If you could remake this album in anyway what would you change?

If you could remake this album in anyway what would you change?

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Add reverb

needs more cowbell


the only thing that really bothers me is the arrangement on lying in the grass. the piano and sax stick out badly and they play so little it's very unsatisfying

release it before MPP so people don't get assblasted an underrate it

>More reverb
>Add in those long extended passages that they're good at
>Remove some of the songs to make space for those passages without the album being to long
>Get Deak on it

More hocketing

Scrap all songs but Floridada, release it as a single and then keep working on a decent album for 2017

Superimpose sleep cycle over it.
It would fill in the gaps imo.

To be honest, this.

Get rid of Vertical and Spilling Guts
Widen out the mixing a little bit
Add Deak and let him lead some songs in replacement of the two to cut

I really do love the album tho

Avey needs to scream again. Other than that, Painting With was actually great. Fuck the backlash.

do something more interesting with Bagels In Kiev and include an insane extended version of The Burglars as a bonus track
that's it, there's nothing else that needs to be fixed

>get rid of vertical
nigger what

>still getting rid of Spilling Guts
nigger what

Vertical overstays its welcome and was sort of a vibe killer live. Spilling guts was just pandas lame version of Summing the Wretch.

make it an EP

hocus pocus
the burglars
bagels in keiv
golden gal

i wouldn't change it

>get rid of vertical

you just reminded me i never heard anything but FloriDaDa from this album

what am i getting into right now? best/worst tracks?

>take the album
>ditch all of it
>get deak back in the band
>get rid of geologist
>get rid of panda and avey as well
>get deakin to do the whole album
>release it as "sleep cycle"

>best tracks

anything by avey

>worst tacks

anything by panda

I don't know what the fuck panda was doing, if his shit was good the album would have easily been at least an 8.5/10

>panda songs bad
Lying in the Grass,
Summing the Wretch, and Recycling are all high-tier AC songs. Avey's songs are fantastic but you can't discredit Panda's entire half

he used all his half decent songs for PBVSGR

Just try not to think about the panning, it's actually pretty good.

My favorite tracks
>Hocus Pocus
>Lying in the Grass
>Natural Selection
>Golden Gal

LitG is alright

Summing and recycling are trash

the only decent panda song is hocus pocus

Imagine if whacking paint with brushes made sounds

>I don't know what the fuck panda was doing

PBVSGR is way better than Painting With

yeah I did enjoy grim reaper more

Thanks for the hearty laugh, friend

>Get rid of Vertical

This, or release it as an EP

The Panda songs are the deep cuts of the album, I originally fell for the meme that Summing The Wretch and Spilling Guts were bad but over time they've grown on me to the point where Ibprefer them to the singles.

solidly pretty good throughout with a decent number of great tracks, a few god-tier tracks, and a couple mediocre ones
The Burglars is the album's Brother Sport and On Delay is the album's Daily Routine, they're great
trash opinion
but that does user
if anything, it sounds more like Rugrats

PBVSGR has three good songs

And what songs would those be?

Do nothing.

Just not make it, they obviously weren't anywhere near ready to make a new album, they just felt like they should since it had been four years.

Boys Latin, Principe Real, Come to Your Senses, Selfish Gene

still better than Painting With

Vertical is the best song on the album.

yeah just defeat the fucking purpose of the album

fucking this

>Avey needs to scream again
This so fuckinging much

And Tropic of Cancer

Mr. Noah is the best song and Principe Real is pretty bad

1. Floridada
2. Hocus Pocus
3. Vertical
4. Gnip Gnop
5. The Burglar
6. Bagels In Kiev
7. On Delay
8. Spilling Guts
9. Golden Gal
10. Recycling

Then it's easily a 5/10 no sweat.

Why did you cut two of Panda's best songs on the album and add an actual childrens song

>principe real
>mr. noah


I liked

>On Delay
>Golden Gals
>Bagels in Kiev

oh my fucking god this is almost the worst thing you could possibly do

>it's the single so it's bad
Mr. Noah is easily the catchiest and most memorable song on the album

>most memorable
Boys Latin, its even the one that got the pretty MV
Come To Your Senses easily

Mr. Noah is boring
Like your soul

Gnip Gnop sounds more natural than anything else from the Painting With era. There's no rigidity in that track. It has an effortless and free feel to it, and that alone makes it better than anything on Painting With. Also I think the only reason you said that Summing the Wretch and Natural Selection are two of Panda's best songs is just that those are the ones I cut.

>come to your senses
>mr noah
Flip this. Come To Your Senses is an incredibly lazy song for it's length. If it's catchy, it's only because it forcibly drills itself into your head.

That's a pretty weird way of thinking my dude, and I was referring to Lying in the Grass and Summing the Wretch. Natural Selection really isn't good.

are you mad?
yeah I'm mad
like a cheeto

>he doesn't like Gnip Gnop

if anything Come To Your Senses is great for managing to be entertaining for 7 minutes

yeah u mad

I always think it's just the most bizarre thing when people defend Lying In the Grass. It's not just the worst song Animal Collective have ever put out but maybe one of the worst songs I've heard in general. It's just a repulsive track.

