/chart/ thread

/chart/ thread

no waifu edition

be cool and rec ppl


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Pick something of my chart, we seem to have similar tastes.

Are you the Stevie Nicks user? The one with the pink backround? Also check out Camel-Mirage

If you haven't heard it already, Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Pinata

dicks out for harumbe

checks out
Bitches Brew

jim yoshii pileup-it's winter here
even in silence-jessica bailiff
monoshock-walk to the fire
avey tare- down there


first time doing this


But Bitches Brew is on my chart...

5/5 pretty good have you checked out Pere Ubu yet? If not get on that.

i see you have swirlies on your chart you have the best taste of all time

>flying saucer attack
My noisy nigga.

I updated it just bc i was feeling too shit today ;c

kevin ayers - joy of a toy

kelela cut 4 me

cat power - moon pix

pretend Yes is on my chart

listen to the Zombies
5/9 mac demarco sucks

hey bud
cigarettes after sex is damn good

check out bardo pond if you haven't

thelonious monk

buried at sea - migration
sempiternal deathreign - the spooky gloom

listen to southern hiphop
rodan - rusty

rodan - rusty for you too
bongripper - satan worshipping doom

other pink background user is cooler
listen to kyuss

black eyes - black eyes
alameda 3

>other pink background user is cooler
sorry :'(
also, kyuss eats dick

Love Pere Ubu
thanks for the rec anyway

bretty gud


i also eat dick so i guess it makes sense


Vladimir Godar - Mater
Stan Getz - Focus
Thomas Tallis - Spem in Alium
Charlie Mariano & The Karnataka College Of Percussion - Jyothi
Toshio Hosokawa - Saxophone Concerto
Art Zoyd - Génération sans futur
George Stavis - Labyrinths
Glenn Jones - This Is the Wind That Blows It Out

oh hi


haha kill yrself mmang

ok satan

you're no going to last on Sup Forums lmafo

One per artist

Chavez - Gone Glimmering
Black Star - Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star
Moss - Sub Templum

GOGGS - s/t

The United States of America - s/t
strawberry Alarm Clock - Wake Up It's Tomorrow

Melody's Echo Chamber - s/t
Tame Impala

GOGGS - s/t
Strawberry Alarm Clock - Wake Up It's Tomorrow

suggestions more than welcome
the only album missing is ben wendel's album wendel

listen to more music gaylord

Listen to good jazz please.

John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
Eric Dolphy - Out To Lunch!
Charles Mingus - Ah Um
Wayne Shorter - Speak No Evil
Pete La Roca - Basra

best of 2010s

I own some coltrane, shorter, and mingus

I'll check out the others though, thanks!

Figured you were a jazz novice so I thought I'd give you an introduction.
In that case, I'll throw in
Oliver Nelson - The Blues and the Abstract Truth
Pharaoh Sanders - Karma
Art Blakey - Free For All
Ornette Coleman - Free Jazz
Andrew Hill - Black Fire

Nice taste in slowcore, I don't see Escape the Day here very often.

Watcha self



cool thanks man, I recognize some of those too! Looking forward to enjoying them; I can tell you have good taste


Bitches brew god dammit!

Where is that one boy with similar taste to me? he posts his chart like every 3 threads.

Raymond Scott - Manhattan Research Inc.
A.G. Cook - Radio Tank Mix
Hercelot - Wakeup Fakepop
Broadcast - The Noise Made By People
Pepe Deluxe - Queen of the Wave

The Dodos - Visiter
Luck of Aleia - Six Songs

Scott Walker - The Drift
Jlin - Dark Energy
Japanese Mutantion Bootyism - Japanese Juke & Footworks Compilation

Public Image Ltd - Metal Box
Blind Faith - s/t
Felt - s/t
Seven Impale - City of the Sun
Tim Buckley Starsailor
Gun Club - Fire of Love

Brainticket - Psychonaut
Sandy Bull - Fantasias for Guitar and Banjo
Red Crayola - Parable of Arable Land
Janis Joplin - Pearl
Acid Mothers Temple - La Novia
Doji Morita - Mother Sky

John Lennon - Plastic Ono Band
John Fahey - America

Yeah man you. Already love AG, Broadcast and Raymond Scott. Not too hot on Pepe but will check out Hercelot, thanks! Great taste btw (Also what is that one album on your chart with sad gnome man?)

my shoulders are peeling from all of the Sunn in this thread

Love BF, Seven Impale, Buckley, and Gun Club.
Have yet to listen to Metal Box and have never heard of Felt. Thanks for the recs

Coin Locker Kid - Traumnovelle

not really ranked or anything.. just a random 100

Olivia Tremor Control - Music from the Unrealized Film Script: Dusk at Cubist Castle
Danger Mouse - The Gray Album
I don't know why, but I think you'd like Dave Van Ronk's s/t as well.

