. I still have a hard time believing this was really an hour long. Shit absolutely SLAPS. Pretty much just an hour long solo, but one of the most unique things I've ever heard. Thanks /daily/!

>Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Something I love about this subgenre of metal is that it seems to have a lot of pop sensibilities, though I doubt it would ever admit it. The harsh vocals, intense instrumentation, the dark, brooding atmosphere...all that's a bunch of BULLSHIT. This is just a collection of great melodies straight out of a good shoegaze/dream pop album put in a fantasy world. Realreal nice.

>Criminal Minded
Wish I could say I love this, but I can't in good faith do so. I have a weaker soft-spot for this style of boom bap that I don't think I'll ever be cured from, but this shit just feels dated, despite all the fantastic scratchwork, lyrics, and flows. Samples of songs like "Back in Black" originally made me roll my eyes, but I now think work pretty well in context here. Not something I could see myself coming back to, but the energy here is tangible.

>In C
I don't think I'm smart enough to really grasp what's going on here (or what exactly makes this "indeterminacy"), however, I do know that I really enjoyed what I heard. Of course it's a bit repetitive, but I really enjoyed being hypnotized by this. In some fashion it reminded me a bit of E2-E4, which I also love.

>Personal Best
Another damn good punk album, though a bit more traditional. The passionate LGBT undertones give this a real genuine passionate feeling behind it without feeling too blatant. A couple tracks could've used some more energy, but overall a good album from a genre I'm usually not a fan of.

>Drums of Death
"Nice drums"
Enjoyed the hell out of this in parts, but when each song (with a few exceptions) is really just a few second loop for a few minutes, it gets old fast.

>We Are Time
Really uneventful and the most boring thing I've heard from these guys, but I can't hate this. They show a lot of their chops and wide range of influences here, but none of it really contributes to better songwriting that was seen on their other albums. (I am very proud to be the only dude who likes Citizen Zombie btw)

Should probably stop rating New Age/Modern Classical film scores. Never seem to enjoy them. While there are a lot of very enjoyable choral moments here, nothing really worth me reccing it to anyone ever. The movie's bready good tho.

>แห่สดดนตรีพื้นบ้านหนองโก ชุดที่ 8 + 9
How do I go about downloading this?

>his troll review is more accurate than the real one


>AyкцЫoн - Кaк Я Cтaл Пpeдaтeлeм

Loved how they managed to combine the art rock with the art pop and it's a pretty fun album to listen to. Enjoyed the experimentations they did in some tracks, the problem is that if we take them off, only very few noticeable things remains.


Man you guys are hyping me up hard for that molam album. Gotta give it a listen soon.

You don't even like music what do you know

I think I searched slsk for the anglicized version of the artists' name and got some hits

idk lol

>what exactly makes this "indeterminacy"
In C is a composition of 53 musical phrases of several lengths, and the players can choose for themselves which phrases they play and when they play them. It's not fully indeterminate since that would require there to be no real determined composition at all, but the fact that the players have the freedom to choose what they play and when they play it makes it somewhat indeterminate and makes every performance of the piece different (especially since there is no set amount of players or a certain selection for instruments that can be used).

Dude Meat Puppets II is such a solid album. It doesn't floor me or anything, but it's just so obviously so good.

>แห่สดดนตรีพื้นบ้านหนองโก ชุดที่ 8 + 9
New /daily/core when


Oh, as an example of how much variation is allowed for In C, here's Acid Mothers Temple's take on the composition. youtube.com/watch?v=fH0ml4yp-Rs

Not necessarily a huge fan of this one, but it goes to show how different each performance can be.

This pic is definitely going in the pig folder.

>It's not fully indeterminate
it's not like any music is


in any case except of quantum stuff indeterminacy is a slider that can only go so far left, i dont feel like elaborating more desu
In C isn't indeterminate but that doesn't matter, what matter is that it's (part of a musical style called) indeterminacy

btw Initial D is awesome so far

Yeah I loved it (gotta check out some more Cowpunk dawg) but yeah

8+9 should be /daily/core imo. Allegedly hampus hates it, so it has even more merit to be so.

Makes sense. Thanks man.


I don't love everything these guys do, but you gotta admire their variation.

In C isn't indeterminacy since it's composed

i'd be down with 8+9 being mu-core. shit's killer.

indeterminacy is a technique used by composers in their compositions, wtf are you on about?

Real meme hours, do you like my meme?

> Hoль - Пecня o бeзoтвeтнoй любви к Poдинe

The general idea is quite cool and interesting, too bad it gets pretty boring soon. If you don't know Russian you probably will enjoy it even less.


Buddy, I hate to tell you this, but maybe your chocolate milk sucks.

I bet this cuck puts the powder in after the milk.

>making chocolate milk out of powder

It provides, anyway, a process into which the composer isn't responsible for the choices applied. Riley was completely aware of what he was writing.

nothing wrong with good cocoa pleb

I don't have it either
just wait for Rudi I guess

Are you having a stroke? You're wrong. The indeterminism comes in play when you're performing, not necessarily only when composing.

