Sup Forums in the Four Chan Cup! SUMMER ROSTER POLL

Hey Sup Forums. We had a thread yesterday asking for possible roster additions and after much consideration I am pleased to present to you this poll for Sup Forums's Summer Cup roster!

If there's anything you think I've left out worthy of adding to the team just say so in the thread and I will add it to the poll! Thanks for all your suggestions.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shall I start discussion off?
I think kit designs should be based on Sup Forumscore albums. What does everyone else think, and which albums should they be?
I think main should be ITAOTS

We have had a few Sup Forumscore kits in the past. Here are some kits we usually use. Somebody also sent me a Moon Shaped Pool themed kit I'll try to get into Summer.

sub "hell be fine" by "what did he mean by this"

use a Kel Valhaal kit

change phil elverum for phil elverum's dead wife

kick dead memes/artists like Killer Mike and MF Doom

change the literally dead artist Bowie to another dead artist (either Prince or bringing Talentless Hack back)

tell me i'm a qt

that's pretty much it

I forgot about Talentless Hack when I filled the form in

I'd be happy to see him. It's seen a bit of a resurgence lately here.

Any chance of using the Prince kit?

Forgot you sent me that one, I'll try to include it in our eventual aesthetics export if I can get it to work.

Bumping up the page

Are we still considering changing Fantano's name each match?
I think that would be cool to do if we can.

Instead of "Frankie Sinatra" have it as just "AAAAH FRANKIE"

I'm interested in doing it. If Lear okays it I'll see what I can come up with depending on who we draw in the groups.

>no Montie
Fucking disgraceful

Hey Montie, where's your trip?
You can still suggest it in the "other" box

Not gonna stroke any tripfag's ego by including them, thank you very much.

Can you stroke my pussy instead?

Seconding this qts idea for a Kel Valhaal kit

another one for the best new patrician kit

i think moths should be on the team

Moths are more Sup Forums relevant after the Euro

Shoo shoo /comfy/ or #outlels

I was wondering, on the logo for Sup Forums, could we make the star black?

I like this idea

When we were making the star we tried a number of different stars. A black one wouldn't really work well with the rest of the logo.

Can we do it just as a one-off this year as a Bowie tribute?

JERdk as a player or as goalhorn

If this were Winter when his death was fresh in everyone's memory I'd give it a shot, but too much time has passed imo.


Jai Paul's album should be there

why? the team is full of dead memes

i don't think anyone's gonna forget bowie, man

and desu... it's RIGHT THERE ;^)

No one's going to forget

My point's not so much that everyone will forget, just that it's not nearly as board relevant as it was during the Winter Cup and thus there's not as strong a justification to change the logo for him.

could we have a strawpoll on it?

Make a mockup of the logo you want and if it doesn't look bad I'll consider it.

Who did the original logo?

No idea, the logo was done before I or the previous manager were in charge. Said previous manager added the star, but he's long gone as well.

what the logo needs is a lil anthony fantano squatting

fuck. Well I've no idea how to do the logo, but i can't imagine that it could be too hard for anyone on this board to just add a black star (although I have no idea what to do)

I've knocked up a few designs really quick for the idea.
The first is just the white star turned black
The second is the white star turned black, but the outline of it turned white
The last is another idea I had, which is to put the writing from Blackstar under the star. This is just a basic knock-up, and I could probably improve it, or give it to one of you to improve if you like it.

Or we could just go with the earlier design

Smooth the black out on the gold one and I think that looks rad

The Blackstar one is good 2bh

If there's no Aaron there's sure as he'll no Montie lol

Here's the black smoothed out as well as I can do it with my limited Photoshop knowledge

loving this t b h

Yeah I like this

One and three look pretty dope desu
They just need to be smoothed out

I think the black star contrasts too much with the light tones of the rest of the logo desu

>sub "hell be fine" by "what did he mean by this"
this isn't a Sup Forums meme

I'll throw this to someone I know in the cup who's a bit better with aesthetic stuff and see what he can do with it.
Yeah, I see "what did he mean by this" on a lot of boards. I always thought it originated on Sup Forums.

Yeah, sorry about my limited ability.
I just wanted to show how it looked like
We could always go and beg /gd/ to help us

Where's the list of the roster? All I see is a poll asking how we should change it.

