Panchiko - D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L

hey hey

I picked this up because it looked interesting:

I wasn't able to find any references to it, online, whatsoever. even with super obscure bands, you might expect to find some an old myspace page or mention in some forum.

does anybody recognise the album?

I half expected it to be noise pop or some vapourwave wankery. listening to it, now, track 1 is like hella lo fi shoegaze with noise panning back and forth.

this isn't some viral marketing bullshit. I'm just curious if anyone can shed some light on it and I'm slightly excited by the prospect of owning a rare album


Other urls found in this thread:!zQhSiChQ!YN4Sw0EWYxtkDZ5SAKrnXw

Try sharing it, looks like a bootleg compilation similar to Bowie Pop - QR. Also I swear that cover is a Death Grips reference

I wanna hear it.

aaa I'm technologically inept tho

what's the easiest way to do this? upload to mega? I think my account got deactivated for inactivity or some shit

Rip and dump on mega yeah.

lol what a dumbass lel


I get you though. I saw and I was like yooooooooooo. that's some shit

it's badly recorded though, no joke.

Rip it and upload it anyway.
Maybe it's pachinko where you win panties.

the most I have is one or two reggae/hip hop mixtapes sold by stoners on the streets of camden for like £1. I don't actually have a disk drive though so I can't upload them or even listen to them.

Probably made by local lads for Secondary School and it never went anywhere. Upload it though.


that's my guess.

uploading it, now. had to make a mega account and shit.

prepare for mild disappointment. still....

How much longer you reckon?

im eager to hear it

Its not very hard to own a "rare" album

yeah its also "Deathmetal" (without quotes) not D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L

haha, fucking RETARDS am i right!!!!zQhSiChQ!YN4Sw0EWYxtkDZ5SAKrnXw

track listing / names are fucked. whatever

if youre gonna upload something, why did you half ass it? do the tags correctly

fucking this

we have no way to correct it

put the tags here so I can actually have this on foobar without it making me want to kill myself

Cheers but:

-no tags

You could have ripped using iTunes and easily have tagged it in a minute and have it in a proper lossy format.

I'm retarded, what do I do once I'm done with file transfer?

Open up system registry and restore to unlock the files.

what a fucking screwhead.

why do you have to make it obvious you're a socially retarded, anime loving fuck?

that's the vibe you're giving. I think you're an awkward little fuck.

it's a masterpiece

shut up fuccboi, youre on Sup Forums

Can anyone tell me what the album's like?

Just started, sounds like Fightstar so far.

shoegaze without the delay

Listening now
Bitrushed noise over a dude singing with a guitar, some synths, a breakbeat enterred, some subtle vocal sample in the background, wild vinyl crackle appears

Im uploding it now with proper tags and fixed artwork, in mp3 320

just a sec

not op btw

OG right here


Put it up for sale on discogs, I'll buy it from you for €3.

ill buy it for 3.99e



3,99 ecstasy tabs? That's a good deal desu.

I'll buy it for £130

just finished listening to it. it's pretty cool. I definitely felt some feels.

haha drugs man! hell yeah!!

Here it is in 320, tagged

>Panchiko - D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L
>Shoegaze, Lofi

props to the dude for re-uploading in proper format. not used to all this tech shenanigans

glad some people enjoyed it and I'm kinda chuffed for picking this thing up.


You're a good man user.

someone test it first

i'm betting viruses or fake music

no problem i love obsucre stuff like this and its the reason i still come on this board. much love

Nah, it's the real one. It sounds pretty shit but then again it's lo-fi.

Thanks user, this is actually pretty good, really noisy and chill
honestly been looking for shit like this

Looks interesting, can't wait to hear it

well that was horrible

it sounds like something someone who visits mu would make

Ok, I think I'm going crazy.
This sounds like the cd wasn't properly burned or has a weird dithering algorithm. Maybe the noise isn't supposed to be there. Besides it's just really weirdly mixed, and there's the same noise in all songs. That would explain it.

Does the OP know what year this EP is from?

I think its definitely supposed to be there. No way that would happen with 2000s technology. And why would they put it out if it sounded like that when they didnt mean to?
2000, predates Sup Forums :P

>it sounds like something someone who visits mu would make
it's almost like OP used a random artwork he found around to push his shitty album to everyone else

but that can't be! who would lie on the internet just for a few downloads of his shit?

read the liner notes, the EP is from 2000 you massive turd. Did you know there are genuine people in this world with pure intentions of making what they love regardless of who hears it?

Maybe only this cd was badly burned. I mean the songs are actually kinda good, why would he use the same exact distortion in all tracks?

I'm gonna listen to this only because I thought "what if 10 years from now people will find a cd I made and post it on an imageboard for others to listen?"

Why not? ive heard much weirder stuff. It sounds like they were going for a chiptune aesthetic, and the liner notes suggest its a mostly digital piece. But you might be right as well of course, no way of knowing for sure in this case.

yep, isnt it beautiful? what a life.

I picked the CD up at a local charity shop you cynical twat. I'm not pushing some Black Banshee bullshit.

OP has gone AWOL and deleted the images frm the imgur album, don't expect another rip of the album.

Why would we need another rip?

Original rip is .m4a (terrible lossy format), there can never be a .flac rip or any other lossless rip from this.

AAC outclasses basically every format but Opus though.

Assuming you got that from an Oxfam charity store it was probably from an unknown local artist, where abouts was it located?
Does it say on the album the year it was made anywhere?

Does anyone have the images from this? Trying to add it to RYM but OP deleted the gallery.

m4a is lossless though lol, convert it to flac if you so wish

there's these from the zippyshare link, but I don't know what was in the original imgur album

My mistake, I forgot ALAC was lossless.

That'll work. Thanks brother. Don't delete the gallery please.

This is officially now a meme album.
Remember to viral this everywhere. I'll be watching.

that's a big stabilizer

first time outside Sup Forums?

That static doesn't belong there :c
The songs themselves sound great but you can't tell me the static's supposed to be there.

I really like the second track.

There are two formats with the m4a extension. I hope you aren't on any private trackers.

It's obviously supposed to be there.

please explain how you came to this conclusion

are you implying music doesn't get viralled here all the time

I'm on and waffles as well as a few others. I stopped caring about the extensions when I joined them like 4 years ago.

why are you talking about viralling all of a sudden? completely beside the point

It says 200 on the cover. I feel like i've seen this album before it didn't happen to be located in the Southampton Oxfam Music store did it?

you sound like an entitled douche, the music is free and ready for you to illegally download, why are you complaining about filename extensions


Just finished listening to it, it was pretty good, I thought the fourth track would drag on for too long but it turned out to be a really pleasant track

this thread made lurking Sup Forums worth it again

One of the stickers says oxfam, which is a chain of shitty, heavily subsidised stores in belgium that only sell fair trade food and stuff from third world countries. Appearently also fair trade CD's. Will have to take a look into one of those hippie hellholes next time

Wauw lad
Zal ik ook doen.

anyone know who she is?
there's this
and also this

but I can't seem to find death metal anywhere

mai waifu

user it's Panchiko.

It's Panchiko though, not Pachinko.

The bands name is "panchiko" though, not "pachinko". The members are different from the band you linked too. I did put this album on RYM just today.

woops. im retarded.

Sorry for so many replies saying the same thing. I didn't refresh first. That sounds mildly overwhelming in an extremely tiny, insignificant sense.

hey! we cool.

I've seen that album cover somewhere before?


I think if the distortion was removed itd be pretty good

even then, its not that bad

The songs beneath are dull to me. I only like the presentation.