
Bestial Black Metal edition


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Is Caller of Storms the best black guy in metal?



Pussies BTFO

help a nigga out

So while we were all busy memeing about Batushka they are now festival headliner at euro festival apparently.

And look even EDMs dj wears their shirt during a set too!

She is kinda cute but I guess they are meme metal now that they are popular

Not the slightest I've been listening to heavy music so much that I can't even remember what a bass sounds like

>I've been listening to heavy music so much that I can't even remember what a bass sounds like
how so? you mean you've been listening to music without prominent bass?

Is Deicide any good?
a friend suggested them but this friend isn't overly credible

Yeah pretty much it's just a typo ridden post

>trusting a bunch of weebs over your friend

Man what a friend you must be...

what are your thoughts on pic related /meal/? do you like the bleep bloops?

He's currently high and he enjoys Dragonforce
I have valid resons

gotcha haha

>not enjoying dragonforce

Post thick big boy riffs right now, or else.


He sounds fun
You sound like a fag

>every time I hear the name Chris Christie I want to eat a deep fried glazed doughnut
metal for this feel?

great lyrics desu

New thall lads.


Diocletan is GOAT blackened death and not "trve black metal".

>blackened death
Not blackened death, black/death. And only on the newest album. And any black metal that isn't trendy shit like Watain or Ghost Bath can be called true black metal.

Is there a bigger autist in metal?

Ne Obliviscaris isn't even that well known

I'll do that when you can speak English properly

>dude does their artworks

Pretty based tbqh.

It's a meme, you dip

Holy shit. Massive poseur detected.

Why tho? His attire is little bit weird but nothing that would beat the real cringy shit.

back to lebbit

Is the any group that has combined Funeral Doom and Brutal DM before?

>literally has a deviantart page
>unironically calls himself 'xenoyr'
>dresses like an authentic edgy shadow the hedgehog-loving, fedora-tipping manchild
>writes the most pretentious, flowery but also completely insubstantial lyrics in all of metal

What would a band that combined the sound of Deafheaven and Breaking Benjamin sound like?


good and reasonable post, but is the lowest line something like a Sup Forums buzzword bingo attempt

>tfw you used to make fun of Cannibal Corpse when you were like 15 with your friends, since you weren't into death metal at all. Saw all the gore and lyrics and just assumed it was really dumb.
>Made me subconsciously dislike them ever since

Hearing them now, 6 years later, after hearing so many differnt types of extreme music, it's hard to believe it's the same band. This is some of the catchiest death metal I've ever heard. It's hard to believe how many great melodies are crammed into these songs. Even if they aren't the most revolutionary band, I can easily see how they became so popular.

Have you made any serious metal-related mistakes /metal/?

NAILS, when I thought they were just some hipster band.

I used to make fun of Bjorn "Speed" Strid, now I regret

Incantation and bolt thrower , I thought they always release the same album over and over, but doing so is no problem at all.

Deafheaven already sound like Breaking Benjamin

Missing out on my one and only chance to see Eyehategod live.

put off listening to Black Sabbath's s/t until age 23

i was the exact same with cannibal corpse, now i have a lot of respect for the band actually

>hurr durr i don't like sarcofago
literally worst post in the thread

Same desu

>tfw had to choose between seeing dillinger escape plan with some random bands - and Gojira, Baroness and Mastodon playing on the same night in 2010

>Saw dillinger
my biggest live show regret, no doubt

Damn, that is a big mistake. Did you just see the Osbournes and couldn't stand anything related to the family?

In all fairness, in that situation I'd probably have gone to see Dillinger as well.

Which is worse?
Caverncore or wigger slam?

I didn't learn about Blut Aus Nord until recently, been listening to black metal for like 10 years. I mean I knew they were a thing and def have given them some brief listen at some point, but man do I regret not giving them a proper go earlier.

i used to think slam was good

They did put on a fantastic show, no doubt about that. The guitarist stood on the audience while playing; Greg hung from the ceiling while going nuts on the mic; instruments were thrown across the stage. I had simply listened to a lot more of the other bands, and would probably have had a better time overall.

Both are amazing, STFU nerd.

Same here
I dont miss my nu-metal phase

Why is Nergal so cute bros?

plastic surgery, of course

Its fun death metal with trash flavour.

Whats the best hair metal album?

this is literally the best cover of all time


Too Fast for Love

Your friend probably recommended Deicide because they're entry level normalfag shit
They annually compete with Decapitated for the title 'babby's first death metal'.

honestly, I feel like I wasted years trying to convince myself that I liked a lot of extreme metal bands that nowadays I find pretty boring. There are a few albums I still genuinely enjoy, but most of the metal I listen to nowadays is from 1986 or earlier

peer pressure in the underground is a dangerous thing

>hover over the link
>see Nordland album cover

i know whats coming, and i know its gonna be fuckin amazing

/metal/'s opinion on this?

I agree. That guitar tone with that riff? Jesus christ, that's a holy duo right there


ok album nice quads

This is the superior Too Fast For Love

Slip of the Tongue
it's got Steve Vai

Woods of Desolation should be way more popular than they are

why don't you ever post metal qts

>black metal bass playing
So easy you can do with one hand.

that's not a metal qt that's a poser slut

this is a metal qt

I like women with no hair under their armpits tbqh (to be quite honest)

Well, you posted a huge poser slut too senpai

hunther is pure and true to himself

I doubt they're posers, they've haven't made any claims to being trve to my knowledge and I believe the corpse paint in question was only applied ironically

>hunther (30)

Do you guys ever listen to remasters? If so, do you ever listen to a remaster when listening to a band for the first time?

Are there any remasters that are infinitely better than their original counterparts?

pls post more


thoughts ?

Apparently the Panopticon remaster sounds better than the original

I don't think you guys know what a remaster is. It's essentially a process where the entire song is slightly tweaked as a single file. Usually slight compression/EQ/whatever. It's incredibly subtle and 99% sounds just the same.

Remix, on the other hand, is a whole different thing.

Sounds like touhou

In that case it might just as often be the record companies releasing remixes as 'remasters', I'm not going to go look now but I've a few non-meal albums released as remasters that are different from their original release and definitely not 99% the same, more like 80-90%, which is noticeable

Nah, remixes are always advertised as such because they are more expensive and time consuming. That's when individual instruments are tweaked and edited.

First/most famous/recent that comes to mind is Lamb of God's As The Palaces Burn. Also when a record is re-mixed it's always obviously remastered too becaue remaster is the very final touch.


tfw no bluehaired gf

same here. Had my edgy phase from school and high school and only listened to black metal because thats what my friends did. also was depresses

nowadays i listen to alot of synthwave and edm. i still love metal and own a couple black metal albums but thats about it.

Black metal scene is also depressing as fuck to hang around

>Never be safe from the reaper
>It hits like a bolt from the blue

>had friends who listened to bm in highschool



Isn't that just Buster, not the full band?

>listening to edm
Listen to EBM you fucking pussy.

Thoughts on Profanatica?
Musically I think they're great but the whole anti-Christian subject matter is pretty old hat at this point.

Post what you're listening to right now


wilsons "In the court of the crimson king" remaster does a lot more than that, its not at all subtle

Gimme some fucking Mordor Metal recs