Can non-furries truly appreciate the emotionally sophisticated and musically charming works of Will Toledo a.k...

Can non-furries truly appreciate the emotionally sophisticated and musically charming works of Will Toledo a.k.a Car Seat Headrest.

The Car Seat Headrest albums are about furries?

why is the ending of dramamine such a good song

Why is Teens of Denial such a good album.

nu-male malkmus

will could probably kill you with his bare hands

he looks like a lesbian

it really is. seeing him for the second time in september hope he plays cosmic heroes this time

>will could
so is it will or could?

He's not that populat

Any love for I Want You Know That I'm Awake? Fav song on HTLT

twin fantasy is good
teens of style is ok
I didn't listen to teens of denial

will toledo as person looks like an insufferable pretentious hipster faggot
furries should end themselves asap

Same senpai, especially the very ending

more like Bear hands hhehe

The Ending of Dramamine is best CSH song, but HTLT is second to Disjecta Membra

I like some of his stuff, yes I'm a furry but that doesn't make me like his music more at all (I only found out after I loved Teens of Denial anyway) I've met him before and I honestly don't understand the "pretentious hipster faggot" hate he gets, he seems like a genuine decent guy.

Apart from the Twin Fantasy artwork, is there any furry symbolism in his music? Cos I can't recall any

he looks like a sjw and he's gay, so of course the alt-right kiddies will get triggered by him.

>your parents and my parents, well lets not get into that

false, csh fans on Sup Forums just overrate disjecta membra because its more obscure and rare.
like its really good like most of his stuff but theres a reason twin fantasy has more of an emotional impact

He's not a hipster fag, he's just that socially odd

Wait till you shitheads know about me, I'm gay and I'm at VCU too and I'm gonna make homemade album of the year!

this, he doesn't strike me as a hipster at all.

just a gay person that probably enjoys reading and has a decent vocabulary