/ae/ general

elseq listenalong at XX:00

if you're down



I want to

4 hours though

I need to go sleep :(


glad we even got some people on board

let's go lads

the kick really sounds like a heartbeat

I have to sleep lads but know that I will be crying in spirit when foldfree casual comes on

around halfway into feed1

>you'll never hear feed1 for the first time again

remember that bbc radio thread lads

this is such a banger

yeah, it just kept going on and on - i don't think any of us expected it to be 11 minutes. i also remember that loads of ppl were disappointed and i thought they were nuts

this is definitely an Untilted-style track to me
maybe at half the speed of a usual Untilted track

gone are the fragile chords of Pro Radii to inspire a sense of faint synthetic emotion
C16 is pure machine, but the way it progresses and shuffles it's beat in such a lethargic manner, it's almost as if it's shutting down for the last time

agreed, definitely Untilted vibes
the amount of detail is impressive


I love the high pitched acid stabs on this

this part is grimey as fuck

been a while since i listened and i never remembered these stabs fck me they're so good

I wanna have sex to this

Oh man that was a good day. The track just kept going. Then there was that couple days of hearing nothing then bam...elseq outta fucking nowhere

Don't forget Warp screwing up the premiere of c16 deep tread by tweeting the wrong time zone

this track has oversteps written all over it

that whole week was just nuts

I remember being on my phone at work a couple days later browsing the latest /ae/ general and then suddenly
and all hell broke loose

What track we on guys?

Yeah but thankfully it got recorded.

curvcaten in 30 seconds

underrated tune 2bh

that repeating motif is gold
almost as if it were actually keyed in by them haha

Same, one of my favorites off elseq 1. Really bright sounding.

it's good but some motifs really drag along too much

Anyone seeing them in Manchester this Nov? Saw Lee Gamble got added to the lineup which is fucking ace - he's a badman.

I love the echoing feel of those little blips

>Lee Gamble
>Same show
Fucking jealous. But at least I got to see ae on there last North American run

elyc6 0nset starting about now


>Lee Gamble
you lucky cunt

seeing them in Brighton in Nov with Russell Haswell supporting which is not too bad, basically gonna be 5 hours of max/msp madness... in the dark

God damn I love that scattered high pitched pattern in elcy6 0nset

and that almost-rattling trap hihat

hnnnng yessssss

comfiest part
ear tickling time

I want them to do a split or something with Lee. He has the same proclivity to exploring spatial dynamics and deconstructing club music. Maybe he could remix them or smth? Would be :ok_hand:

That would be sweet. KOCH was one of my favorites if not my AOTY from 2014

ae will probably remix something for him in future
he's probably got a new LP coming soonish

>doing this listen along at work
Can't wait for the strange looks on customer's faces

Yeah, 2014 was amazing for Pan in general. Part of me thinks that if AE weren't tied to Warp they be releasing on that label. Their post-2000 output is closer to that than the other stuff labelled as "IDM"

That'd be ace. I know he's a bit of a fanboy for them so he'd probably die lol


holy shit this album is so fucking long

Yeah PAN consistently puts out gold. Have you checked out Valerio Tricoli's latest on the label?

been meaning to get on that, PAN's been oddly quiet this year, guess they're more interested in their Codes sub-label for now

did you listen to that ADR release? fucking insane
people have been chatting that PAN has gone downhill proper since 2014, but it's not as if they've been putting loads more wack releases out since 09
last year's Helm and Lifted LPs were tight as was that Mark Fell & Protogravity EP
M.E.S.H.'s post-Scythians output has been bitterly disappointing though

Yeah, it's up there with elseq for me.

this breakdown though


>M.E.S.H. has gone downhill
agreed. I remember seeing a bunch of people giving Piteous Gate praise (on Sup Forums and a lot of online publications) but I thought it was pretty lackluster. I'll have to check out that ADR release though.

He also released another one called Vixit this year which I personally think is better than Clonic Earth

that brief repeating shuffling percussion

this is way better than anything from the Quaristice-era 2bh

TBM2 is straight out of Ghettoville, but better
this coming from an Actress fanboy too

chimer 1-5-1 is really not as bad as ppl make it out to be

Hot damn that cascading pattern


There's something so haunting about eastre

elyc6 0nset is the best track desu