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There's your problem

music critics are all shit

they're right you know

>‘AM’ took in R&B, psychedelia, desert bar-room Americana, Ziggy Stardust, blues rock, glitterball balladry, soul and fair old wads of Dr Dre drum machine beats to create a rich voodoo, a nocturnal world of witchy rock romance in which the sly, desert-dusty Wild At Heart seductions of ‘R U Mine’ and ‘I Wanna Be Yours’ – built around a wry and comical John Cooper Clarke poem – rub their cowboy chaps up against the sequinned ballroom tuxedo of ‘No. 1 Party Anthem’ and ‘Arabella’’s tassled biker leathers.

Holy Fuck this is atrocious.

> R&B, psychedelia, desert bar-room Americana, Ziggy Stardust, blues rock, glitterball balladry, soul and fair old wads of Dr Dre drum machine beats
An actual fucking recipe for shit music

Also that guy has been working at NME for over ten years now and he's probably been a music writer for longer than that.

So if there's any music writers on here tonight dw you could do so much worse in front of so many people

thats not the point you doofus



>"We thought we’d lost them for a minute, when they turned into Josh Homme Mini Me’s on 2009’s ‘Humbug’. But with ‘Suck It And See’ they rediscovered their melodic spangle and on ‘AM’ they became their own band once more; one hirsute catalogue model, one Royal Blood-loving drum god, one truly lovely bassist and one Yorkshire Elvis making what Homme would call “a sexy after-midnight record”.

this is the worst thing I've ever read in my life

>Six years in which the government has striven to vastly widen the gap between rich and poor, sell off major national assets for personal profit, crush the disabled and desperate, raise the drawbridge on affordable education, protect their legions of historical paedophiles and drive musicians, artists and the working classes in general out of a capital city that’s now essentially a money-laundering foreign-investment tax haven with All Bar Ones.


kek, here's what he said about Kid A

NME does that all the time now-a-days. Can't got two minutes without going all socialist on us.
What does any of that have to do with anything?

yes, this is pretty offensive


>Kid A, the ultimate pleb album was 2deep4him

>But the Review I Got Wrong? I once made the Boo Radleys' 'C'Mon Kids single of the week over Neutral Milk Hotel's Holland, 1945. I hang my head.
>implying Boo Radleys weren't fucking great as well

if a band aren't influenced by the Libertines they're shit to him

>1.5 out of 5, because I only liked three of the 10 tracks
Holy shit this is the cringe of the year for me.

>Modern rock had rarely been so exploratory

Fucking triggered I have to admit

I can't believe what I'm fucking reading, every single """review""" of his is shit

whatever happened to the guy that reviewed helplessness blues?

His mind set of rock music reminds me a lot of ARTV on YouTube.

Ironically enough his opinion holds just as much weight as any other "Reviewer" :^)

Jesus christ the adjective abuse.