Is the whole roster on the "who should we remove" part?

The /gd/ manager's a good friend of mine, I can probably get him to give it a shot.
Yeah, it's all on the "Who should we remove" part. But here's a pic of the roster as of last Winter. (Please note that actual positions are subject to change, we've yet to decide what formation we'll run in Summer)

Robert Fripp would be a great addition

Can we get in Prince and Lou Reed and take out Killer Mike and someone else


neither is hell be fine

emo is moe isn't even a meme, its a stupid "nickname" to a general no one used and that doesnt even exist anymore


Okay thanks

Also, what exactly is this summer cup thing? Does every board come together and play fifa or something?

hell be fine is a Sup Forums meme

Yeah, hell be fine is probably our best meme desu

Does the hell be fine character look like Lemmy?

seen it on sp and tv too

with the same grammar mistake even

B r i a n

it spread to other boards

same with "what did he/she mean by this"

We need Hunter Hunt Hendrix on this team.

It's an AI vs AI tournament run on Pro Evolution Soccer. Every board has a team, although only the top 32 teams get to play in the Summer and Winter cups. There are minor tournaments run in Spring and Autumn as well.
Yes, he even has a hat (I don't have a pic on me at the moment, sorry)

Get this dude on the team.


Will the matches be streamed? That would be very entertaining

Glass Earth should be the anthem.

It will make our opponents want to kill themselves.

But that's a Sup Forums meme user
we don't mess around with Sup Forums memes

Kel Valhaal kit is cool but it would be stupid to not have HHH as a player if so.

also qt

They're streamed on hitbox. For any information on the cup I suggest you visit our general on /vg/ (Sup Forums cup general) or our wiki at

(Note to self: Include this info in the poll)

Any idea when the new roster will be released?

>It will make our opponents want to kill themselves.
Try this

GOAT goalhorn anthem

petition to add Grown Japanese Man Masturbating on Stage to the roster

I would like to run the poll for one week, so I'll wrap it all up on Wednesday. The roster will be announced after the export deadline the following Friday. (basically when my co and I have to submit the team to the cup authorities)

this for anthem please

also add Gero to the roster

when's the tourney lad

Do you have goalhorns for individual players or just the whole team?

If it's individuals, I Love Kanye should be Kanye West's goalhorn

Cool, thanks. Looking forward to it.

The cup begins August 5th to the 7th, then continues the next friday from the 12th to the 14th. Then it wraps up the following weekend with the knockouts on the 20th and 21st.

Brother Sport is our default goalhorn, but there are goalhorns for the following players:
Jeff Mangum has Holland, 1945
Michael Gira has Stay Here
David Bowie has Moonage Daydream
Sufjan Stevens has Come On! Feel The Illinoise!
and MC Ride currently has Hot Head, but we like to change his horn every cup or so. I'm taking suggestions for what it should be in Summer, by the way.


Will you be doing a poll on all the goalhorns and anthems as well?

Forest Gospel for anthem

>I'm taking suggestions for what it should be in Summer, by the way.

how about:

I usually have a suggestion box in the poll, as I do in the current one. However, usually what happens is these threads tell me whether or not the board wants a new goalhorn or anthem. (Although our main anthem is King of Carrot Flowers Pts. 2 and 3, and generally most people are content with that)

I'm happy with KoCF. We can't replace that, it works too well.

We could possibly make Bowie's a bit memier with something like this:

Jhonn Balance on the roster

Do we have any 5 year anniversary things planned?

we record a series of chants featuring Sup Forumstants singing popular Sup Forums songs




Could we do a victory anthem instead of just playing carrot flowers again?

For a while I've wanted to do something similar but not exactly what you're thinking, but am too superstitious to change. /f/'s team has a list of anthems they use to start the game against literally every team in the cup. My comanagers and I have considered this but never get around to it (again, partially because I'm a superstitious bastard). But I would like to try it someday if I can get over that. And then after the special anthem, we'd play KoCF as the victory anthem.

Why did they switch from twitch to hotbox to stream the tourney?


SOMEONE(not naming names) got us banned from twitch on two occasions, then banned again on another platform before we settled on hitbox for the time being.

hell be fine is a Sup Forums meme the original commment was made on Sup Forums and got memed here first. Should def be in the team

What did he mean by this is not a Sup Forums meme however