How do you feel about MCR coming back, Sup Forums?

how do you feel about MCR coming back, Sup Forums?

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we don't care at all

FUCK you beat me to it.

Anyway it's probably just another black parade tour.

Don't care too much. But hell, the fangirls went loose on social media

I don't care despite enjoying them way back in the mid 2000s.

i hope i can get to see Em. i love them.

Pretty fuckin jazzed. I hated on them back in high school and shit but now my 25 y/o self has found a pretty deep respect for them.

you're me except I'm 24

What would p4k rate a black parade reissue? I'd bet on about 8.9.

im moist with excitement hopefully it's another black parade tour

If it's Ian Cohen reviewing it for them, then yeah probably something ridiculously high. He seems dead set on making the p4k take emo and pop punk seriously.

My boypuss is quivering with anticipation.

i like you

yfw we'll be able to see this in person.


I didn't even know they broke up.

2011 or 2012 I think.


MCR is back??? What

And I should care why??


I'm hype

Hold up, the keyboardist missed a fucking note at the beginning there

How the fuck do you manage that, holy shit

Ian Cohen would give it a 10, fucking calling it

I legitimately just saw a gir today with this cover tattooed on her left arm

at least she has good taste
This one is better.

she qt?

they were so fucking good live

it's a reissue

sorry guise

there goes my hype. i still haven't even heard TBP. I'm a 3Cheers boy. Oh well. Back to my life of nothingness.

Probably like a solid 7/10 would've been 8/10 without the tattoo and blue died hair


Fucking love them. Super psyched for this.

But, a "source" close to Entertainment Weekly has said this is just a special reissue.

but if it's just for a reissue, why would they delete the breakup post from their twitter bio, the tweet itself, and from facebook.

anyways i'm excited.

Ian Cohen: 10
anyone else who still gives in to the bad image around MCR: 7.9-8.4

But why would they delete their breakup post and take "2001-2013" if it's only a reissue? I'm thinking a tour. I'm hoping a reunion/album.


None of the members have given any comment despite being bombarded with questions on social media. They have shot down alm rumors of reunions before, but not this time.

If it's not a reunion it'll be a reissue. Warner Brothers have milked MCR a lot.

If they do a world tour and come to Australia I'll definitely be going.

My fave is Three Cheers too. I got you pham.

I mean this is more plausable than a reuinion, but I don't think anyone who actually knows would leak it

What's the point in a reissue anyway?

Similar feeling here. Not jizzed but interested enough, Im 24

I know Sup Forums hates Fall Out Boy, but they did this shit right when they were getting back together. Just saying.

Last album was their worst. Probably gonna suck.

I actually think this band is underrated in the big scheme of things. Their controversial image and their toxic fan base kept a lot of people away.

Three Cheers and The Black Parade are both perfect albums to me. Both quite different to one another too.

They are one of the FEW bands that I listened to as a teenager that I still listen to as an adult.

>their worst
I hate when people describe music like this. It may not be their best release, but it's not a bad album.

Damn, why this even happened?
I mean, how? Brian liked this guys?


oh, and that rare occasion where it's actually hard to get a physical copy of the music (for people that have a materialism fetish).

>tfw listening to my vinyl copy of Three Cheers as we speak

fucking great. going to put on TPB after this. before TC I put on Bullets. they've got a great discography.

Found this on reddit. Thoughts?

I might listen to three cheers now. Thanks mate. I fucking LOVE this band. I'm a bit of a fanboy I'll admit it.


In my opinion it is bad but I haven't listened to it since 2013 so I will humor you.

lol @ your life

Is this a My Chemical Romance coming out thread?

Listen to it again. I think it has plenty of great tracks. If not all of it.

My Chemical Romance are almost Sup Forumscore. I see Three Cheers and The Black Parade get posted almost weekly at this point.

They should be considered modern classics. Far higher quality than Blink-182 or Linkin Park.

They were far more talented and better songwriters than both of them. Blink is still pretty good though.


I saw the video when they first posted, and I got choked up really bad. My cousin passed my muscular dystrophy and this was his fav band. He even got to meet them through Make-a-wish. Sucked to watch someone slowly die.

