5x5 Thread

rec rate guess and do as you like, bonus points guess time spent outside this week

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4-5 hours a day

got into bowie this week (among some Sup Forumscore)

i want to suck his decomposing cock, fuck is station to station good

don't think i've listened to anything in your chart, recall billy idol being alright


you haven't really been out much lately, you just wanted to sit inside and relax

3-4 hours a day

what's your favourite bowie album
I've not heard that much of him but mine's blackstar
you've spent maybe an hour or 2 each day outside

I listened to almost everyting you have

+ king crimson, since i left you, itaots, STS, low, blackstar, scary monsters, heroes, glow ziggey
so-so - brian eno, kanye

good albums

5 hours a day away

+ burzum/aske, dol guldur, minas morgul, death crush

you spen 3 hours dailly outside

first your prediction's accurate (except when i go out with friends)

it's gotta be station to station if not just for the first song cause fuck is that good


one of my new favorite albums period

Sorry mate, way off, I haven't left my house in 3 months.



You like oyu room but hate your parents

You finished hi school, chasing girls, chasing cars

+ DIJ, Isis, Low
+ Peste Noire, Summoning, Burzum, Autarcie
You live an active life and enjoy the outdoors
Listen to Windir

Wow I really let myself go musically unchecked yesterday. I'll do better today



tricoli / jim o rourke & co. / drones are all great 2016 stuff


i love that yoran thing

i don't go outside

recs? i know the obvious ones

enjoying the new avalanches big-time :p

Nice taste! There are many albums in your list I'm looking foward to listen to.

+ Eno, Boris, Satie, Chopin

you'll occasionally go outside because you feel like it's something you ought to do. sometimes you like it.

I don't know what any of this is

you've been outside twice in your life, but decided it wasn't for you

+ King Crimson, Eno, NMH, Beatles, Bowie

you'll possibly even get a tan this summer

~ Burzum, Urfaust

you find walls silly and unnecessarily restricting

+ Blondie, The Zombies, Kate Bush
~ Stevie Nicks, Kim Wilde

your listening sessions get very steamy, so you need to get out to catch a breath of fresh air every once in a while. other than that, I'm guessing mostly for grocery shopping

+ The Jesus and Mary Chain, Boris with Merzbow, King Gizzard, Bowie

you stay close to the tent when out camping, just in case nature gets overwhelming

~ City of Caterpillar, Owen

you're currently outside


this brings back memories

+The Zombies, The Bangles, Kate Bush

Don't know any of these albums.

+Suicide, Alan Vega, Scott Walker, Autechre

+Vashti Bunyan, Kate Bush, Coil, PCO, MV, Boris, DB


+low, butthole surfers, isis, boris, di6
+hnas, macronympha
+king crimson, microphones
+peste noire, judas iscariot, mayhem
+sweet trip
+boris & merzbow, bardo pond, anco, hash jar tempo, king crimson, deakin, haino / o'rourke / ambarchi
+ground-zero, anco, beefheart, mount eerie, immortal, siewert / brandlmayr, don cherry, boredoms
+boris & merzbow
+c93, swans, boris
+oval, shabazz palaces, scott walker, autechre
+xiu xiu
+acid bath, fugazi, death
+swans, glenn branca
+coil, set fire to flames, boris
+fennesz & sakamoto, dissection, muslimgauze, om, butthole surfers


Haven't listened to anything for the last 3 days