>is a slider that can only go so far left, i dont feel like elaborating more desu
No more elaboration needed actually. That makes sense. You might be getting hung up on semantics though. I'd reckon when someone here is talking about 'indeterminate' music, they're referring to something composed utilizing 'indeterminacy'.

>I'd reckon when someone here is talking about 'indeterminate' music, they're referring to something composed utilizing 'indeterminacy'.

Cage used I-Ching when composing, so did many of his pupils. And then performed and expressed that indeterminacy.


>Everyone starts having wrong opinions
Oh boy

Stay gone.

>You might be getting hung up on semantics though.

Veteran call, nyar

Never, once i get my mobile data i'm coming back revamped. Also Ruggles did you get me a partner for your tourney?

not yet
i havent assigned any people partners who dont have partners
also there are 5 more spaces so

Well of you happen to find me a partner tell him that he is doing the romantic thing. Here's my rec

I gotta have something to show for nearly 2 years here

Music and film are terrible

Finally someone besides me that thinks that NEU! sucks, thanks god.

I don't know if this is a meme, but if it is, good meme.

>Lux Occulta - Kołysanki
Trip-hop combined with polish folk music, black metal and jazz, interspersed with French Spoken Word samples. And its excellent. Dark, brooding atmosphere and trip-hop with a definite edge. I really like this.

haha good meme

>doesn't like Dreyer

Good meme

this calendar is giving me nostalgia

I really really liked how the movie was shot, but the pace made it not terribly enjoying to see

I'll have to tell you that it is his fastest film.

I don't doubt it, and I have no problem with slow pace in film, but I thought that for this movie it didn't get executed correctly

>but I thought that for this movie it didn't get executed correctly
>being objectively wrong

Thanks, I put a lot of effort into it :)


Nails put out a really great record, making them the most interesting grindcore act today (unless the insect warfare reunion comes through, in which case fuck 'em)

Ambarchi, O'Malley, and Dunn put out a good record that would make Ligeti proud. his piece "Artikulation" was obviously a massive influence here. recommended to anyone who likes that piece.

Erik Satie was great. i've always enjoyed the music Yann Tiersen did for the film Amelie, and I suspect great inspiration was drawn from Satie. very calming and gorgeous.

Yeah. I've been browsing Sup Forums for like 3+ years and still feel extremely entry level in a lot of ways. One day I'll feel confident in my music taste.

I was more talking about the format of the calendar. All the old calendars used to look like yours, then it all went into freeform.
And don't worry about taste, I've been daily's admitted plen since almost day one

>Kante - Zombi

Why is this boring shit even tagged as post-rock on rym? It's also considered one of the best German releases for the genre, bah...


>The passionate LGBT undertones give this a real genuine passionate feeling behind it without feeling too blatant
yer goddamned right

u give me nostalgia for daily
why do u not come here that often anymore

limp dick

Will ou give V:D:C a 10?

don't worry, he'll change his mind after your post


aaaaand the new Adam Green is disappointing [spoiler]again[/spoiler]
after Jacket Full Of Danger he really went downhill

Thought it would be funny to fill this ded air with beer reviews.
Got 3 to try tonight.

Innocente Charcoal Porter
Waterloo, ON, Canada
500ml bottle
5.1% ABV
IBU: 21

A surprisingly light yet flavourful charcoal porter. Definite hints of charcoal and cocoa beans as well as a tad bit of coffee aftertaste. Not very thick or dark for a porter yet still pretty flavourful and definitely enjoyable. This isn't quite the 'dessert' I was hoping for, and more of a 'main course' style beer that would lend itself to drinking many in a night. Quite good.

I think I retained like maybe half the original albums on this chart? Whatever.

Hair Police - Mercurial Rites (2013)
>noise, industrial

It starts of pretty cool, I like the textures on the first track and ocassionally the textures on later tracks sound pretty cool, but this is just bland, flat noise that sounds like the shit I'd hear in a basement show by an angsty teenager addicted to Whitehouse (projecting, ladies and gentlemen). It's just not an interesting album, and any time something new happens, like the screaming, it's just executed very poorly.


Kim Fowley - Outrageous (1968)
>psychedelic rock, spoken word

Yeah, that titles correct, I've always known Fowley as being one of the most outrageous figures in pop music. I knew that he was a good songwriter and producer (he produced The Quick's Mondo Deco, he wrote "Nude Beach a Go-Go on Ariel Pink's Pom Pom, which is a really infectious track, and he contributed to Zappa's Freak Out), but I never knew he actually released album's of his own, and I mean, he's alright on his own. Definitely sounds a lot like a lost Zappa album, with Fowley ranting and raving over some decent garagey psych instrumentation. The vocals and the spoken word is the highlight here, the backing band is just playing some very tepid, but fitting, psych. A spotty but pretty good album.


