/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

Glam metal edition

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>General guitar and bass discussion

Beginner information and FAQ:

Music Theory:

Guitar chords and inversions

String Tension Calculator (D'Addario based):

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav


>Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
>Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

>Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
>Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
>Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Orange-Micro-Terror-Stack-Combo/dp/B0161SWWXM/ref=sr_1_4?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1469143331&sr=1-4&keywords=micro terror
amazon.com/Orange-Micro-Terror-Stack-PPC108/dp/B00II6YZE0/ref=sr_1_2?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1469143331&sr=1-2&keywords=micro terror


Seems like everything I have heard about it so far is good.

thoughts on Dunlop 471R3C Max-GripĀ® Nylon Jazz III, Carbon Fiber guitar picks for metal? i like REALLY stiff picks
who's this 2d qt?

idk, offset-chan

Anyway, I use Jazz 3 for leads, I like them

there's some ultex 2.0 jazz III if you want super stiff response.
the john petrucci signature are great too

what is she even doing

why does this look like an albert lee sig

i'm really more about the rhythm, but i have some bendy plastic picks and i really hate them. i've been using a straight up metal pick that can't bend unless you bite it for strumming basically since i've started playing

Hey /gg/.

Can you suggest some songs to learn on bass?


all about that bass by meghan trainor

the whole primus discography
i wish i had a bass

I'm planning on buying a Sterling Ray5 bass. Are they worth the money?

Also interested in one of these, I love the Music Man 5 string shape/style.

Not really but there isn't much in the way of alternatives so kinda

Anons, in your opinion is it better to get a tube amp like the ht20 and build up effects over time and sacrifice some versatility, or save money and time by going with something like a marshall code or super champ xd? I'm still pretty new and would appreciate not having to upgrade more than once and saving money in the long run, but at the same time i hate spending so much money just to get all the effects pedals i would want.

>dad wants to buy me a new guitar
>bought one 2 months ago
>tell him he can buy me a bass but i don't really want one
i don't want to be a twat and give him my actual wish list of obscure stuff like a tuner pedal and shit

Just give him the wish list he probably just wants to be done looking

I think it's better to go the multifx route. That said you have to find one that sounds right to you, or don't bother. IMO you should have some other features I won't get into too but the main thing is you can do at least everything you could do with a pedal board.

If you buy dank pedals, you don't lose them if you move to a different amp or change other parts of the gear. Integrated effects might suffice for the short term but in the long road separate effects are better unless you have a high end modeler (Helix, Fractal: AX8, FX8, Axe FX)

Fender stratocasters are literally the best guitar ever made. That is all.

mind mischief by tame impala.


i want piece of your meme ass

you could get a cab and an amp head with an effects loop and buy a multifx pedal. it'd be easy to upgrade too which is the most fun part about playing guitar. for some reason i don't like effects built into the amp

Anyone /acoustic/?

>yes goyim, use pedals! simple amp overdrive and reverb is too old and uncool

Taylor master race reporting

I got my first electric yesterday, obviously not much is too different, but it seems a bit easier on my fingers

A nice thinline natural finish tele

what now, /gg/?

buy more stuff


newbie to that sort of thing though

What do I look for in pedals and all that? Do they just make your guitar sound different?

/autistic/ reporting

>d-did i fix my vibrato a-user..

It's definitely a lot better. That subtle vibrato suits jazz much more. Good stuff, user

No experience with that particular pick, but I picked up some cow hoof picks (allparts iirc) that I really like. They're very rigid and are thick enough that you can shape the edge to your liking. Great for artificial harmonics.

buy a strat and an sg. they are the guitar triforce, you need all 3

>what is she even doing
cutting eggs with a jazzmaster

pick poll

sounds a million times better

Ht20 is that blackstar tubebhead, right?

What's the best cheap combo amp for metal out there.

Also opinion on cort guitars?

I was looking at the combo, but yeah its a blackstar tube.

Thats a good point and something i hadnt considered, thanks.

are you looking for something loud enough to gig with? look at the blackstar id30. it's not a tube amp, but it sounds like it and it has effects. pretty good for under $400

I owned the 20 watt head. Ita not that good for pedals, it's preamp section has circuit in it to make more gain so pedals sound pretty trash in it. Is recommend a different brand unless you have your heart sold on high gain.

I'd check your local craigs list for a tube amp combo at around 50 watts. A 2x12 or 1x12 combo would great do you.

that's why effects loops exist. you can choose which effects to occur before overdrive, and which ones to occur after. for example reverb sounds better after overdrive. for some effects it doesn't matter as much


Yeah but if you wanna push the preamp with a fuzz or od or cleanboost it won't sound good. You can't run those types of pedals through a fxloop. Of you think you're only ever going to want those types of effects then go for I guess you can always just resell the head.

