

kill me


it's...it's beautiful

i dont like it

Funny way to spell "memes"


i hate it

Don't like what I don't like


it's shit

>listening to music

Kill Yourself

What's there to discuss? Yeah, these sounds are good what are some similar sounds? What are your favorite sounds of the year? There is literally nothing to discuss about music and Sup Forums shouldn't even exist as a board. All this board consists of is celebrity news and memes, the latter which can be moved onto [s4s]. Even the artwork of albums make for a better discussion topic than the actual music on them. How can you discuss a piece of music when there are only two points: you enjoy it or you don't?

It's a horrible meaningless drug everyone here is unfortunately addicted to. It is all shit indeed. Music has never done anything useful except brainwash people with nonsensical gibberish that escapes any true meaning or spiritual purpose. It is all tit for tat wars about 'in' clubs and people who rest on the laurels of a uniform. If you're going to have a uniform, have some discipline, meaning or purpose. Break away from music, it'll hurt, but it wont hurt as much as eternal damnation. When the angels are calling you to Heaven, Earthly demonic music will be calling you down to hell. Only then will you make your eternal choice, once and for all. Use your time in this realm to seperate yourself from the Evils of music.

Lets get this shit straight. 1910=music started 1920-1950=classical music 1960-1970=golden age of music for old singers 1980=perfect age for rock rebels 1990=improved good music and also the year for goths and punks 2000=music is still good and gangsta songs started to appear 2001-2006=music is changing 2007=ghetto music but good and relaxing like akon dont matter 2008=some crappy music is starting to appear 2009=crappy music is spreading 2010=you gotta be kidding me this isnt music justin bieber 2011=R.I.P music goodbye...

Man, it sure sucks.

>1910=music started
>1920-1950=classical music

no way you're this new

but, like, everything's a drug, bro

you must be joking

It's a meme you dip.

music sucks ass

I wish I was alive in 1910 when music started...

He's referring to the date of the recordings.

Waiting for the fantano review tbqhwy family

kys tbqh my man

2010-music started
2011-memes started

Wings > Beatles