Do you just not like the synth tones or something?

Lying in the Grass is not that bad, but it is the worst Painting With song. Definitely not the worst AnCo song though



Boioioioioioioi Boioioioioioioi
Uuuuuh ooooooooh eeeeeeeh eeeehhhhhh
Boioioioioioioi Boioioioioioioi
Uuuuuuh ooooooooooh eeeeeeeeh eeeeehhhhh

Name something worse?

roger was so fucking ugly back then

silence from centipede hz

non meme answer, #1 and Lion in a Coma

the entirety of DM and Hollin

#1 is a highlight on SJ tho



>#1 is a highlight on SJ tho
its the worst song sandwiched between the four best songs in the album

The first two songs of Hollin are a highlight of their career tho

#1 is great. Lion in a Coma isn't terrible, it's just kinda there.

Lying in the Grass is not the worst song on Painting With though, that either goes to Recycling or Summing the Wretch in my opinion.

I love the little sporadic melodical tid bits through out this album. Moments like in Hocus Pocus with the dry glitched synth in the background right before the chorus, and then it plays through out the chorus walking down the scale playing a counter melody to their vocals.

FUCK. That part gets me every time. Love it.

Painting With was a bit crap, but Meets The Grim Reaper was really, really good

i guarantee you this album will be rated much higher in the coming years. it was panned hard as fuck originally for whatever stupid fucking reason but it truly is an amazing album.

it wasnt as badly panned as Centipede Hz

now that album was regarded as crap (and still mostly is)

Post YFW deak will usher a return-to-form with golden chords/harpy vibes for their next album and itll be Sung Feels 2.0

#1 and Lion In a Coma are some of the highest points on their respective albums. The only thing I can see being a problem for some people with that track is the sound in the beginning, but everything on the last third of Merriweather hits it out of the park.
Don't you dare put those albums below anything after ODDSAC.
It's more of an interlude, but still as perfect as anything else on Feels. If anything it's a 10/10 track just on a sonic level alone.

Lol I knew no one was going to be able to give an answer.

i don't think there's a way anco could avoid disappointing people after a breakthrough album like mpp. every album would have to be better than the one before it for people to not act like anco are dying, especially since they were lumped with the already dying indie fad.

the only anco project that has been well received since fall be kind is sleep cycle which is basically just a call back to feels. sorta sad

Do you think I just don't want to like Animal Collective's new work or something? I tried so fucking hard to love Painting With, and once I realized I couldn't I still tried like fuck to enjoy it. There are like two or three tracks on there that I really enjoy. If Animal Collective ever put out another great record I'll give it the praise it deserves, but I'm not just going to act like the stuff they've put out so far past ODDSAC has been good just because it's Animal Collective.

>there are people that wanted to scrap Vertical

It's literally the only good song from the album, the only one that feels like AnCo

You idiots wanted male Art Angels full of FloriDadas?

>le Lying in the Grass is bad meme
get some taste

Strawberry Jam was the last Animal Collective good album

>but muh MPP

memers not allowed

They honestly made a mistake in not changing their direction after Merriweather/ODDSAC. They were wise to go in a more electric pop direction after Feels to avoid repeating themselves. Unfortunately I think that Centipede Hz and Painting With basically shouldn't have happened.

the last good Anco album was Painting With if I'm being completely honest with you

the only good thing that came from CHz was Applesauce and the only good thing that came from PW was Golden Gals

basically their last years of career could have been contained in an EP and no one would lose anything

>the last good Anco album was Painting With if I'm being completely honest with you
you know you're not

>implying Deak is anything other than the most generic and uninteresting member
Sleep Cycle just proves it too

It doesn't have to be your favorite - it's definitely not mine - but if you can't acknowledge that Merriweather was a fantastic album then you're definitely the memer.
So acquire a taste for retard music then?

Sleep Cycle only proves that the other AnCo members were holding him back

>retard music
oh look, it's this memester again
it has two good songs on it and proves he sounds like very generic indie rock

>all these plebs who don't get pw

Oddsac was pretty well received...don't know why it isn't talked about more. It has some amazing songs on it. See, "Screens".


Or Kindle Song


Or Mr. Fingers

Mr. Fingers is the shit and definitely one of the better songs they've released since MPP.

>I'm being completely honest with you
Which you're not.

What is there to "get" in Painting With? How Panda Bear is hogging all the good stuff for his solo career?

I would make the chorus of On Delay longer, the was the best moment on the album.

Plebs for not liking a shitty pop album?

Do you really think no one can honestly and legitimately enjoy things you don't like?
And do you notice that you only enjoy the most accessible and safe track from both CHz and PW?

listen to Harpy (red) and tell me that again motherfucker

not to mention

-golden chords
-just am
-good house

all 10/10

make better textures during the mixing process. the production sounds so thin and cheap at times. at least on headphones it does.