Cant play A major

Recently new to guitar and I am learning well but always get a terrible sound whenever I try to play A major. Any tips?

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Keep practicing it until you can hold it better.
How are you playing it?
Index on D, Middle on G, Ring on B?

I do it index finger only. I can't fit three fingers between the A and the high E

practice, and i dont mean that in a git gud way, i mean if you really try then you can do it, then do it over and over until you can do it effortlessly.

Start with A minor and work your way up

I've always had middle finger on D, ring on G, pinky on B

Keep practicing. If it sounds like shit, it's because you're shit and you need to keep practicing until you're less shit.
Make sure your fingers aren't muting strings, you're pressing hard enough, etc. and with time, it'll start sounding good but it'll take time and effort.

As everybody's saying, learning muscle memory is mostly a process of trial and error. Don't think that much, just do.

Another question from another user.. Which is easier to making chords with? Electric or Acoustic?

Electric... Why are you asking this?

I always wanted to be in a band, is 25 too late to learn guitar properly? I know a lot of chords and a few scales but haven't practiced in ages due to college and work.

Depends on how the guitar is configured and what type of the two it is. GENERALLY SPEAKING electric guitars are setup with lighter strings that are closer to the fretboard and is therefore easier to push down and get a bright tone. If you have an acoustic it might also be a spanish guitar, which means it's further between the frets than a "normal" guitar.

Muscle memory. Keep practicing, you'll get it within a few days.

Its never too late. You won't be a technical god, but if you put enough work in you could be in a band, easy. Look at punk music.

Thanks m8 I have a few friends in bands and they are in their early 20's, I'm a bit paranoid that I'd get ridiculed for being in a band going into my 30's

Im using an acoustic but its hard for me to actually make the chords sound "good"

do your middle finger, then index, then ring, from top to bottom (in real space, not backwards tablature top to bottom)

instead of 1-2-3

that takes shit tons of practice and finger strength, youll get it eventually

it MAY also be that your strings suck or you have them stringed up inadequately but its more likely you just need to practice

the guitar is about 40 years old if that matters?

I put the index in the fourth and the third, then the middle in the second. It's allowed on classical guitar.

try index on g, middle on d and ring on b

may sound weird but it's way easier and makes switching to E and D a breeze

at least I'd do that until you can barre

Not OP, but i have a similiar question- when it comes to bar chords, my hand hurts like a mofo after not a lot of playing. is the only way past this practice?

Focus on the individual strings to see which one needs more attention.
Once you can do a solid A, with all the strings ringing out (not buzzy, like intentionally done by me here) than focus on transitions.
You can also play it using just one finger barring the first 4 strings and muting the high E.

>said no one ever

Eventually u can just lay ur index finger down on all three and lift the back up on high e

I had this problem on and off for so long, years probably. I started doing them thumb over the top for low e-rooted bar chords, and index-pinky for a rooted and it's been fine

>index-pinky for a rooted
major chords obviously, only ones I had trouble with

change the damn strings if you haven't for 40 years

I have a 40+ year old guitar too, funny enough I got the strings replaced just yesterday
My guitar sounds great now so you should probably do the same.

Just use three fingers of your choice it is literally one of the most basic guitar chords ever what the fuck is wrong with you please don't learn how to play instruments

Its better to learn this way

Gira started Swans at age 28
Never too late

Either your finger strength is lacking, (which will improve as you keep going, don't be put off) or like me your ears can pick up the inaccuracies in the intonation of the guitar. It's an imperfect instrument and playing those intervals over those strings can produce a slightly dissonant sound. You can go some way to remedying this by learning to play A major as a barre chord, but for now just keep up the practise, pal

Maybe not ideal for a beginner but I always just use my index finger across all three notes then lift it up for the high E. It's easier that way.

Is starting bands at 28 a new meme?

Thanks man, I going to at least try, could be a disaster, could be really fun.

Use index finger...there's the correct way and the easy.way.....electric defiantly the easy way

Make sure you're actually in tune. I spent my first month of playing with my b string tuned up to d.

Do this, this way is better

How's your F major?

when playing a major bar chord on the a string do you use your ring finger for the three strings ir just three individual fingers?

Avoid it and play something else. I'm not joking; find a different technique like barring that works better or only play the xxAExC#x notes so it at least sounds clean.

Come back to it later and it'll work out.

Remember: you'll be doing this for the next decade if you are one of the good ones

Didn't Mangum record ITAOTS at 28?

This thread is everything wrong with guitar newfags.
>hurr I can't play this chord no matter how many times I tried, btw this is my third day
>hurr my fingers hurt, I have thinner skin than other people
>hurr em ai too old to playz
Playing instrument isn't all fun and games, what a big fucking surprise.

This, then you will be better prepared for barre chords

do this