Post your most hated artist

post your most hated artist

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck jd salinger

bruno mars
justin bieber
all of those type

animal collective (excluding stgstv)
sufjan stevens

>listening to a deadmause radio interview on the way to work
>a literal manchild
>30 yrs old
>talks like a fucking teenager from 15 yrs ago omg like seriously I cannot fucking believe like seriously dude I just think it sucks (answers every question with a stream of diarrhea, sounds like a fucking edgy Sup Forumstard (well he actually is come think of it, he literally has a shout out to Sup Forums on one of his albums).
>minecraft and lolcatz tattoos

i hate joel tbqh

eugh, women are disgusting

kill yourself

If it's a hit, steal samples of it and remake a different version with a acoustic guitar again and make a dude sing about a relative!

Funky Fresh Music!

Lana Del Rey.

but is he an edgelord Sup Forumstard like joel

do you hate other pop artists or just her?

Ngl, Joel is a edgy but music wise, at least he doesn't repeat the same shit and get millions for doing so....

[spoiler]Oh wait.[/spoiler]

>eugh, women are disgusting
>implying he gives a shit cuz dat white pussy

I can't stand him or his music and I hope he goes bankrupt

Come on now...

just the buttrock essentials really

Ted Nugent
Every member of Motley Crue
Bruce Dickinson
Vinnie Paul
Rob Zombie

he's the most likeable person in the band aside from Rob

i hope he does too but it's not like his music is really that bad

For some reason I just cannot stand him or his music. I'm with him like some people are with ketchup

came to post this but i'll make due with pic related

Marina and the Diamonds

calling this nigger an artist is a stretch. he is a fat ugly manlet with no taste. he literally torpedoed his career by shitting on taylor swift. meanwhile his career is steal dead and his is grasping for straws by still going after her.

Let it go, Dave.

Death Grips

Most obnoxious fanbase i've ever seen in my life.

that's no reason to hate the band

>most hated artists
>posts fanbase
good job
also hardcore anti death grips spergs tend to be somehow infinitely worse


for every one person that posts the money store in favorite album threads there are always 3 people who feel the need to type in all caps about how much they hate death grips

agree with you but

>also hardcore anti death grips spergs tend to be somehow infinitely worse

not even close. nothing, absolutely nothing surpasses the cringe and obnoxiousness levels of meme grips fanbois. not even kanyefags

Same for Grimes. Doesn't seem to happen as often to Radiohead, NMH, Animal Collective, etc.

Just her.

unless you're talking about the few 14 year old fantanomemers you see at some shows that's still not true. any time there's a death grips thread they get flooded with >le IT GOES XDDDDD autists who seem to have nothing better to do.
Grimes might just be the worst of all when it comes to Sup Forums, almost pure, spergy waifufaggotry.

animal collective (including stgstv)
sufjan stevens

angry grimes waifufag detected

He seems like a cocky asshole, and his music sucks

were you on Sup Forums when there GLASS BREAKS went on for weeks, 3-5 threads at any given time? or "LE JENNY DEATH WHEN" for even longer?

At least grimes waifufags are contained in one thread

Nah. I was just referring to the sperg phenomenon that occurs every time either Death Grips or Grimes is brought up. Either attracts people who love them and won't shut up about them, or the people who hate them so much that they won't leave the spergs alone.

that first part could be said about In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, the second part is what happens any time a hyped band is about to put out a new release.
>At least grimes waifufags are concentrated in one thread
lolno, there's a reason grimes threads have been starting to get deleted and that's because they spam the fuck out of the catalog sometimes, unlike /kpop/

She's a fucking scam.





Her singing is alright but far too mannered and her music has nothing truly interesting. I have the feeling that people like her because of what she has accomplished and not because of her music.

Fuck you


Swiftfags BTFO

These fuckers right here


his work under NERD and The Neptunes is significant and should not be grouped with the other two

Go to bed Taylor


I only think she's hot but I don't like her music either.

Nicki Minaj

Rob Zombie is fantastic senpai

Fuck off cunt

David Guetta
Everyone in Metallica
Slash and Axel from GNR

Any top 40 rapper. Excluding kendrick of course.

le upvote for Ted Nugent

huh, I've never heard anyone say all her music is uninteresting. You do you m8 but I think almost her entire body of work is listenable and interesting, and not in a phony way.


Nirvana or Velvet Underground desu

That's the worst facial hair I've ever seen.

Pic Related and Taylor Swift.

I hate almost everything

me too, especially myself

myself desu


most contemporary EDM


ITT: bands that Sup Forums has never listened to but only hates them because they're popular

Is this nigga wearing a karate robe on red carpet? What kind of coon shit

right, i always listen to bands that i hate

The fact that Sup Forums likes her so much just makes me hate her.

Metallica may be shit these days, but the guys themselves seem pretty cool. Lars did some stupid shit back in the day, but I have heard him say anything stupid for a while so I can assume he's ok now.

Same thing, shit musicians, but seem nice enough.


clearly you've never been in a grimes thread

the whole group of post grunge alt rock shit that was popular in like the mid 2000s

u won

I mean, they're too easy to hate.

Can't believe no one's picked the objective answer
>Music is only about making money
>Any sort of progression or experimentation is bad because it hurts the industry I'm a part of
>Any music except mine is garbage
>Living greedy kike stereotype
>Music is the most bland, mindless pop-rock ever written

Honorable mentions to Kanye, Lars, Dave Grohl, Cobain, most female pop stars

21 Pilots are that "so deep" tumblr headassery in human form, especially the frontman. He rubs that black ink all over his arms so people will ask him about it and he can make some profound metaphor about depression and shit, I imagine I'd want to fight him after 5 minutes with him.


woah woah woah... why? dude's literally the coolest guy ever

I second this

I'm almost certain that he truly thinks he is a modern day mozart

I can't believe I forgot about him, it's like he engineers his public persona to be as absolutely hate-able as possible. Anyone who's anti-art in general, but he's the worst I can think of.

these are all correct



This is bait.

James is the only Metallica member I actually like...Why didn't you say Kirk Hammett or Lars or something?

Best answer by a landslide. Fuck these pedophiles.

pls explain

I personally think he's a great musician

>doesn't know that Joel gives terrible cringe worthy interviews on purpose and has done so since the beginning of his career

I love you underage fags get so buttmad and triggered by deadmau5

there's no reason to like it either

Dude...No, just absolutely not. Hate Dave Grohl all you want, but leave Josh out of it.

flume. Nothing against the guy but his wobbly synths are fucking annoying

>he doesn't like based Cliff

Not as bad as fucking Zedd who doesn't even have fucking control over his music now because the little fuck didn't know how to read a contract.

Because he is quite literally dying.

I like Cliff, but I kinda skipped over him because he didn't live to see the middle school students wearing Master of Puppets t-shirts without ever listening to the album era.