Called paul out for making inoffensive music-hall granny music

>called paul out for making inoffensive music-hall granny music
>wrote good morning good morning, being for the benefit of mr. kite, all you need is love

Other urls found in this thread:

>wrote helter skelter

what went wrong

>implying any of those songs are bad
Although he did take up eight and a half minute of the White Album with Revolution 9

And please Paul fags don't pretend this shit is good. Wtf is up with that laser sound? did he actually thought it was a good idea?

he aged ten years and grew out his hair

It's not bad.
John was doing Double Fantasy around the same time, and that's hardly much better. At least Paul was experimenting with synths

McCartney is my favorite artist, but this and Freedom especially (and most of his 00s and 10s albums.. Not including Chaos and Creation or Electric Arguments) are hot garbage.

All better songs than When I'm Sixty-Four and Your Mother Should Know

I like your mother should know.... Its pretty fun and catchy. It doesnt really fit on mmt but its a good song

This is one of the worst songs of all time.

: (

he aged the best out of all of them, he was the ugly one when they all still had the classic beatles look imho


Paul took the pop route with dabs of "art-pop"
John went for edgy
George went spiritual
Ringo became momcore

Mr. Kite is literally a top 10 Beatles song

Is this during his heroin stage?

He also wrote For No One, which is probably the most depressing and emotionally deep song written by the band. Plus all of his passive aggressive stuff about Jane Asher.

yea its pretty neat rare shot of john after he started on drugs but before he grew facial hair and big eyebrows. probably one of my favorites.

this was on the poster included in The white album


Let's not forget Eleanor Rigby either. NO ONE WAS SAVED.


>most depressing Beatles song
>Not I'm So Tired or Julia



>not liking Your Mother Should Know
That's a fucking great song user, however When I'm Nintendo 64 is awful though. Totally ruins the mood of Sgt. Pepper's, and I like Paul's granny songs.


When I'm 64 works well in how it brings the record back down to earth after all the heady mysticism of Within You/Without You.

Sgt. Pepper is such a fun album because each song hems in another, so that it remains cohesive while also keeping unique from song to song.


>doesnt know what a concept album is

hoo boy, theres tons of albums out there where songs connect to another both directly and thematically

The whole way each track bleeds into eachother really adds to the whole theater show aspect, like moving from scene to scene, act to act, with A Day in the Life being the grand finale.

>This son of a bitch right here wrote Temporary Secretary

Still want me to take him seriously?

Friend, I'm saying that each Beatle has their distinct influence here, but the organization of the songs keeps any one from being excessive or obtrusive.


that song is his best
it's so fucking funny


the writing of Eleanor Rigby was collaborative effort between all 4 Beatles (Paul wrote most of the song and being responsible for the melody) , there's even some Ringo lines in it.

Was this the first time they Incorporated broadway style music? It very much sounds like it could be taken from a play, and not in a bad way.

Yesterday was their only song with a string accompaniment before that, it's much more restrained, compared to Eleanor Rigby.

Yeah but to me Yesterday still could be perceived as a pop song, where Rigby is more orchestral and baroque, less likely to be played on the radio, single or not

This is a Fucking CLASSIC