Post your favorite album and people guess yr fetish and personality

Post your favorite album and people guess yr fetish and personality.




fucking hilarious dude


comedy 2016

Verbal abuse

fucking spot on



lowkey masochism

choking, ropes, auto-erotic asphyxiation

you like being topped by a larger person

you have a thing for virgins/girls who dont know what they're doing, you like to guide them along

emotional abuse, make up sex


Light bdsm


sorry for the lazypost, jerking off ;)

you like jerking off i bet

how'd you know :0

get mad you fucking cucks at least i dont like faggy bandcamp emo and nigger rap


Ill bite

insecurity: the post


go back to tumblr you cuck fag, this isnt your fucking safe space


You need to calm down.

>emotional abuse, make up sex
Shit, you could be fucking right, actually. And I say that because I have been having A FUCKTON of drama with my girlfriend lately and making up later, I might actually be addicted to that shit.

The percentage of people who like ITAOTS is too high for me to guess accurately, but I am guessing you enjoy sharing romantic settings with your partner and engaging in passionate affection.



and you need to go back to whatever safe space internet forum you came from

Holy shit bro


>getting this mad


Gender Bending

I'm already here, please stop yelling.



insecurity: the post, part 2: the confirmation

holy fucking shit dude


you sound like you're still in your edgy 15 year old phase, I wish you the best buddy


>taking the bait this hard
I don't know guys, this seems awfully forced... I doubt he's actually serious

You'll never guess...

something vanilla, like big boobs or something
hardcore BDSM

me btw, just to let you know I wasn't lazyposting

>damage control: the post

haha triggerd butthurt libs detected

how did i take the bait? i was beaning him.
yr just a nigger >:(

Furries. Please leave Will

general submissive stuff?

I'm not damage controlling, I'm just suggesting that this might have been bait.

haha your an idiot my man haha

Not my favorite but one of. My taste isn't steady enough to have a single favorite.

Ok, now I know I'm being trolled

>gets mad
>"huhuehue trolled you guys"

Dumb frogposter.

>iFunny watermark
>ebin frog
definite troll guys

me in front, u in back


you be in grimes threads

>mad cos he got totally owned


Those are what Mexicans look like?

this guy gets it

yea you poopy butt go dye

twas a good joke friends


Suck me, beautiful.


I'm a frequent of /r/The_Donald and Donald trump supporter, but I couldn't careless what your political views/stance is, if you're cool you're cool and if you want to be friends we can be friends, it doesn't matter to me, just seems like a lot of people on reddit automatically hate you if you don't belong to their political affiliation. Im sure everyone is going to downvote me because I said I support Donald trump, regardless of the fact that it doesn't matter to me what political affiliation you belong to, if you're a nice person you're a nice person and we can totally be best friends :)

>light bdsm, spanking
good taste, heavens blade is a top tier song to me, because of memories while listening to it and also the way the voice goes in it.
doesnt matter what you do during sex but afterwards i bet you cuddle
loli (the irl kind) (or at least JB)


>loli irl
nah senpai that shit's fucked



dude that album is fantastic, have you heard their latest release? it's fucking mindblowing. all of sam ray's projects are next-level amazing





Anne frank
getting cucked
hardcore bdsm
jerking off to music, you creepy weirdo






Homosexual cuckolding




lol uv'e never had sex

rape and murder would be way too obvious so you probably just like handholding.


little girls