Nah Blink are trash imo. His voice is so fucking whiny I just can't get into it. I'll admit I have kind of a soft spot for Enema of the state, but other than that I think they're very average. I think most people have major nostalgia goggles on for them.
Which part?

you must be me

I mean, yeah for me it's the nostalgia for the most part. Still like the songs though. I'm seeing them in September so that'll be fun.

Bullets is also a fantastic post-hardcore album and Danger Days is a really fun listen. MCR never got their credit because of their connection to the "emo" movement of the early 2000s.

That's sad to hear. Sorry friend. If they do announce a tour you should go. They're great life. I saw them within the 6-12 months that they broke up.

I don't think you are me. I'm me, and you're you.

If you look at MCR they are so far from emo it hurts. It was mostly their image and media pushing a stupid propaganda which hurt them a lot.
Enjoy it. I won't stop you from that.

Also, is anyone in this thread a fan of The Used?

damn user. if they tour, you should take something that was once your cousin's/something you connect your cousin to and go see them.

I left my trip off, but yeah, It's pretty hard to get through "welcome to the black parade"..He told me once, he wanted death to come to him like that. So he could march with them because he never got to walk.

Looking at it now, I think the whole image thing they were doing is cool as fuck.

That's why I said it hurt them because of their connection to emo, not them actually BEING emo.

On the topic of The Used, I never got into them, but I want to try them out again. What album do I start with? Also, I know someone who saw MCR on their tour with The Used back before Revenge was released.

I came here for nostalgia not to feel

Yeah my sister is the person who got me into them. She has like all of their live DVD's like "Life On The Murder Scene" and "The Black Parade Is Dead". They put on a hell of a show for their fans.

Start with their debut. It's self titled "The Used". I loved their last two releases too. Vulnerable and Imaginary Enemy. I'd just get their whole discography if I was you. I saw them live a couple of years ago. It was fantastic. They put on a killer show. They're coming to Australia again so I might see them again.

i think its pretty intense that they ran out of money and gave up on other ventures after only like three years. im sure my friends are excited as shit lol

Gerard released a pretty solid solo album. Also, I think they're probably all doing pretty well for themselves.

(you) are autistic

Frank has a band of his own too, doesn't he?

Frank has been in about 10 bands lmao.

frnkiero andthe cellabration and stomacaches or something currently

At the peak of emo being somewhat mainstream mu fucking hateeeeeeeed My chemical romace, it represented everything shit in the proto tumblr fan girl faggy way.
But now the new normal is really shitty pop rap nigger music so in retrospect MCR doesnt seem that bad musically, although their fans were atrocious.

Ive said before, MCR is like a fusion of cheap trick and the misfits.

I dont know how MCR would sound in 2016, would they experiment, would they come back like fall out boy and just make generic radio rock music.

People say rock is dead, but MCR was actually a pretty popular rock band in modern times.

Why is Gerard so cute bros

Pencey Prep's been dead for a good time. |Don't know much else he's been in.

Stomachaches was the album, yup!

I saw this band on their second warped tour. Gerard came out in full police gear and killed it.

>those flip phones

Everyone who hated MCR seemed to hate them because of their fans (fair point) or because they thought they took themselves too seriously. But if you look at any behind the scenes stuff, they are all huge fucking dorks. Most of their stuff is conceptual and a ton of their fans took it at face value.

We're getting old.

Leathermouth, a pretty great hardcore band
Death Spells, supposedly "electronic hardcore"

That sounds pretty badass.

Because inherited dad genes

Hahahaha, shit. Forgot about Leathermouth. I only really remember listening to their songs Catch Me if You Can, Sunsets Are For Muggings and I Am Going To Kill The President Of The United States Of America. Jesus, that last one. Look for Death Spells as well, I suppose.

Thanks, buddy, for reminding me and finding something new.


Do you mean when they were doing their whole "mobsters" personas and they were wearing bullet proof vest and shit?



leathermouth put out a fucking stellar record, i wish it coulda lasted longer, though

it's not real. They just look similar.

Thats it..I wasnt really into them and didn't like them until a couple of years later.


i have difficulty sensing sarcasm on the internet sometimes.