Youngblood Supercult - High Plains
Boris - Akuma no Uta
Tim Hecker - Ravedeath 1972

Fuck dude, I don't even know.
James Brown - Live at the Apollo
The Ray Brown All Stars - Don't Forget the Blues

Lemolo - The Kaleidoscope
This Town Needs Guns - Animals

too drunk to give lots of recs :P

don caballero
elvis depressedly
Giraffes? GIRAFFES!

>This Town Needs Guns - Animals
Already got that on my chart f a m, I haven't heard the other one though, thanks.

feel better. great chart.
Piano Magic - Low Birth Weight
Fridge - Semaphore
To Rococo Rot - The Amateur View

Guess my personality :´v

Is this Felt the psych band or the jangle pop band?

Glad I could help. I figured you would've been familiar with most of them but wanted to through them out just in case. Also just remembered some other stuff you might like:
Fuse - s/t
Gun - s/t

Thanks friend

Ah shit you totally do. Give Chad van Gaalen's Soft Airplane a try, it's a neat little album.

you're the definition of mu-core

I´m new in Sup Forums

Don't worry than. You'll fit right in.

psych/ blues rock. The album is from 1971

rip my niqq harambe

Why is it so hard for me to rec music to others? Have I not listened to enough music? Or am I just too self-conscious of my opinions/tastes?

Nothing in the archive for Gun, Felt, or Fuse. Got any links? I'm really curious about this. Love my early seventies hard psych,

Dude this Piano Magic album is wonderful. Thanks.

I assume you've listened to Double Nickels on the Dime but I throw it in anyways.

Naked City, which features the lovely John Zorn, is basically an avant-jazz punk band. Listen to their s/t or Torture Garden if you haven't


The Modern Lovers

Iggy Pop - Lust for Life
Lou Reed - Transformer
John Cale - Fear
Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street
Neu! - s/t
Television - Marquee Moon

Terekke - YYYYYYYYYY (L.I.E.S.)

Sorry I don't have any, I never got around to downloading them yet myself. They're not brought up that often here so it's not that surprising they're not on the archive, you can always just try googling the album + download or + rar. They're all on youtube though if you want to check them out first before downloading them.

Also I think I originally found them from this chart so this should prove useful for you.

Woah I'm pleb

Check out Cap'n Jazz if you haven't. They have their whole discography in a compilation. I'll rec more people in a few minutes.

>Cloud Cult - The Seeker
>The Four Seasons - Genuine Imitation Life Gazette
>Anything by Sufjan Steven
Also stop listening to Eminem asap

The United States of America - s/t
Brainticket - Cottonwood Hill
Fugazi - Repeater
Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime
Jesus Lizard - Goat
Polvo - Exploded Drawing
The Breeders - Last Splash

not a single good one. wow thats kinda weird
these are half good

What do you like so much about ICBYD? Doesn't hold a candle to his earlier and especially later releases IMO

bit of a guilty pleasure there - only hip hop on my playlist besides mbdtf


never done one of these before, and i have fairly bland taste by Sup Forums's taste

call me a faggot already

Perhaps, but you still have better taste in Radiohead than almost anyone else on Sup Forums.


thanks user. I honestly don't see what every likes so much about Kid A and In Rainbows. They're good albums, just not as good as old fashioned guitars

I mean I love those albums too, but Radiohead, particularly that band, is at their best with a healthy balance of jingle-jangle and bleep-bloop.

Id be lying if i said i knew what most those albums are. But since u have Tyler imma recc earl sweatshirt. Chances are youve already listened, but yeh.

first one

there are a lot of artist repeats

Is there a way to upload album art to 2? I have all these gaps in my charts.


Woah, so many drones, not that I am any better

Warren Zevon - Excitable Boy

Paul Roland - Danse Macabre

Chain And The Gang - Musics Not For Everyone