Black to Comm - Alphabet 1968 (2009)
>ambient, drone

Modern day ambient/drone is oversaturated as all hell, but this is done pretty damn well. Sometimes it gets very airy and phonily "epic", kinda like its a part of a film score but without the very crucial film, but when it gets more active and weird I like it a lot. "Musik Für Alle" is a wonderful track, as is "Void", which sounds like a creepy spaceship taking off into the void, fittingly enough. The rest is pleasant enough, but I could do without it.


one more! and i may have some pretty shocking opinions about it!

A story of war told as a story of love. Was very very surprised with this movie.

I had exams and now I'm out of the house almost all of the time. I'll post more in the coming months though.


Grouper - Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill (2008)
>psychedelic folk, ambient

Taken as an ambient album, it's pleasant enough but not remarkable at all. It's dreamy, Harris has a very pretty voice, and the lo-fi production suits it well. But it's not an ambient album, it's a psych/indie folk album with lo-fi, dreamy production. Taken that way, it's terrible. I hate to use the word "boring" to describe an album, but dear LORD this is a boring listen, at least actively. I'd listen to it while sleeping, sure, and even if I take individual tracks from this album and listen to them separately they're /okay/ (just barely, mind you), but all of these tracks sound exactly the same, they use the same chord progressions, they have the same dreamy vocals, they have the same production. Put all the tracks together as an album? You get some of the most boring 45 minutes I've ever sat through in my entire life.


well fuck this was an underwhelming chart

Bad chart, or bad taste?

Seven swans and Monoton deserved better scores at least


I'm hungry for some 2016 noise rock. someone give me a rec


What are you listening to tonight, /boys/?

O'Rourke, Ambarchi, Haino - I Wonder If You Noticed "I'm Sorry" Is Such a Lovely Sound It Keeps Things From Getting Worse

>inb4 "No, I don't want that."

A new Keiji Haino, Jim O'Rourke, and Oren Ambarch joint?

I'm pretty down for that


Also to answer your question: I'm listening to the New Jason Crumer album.

This shit is intense

Forked River Riptide Rye Pale Ale
London, ON, Canada
500ml bottle
5.7% ABV

Very smooth bitter beer with a strong scent and taste of rye malt. Hops are definitely tasted but subdued and mixed in well to compliment the rest of the flavours. Aftertaste is sharp, like a cured cheese. Despite being mixed well, I find the rye taste to be a little offputting with the other flavours, making this just an alright beer.

6/10, would eat a homemade hamburger with.

(quietly moves You Are My Everlovin' to a 4.5 on RYM)

What's this about a skype group?

Yo is topsters2 shitting the bed for anyone else? Seems like it loads about as often as it doesn't and when it does, the search function doesn't work.
Who the fuck has a vested interest in destroying music charts? The Emperor of Shit Taste?


>The Emperor of Shit Taste

I think you would know if that were the case.



Quality advice.

>implying they were ever right
Haha lovely meme
>For Lovers
Unless it was originally a 5, good move.

Normies don't even get depressed unless their dog dies or sum shit

It was a 4, this was an increase

Wow dude, sick home run from that softball lob. I can already hear your parents cheering from the crowd.



Replace him with me
I will be a good boy :^)

Trafalgar Americal Pale Ale
Oakville, ON, Canada
5.0% ABV

Yo, this beer fucking sucks. Every sip tastes worse than the last, and it smells like sweaty socks. There's a real chance this could be skunky, as I can taste no accents except trash. Though it doesn't taste skunky; it just tastes shitty. I really hope this wasn't what they were aiming for, as I see no practical application for this beer. I just took another sip. It still fucking sucks.
I would literally prefer a Bud Light. I am begrudgingly finishing this because I paid $4.50 for this bottle.

(worse than Giles Corey)

Okay good
Kek are you just rating alcohol now

Orange Iguanas belong in the Trash.

I remember really enjoying Dragging A Deer, but after this review I'll just have to relisten to see if it still stands

It's a nice album, and it will win you qt's

Nat is just a grumpy lil baby

You fucking dumb piece of shit, you think naming your team "trash" makes you exempt from criticism? You think putting your name as "some dumb cunt" makes you impartial to being called a piece of shit? Your team is the fucking scum of Sup Forums, collected into the scum of Sup Forums then left to rot in the sun until we're left with the putrid trash of /daily/. That's team trash, and it's aptly named.
That's your fucking team, you dumb fucking cunt.

i didn't have my nap or get my bottle today >:^(

You fucking pig piece of pig, you think posting images of "pigs" makes you exempt from criticism? You think putting your name as "Ham" makes you impartial to being called a piece of pig? Your team is the fucking scum of reddit, collected into the scum of 9gag then left to rot in the sun until we're left with the putrid trash of tumblr. That's Jangle, and it's aptly named.
That's your fucking name, you dumb fucking Bojangle.

When did you give Jangle your trip, Shamepai?

>tfw fucked up my shitty joke

You are now picturing a diapered nat
Have fun unpicturing it