Will he save us from hip hop and bring back rock to its former glory?

will he save us from hip hop and bring back rock to its former glory?


thats not my boy rivers...


fuck sam hyde

I hope someone does soon, OP. Hip-hop is degenerate, I've come to realize. I used to like it too, it was a genre I really enjoyed listening to, however it's social impact is starting to really show in recent years. Just look at violent BLM protestors and increasing black crime rates and see what I mean. We need a new paradigm shift in music and culture, and we need it soon.


hes helped with dumbing down the music

MTV sure did their job

Well considering his last great album was two decades ago, I think it's a heavy load to place on Rivers Cuomo's shoulders.

That's not Sam Hyde

>Not dance pop

nigga looks like Garth

even hip hop needs saving, because its all nursery rhymes

i had the same thought

>save us from hip hop

There is no point trying to save or revive genres. When they die just let it happen and move on.

Hip hop really has gotten terrible lately. I feel like such an old man. The only shit I can really get into is old artists like Push and Busta making music in their late 30s and 40s or Death Grips, if you can even call that hip hop. Kendrick has bars but he comes off as kind of cringey to me personally, I can't take him seriously. Hopsin could be one of the best rappers out there but a combination of cringe and lack of style is keeping him from even being close.

I predict that there will be a grunge inspired movement in underground music over the next few years though. At least where I am, Mac Demarco copycat indie bands are all the rage, a lot of soft 80s inspired stuff with simple ringing chords and shit like that. The next logical step to me is that these bands/the scene will get bored and look to make their music more interesting. The easiest way to do that would be to blast distortion and scream into the microphone, with pounding drums and shit to differentiate from the corefags who make up the rest of underground music.

I mean the only reason I think this is because I'm in a band like this and I've seen a couple similar ones.


Auckland, wrong side of the ditch mate

hope something comes out of the australian music scene. its fucking dead in sydney despite a handful of bands who got lucky

Music's shit over here too. Can't even go to underground gigs any more because you're options are, quite literally:
1) The same indie band just with different members
2) A core band that tries to get around the fact that they play a lot of metalcore by adding other prefixes to -core
3) Old men who've been around forever and may or may not play decent music, only gigs worth going to but it's a coin toss every time.

At least we have Lorde though, right?

The Kurt is Rivers theory doesn't look so bad now.