Name a better album from the 90's

Name a better album from the 90's
I'll wait

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every other aphex twin record from the 90s


Love this meme

RDJ album is better than both though.

RDJ album is literally the highlight of his career and more people should realise this


RDJ album is good but I wish it was longer

90's was an good time formusic

OK computer
I care because you do
Music has the right to children

Also moon pix

>OK computer

Stopped reading there





The best in my opinion but that's probably just my nostalgia speaking.


The Mollusk

>Soundtracks For The Blind
>OK Computer
>Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
>In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

To name a few




classic Sup Forums hipsters. everybody knows SAW is his best and u faggots gotta say UGH NO ITS NOT


SAW is not as engaging as any other of his works from the 90s

SAW is literally music he made as a kid. i personally love it, but you're missing out if you think you can quantify the entirety of someone's talent in an hour of music they made as a teenager

You fucking embryo. You think his best work was done on an album that included work he did when he was a fledgling 15 year old? Nobody said this was a shitty album, but was it on the same level as SAW II or RDJ? Nope. Not at all.

it's his best 90's work you fucking lemons. god this board tries so freaking hard to be different LMAO
you the same fucks who probably sucked p4ks cock when they gave his best album drukqs a 3.0
suck your nanny's tits for me

It does not hold up against RDJ at all

okay mr.hipster

Autechre - EP7

Why make it so fucking easy?

unironically this. You have to be of double-digit IQ if you don't love this album.

full man by sweed

>we are the black legions

Spin Doctors - Pocket Full of Kryptonite

"Their first album is their best" for the most part is a untrue. Aphex definitely developed and branched out stylistically after SAW and gave us better music.

damn i feel you!

SAW II is incredible but it's fatal flaw is that it's objectively slower and less stylistically-varied than the first SAW. They are both 10s but SAW I is an attention grabber and a hell of a lot more fun to listen to.

Any autechre album from te 90's.That said I still love SAW

RDJ album and Melodies from Mars