I'm basically a normie teenage girl minus my music taste so when I'm hanging out with friends I'm stuck listening to...

I'm basically a normie teenage girl minus my music taste so when I'm hanging out with friends I'm stuck listening to top 40 and country it's hard to even get them to listen to like blink 182, or my chemical romance (both very normie bands but that's the point remember) and that's only when we listen to a summer 2000 hits playlist

can you please rec me any pop and/ or rap that you like, also what do you play around your normie friends?

Just accept that no one will ever understand you except for a a cult of fat sweaty neo-nazis on Sup Forums. And when you're old you're going to turn into a roastie. Abandon this website now tbqh.


also death grips

>i'm a grill

so am i op
lets lez out and rub our cocks over the sounds of Art Angels

Although I doubt every day that any women actually browse Sup Forums, I just have to say that I never ran into this problem in high school (which I would have to assume is where you're coming from with a trivial situation like this) because none of my friends listen to top 40 or country so maybe just get new friends. What are your tastes anyway? Because if it's just like new and unknown indie bands, singer/songwriters, pop punk, etc. then your tastes are just as normie as your friends, just in a different way.

Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City
FKA Twigs - LP1
Grimes - Art Angels
Frank Ocean - Channel Orange

>I doubt every day that any women actually browse Sup Forums
because you people act like it's the fucking unicorn

i still find more likely for an unicorn than women to browse any non fujoshit or /soc/ board on Sup Forums

We did a survey on this, and it's a 9:1 ratio of men to women here

If these are your tastes OP then you're a total normie. Not a top 40 basic normie, more of a pitchfork-core normie, which makes sense why you're here asking for advice. Nevertheless, you can rest assured that both you and your friends are ultimately all drones.

Rabbit Junk - Break Shins To This
Ludovico Technique - Dead Inside
Blakopz - As Nations Decay (Preferably the AP remix)
Psyclon Nine - Parasite
Lindemann - Golden Shower
Lindemann - G-Spot Michael

I guarantee you'll be 100% normal m8 I swear no deceive.

not op, these were some albums I suggested

everyone at my school thinks that they're a god if they listen to twenty one pilots, the 1975, or the smiths (this is what people with 'weird music taste' listen to) and if I try to start a conversation with guys or girls about their band shirts you quickly realize they don't now anything about it

like I'll see someone wearing a nirvana shirt and we'll start a conversation and I'll casually be like "I like your shirt what's your favorite album personally I think in utero is their best!!1!11 :-))" and they'll fucking answer "oh ahhh that's a hard one umm the one with the baby ahh I'm blanking on the name but yeah that one is alright I guess" these are the people I have to work with

Wow you mean every other person in this thread is a girl!?

The other way around

I'll check these out in a sec bless ur hearts

>having friends

>also what do you play around your normie friends?
>normie friends

>We did a survey on this
oh so that's true then
no way anyone would ever lie on the internet right?

>tfw all your friends leave for college and now you're truly alone

don't check out the second list

I think the second list is gonna be the best

>high schoolers
What did you expect

Listen to hop along, st. Vincent, and sufjan Stevens for superior taste

I'm a senior I feel like someone else's music taste could grow out of that fucking phase by now

Tame Impala, Juno Reactor, and Queens of the Stone Age (but only the radio singles from SftD and LtP)

That only happens in college. Sometimes.

Christ I wish people at my school have heard of the smiths, I feel you but you're basically a normie too, just accept 99% of people don't actually like music