Thanks , i trust you it is good , do you know anything about the VHT Special 6 6W 1x10 ?

I might also consider delaying my first electric guitar and amp purchase to save up some money for an Egnater amp...

Looks great.

the you put fuzz or overdrive before the head. guitar -> fuzz/OD pedals -> amp head with overdrive -> amp effects loop (reverb/delay pedals) -> cabinet

The amp has a built in gain circuit before the preamp. Pushing a gain circuit doesn't sound as good as just pushing preamp tubes. So I'd recommend staying away from that particular model of tube head.

Never thought a blue Archtop would actually look good.

i don't know anything about it but giving it a cursory look you can't bring that to a gig. you should make a definite clear cut decision on if you're buying a practice amp, or a giggable amp. if you're just starting out i'd assume you're buying a practice amp. i'd say get a combo practice amp, or a cheap head + very small cab that you can upgrade into making it giggable.
a good choice for the latter would be
amazon.com/Orange-Micro-Terror-Stack-Combo/dp/B0161SWWXM/ref=sr_1_4?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1469143331&sr=1-4&keywords=micro terror
amazon.com/Orange-Micro-Terror-Stack-PPC108/dp/B00II6YZE0/ref=sr_1_2?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1469143331&sr=1-2&keywords=micro terror
the prior has an effects loop so you can do reverb and stuff with it better, but the other one lacks that and is less expensive because of it. i'd recommend you not even go down the rabbit hole of effects pedals until later since you're going to spend a lot of money on stupid shit you aren't going to use if you're new to electric
i didn't know you two were talking about an amp in particular, sorry. my amp head has partial tubes so i was coming from that point of view

Thanks for your advice

Theres a book called The Blue Guitar that's all high end archtops finished blue. The author had them all comissioned as a tribute to an original blue D'Angelico iirc. Pretty cool book if you like archtops. One of the luthiers comissioned is a family friend.

what do you guys think of the marshall MG15CFX?

is it worth picking up as a beginner amp?

Used, absolutely. New, not so much. Honestly pretty good workhorse amps.

alright thanks, user, i might pick it up then

I dont have any personal experience but I've heard theyre shit

i don't hear many good things about the mg line. their demos sound way better than they do in real life too, they use post production. check this out

gary touches boys

RIP Kickass Torrents; endless supply of guitar instructional media.

Not gonna lie, I wish I had that. The only pedal I have is the ST-2, what should I get next?

there's some super popular pedal that has reverb and delay in one pedal for pretty cheap. get that. and a tuner pedal

how do you guys warm up before playing?

just bend my hand back and forth. Then some 60 bpm finger exercises.

Seconding the Mustang, this guy used a Mustang III and it sounds great
Yeah, rip
Got a couple of jamtrack lessons not so long ago... pretty much the only place I could find them

Picking up the guitar

finger pushups

speaking of effects, what's the cheapest weird effect I can get ? Not sounding like a guitar anymore kind of weird to be precise.

>warming up

Fap vigorously.

Fresh strings are sexy.

Who else /martin/ in here?

any baritone players? what guitar and what do you tune to?

How often do you guys change your strings? I'm a lazy mother fucker and only do it a few times a year even though I try to play about an hour a day.

every month tops

>Dunlop 471R3C Max-GripĀ® Nylon Jazz III, Carbon Fiber
These are two different picks. Are you talking about the Nylon Jazz III Max Grip or the Carbon Fiber Jazz III max Grip?

The carbon fibers are very good, I've been using them for about six years now.

I use baritone tunings but not scale.

I wait until I notice that they sound bad. Or if they look darker than they should.

i copy pasted the amazon title

I change them when they break, once a year at most. Mainly because new strings sound so bad

esp 401b tuned to g

right here bruh

the mustang amp can be used as an interface too, for that one user looking at them

James Jamerson begs to differ.

I love that bright piano-like tone of a new set of ProSteels. Absolutely boner-inducing.

wtf? thats so creepy. girls use this website too you know, and we don't want to hear about your boner

I'm gonna cum so far inside your friends'll call you screamin' semen

should i go for the blue or green guitar?

red SG, blue strat, yellow tele

breh this woulda been so tight if you rounded the fuckin edges

Finally got my first strat back from the shop.

Had it custom built. Any ideas for what to put on the headstock?

I'm sitting here, thinking blood, thinking of love, and I got an erection.

That's pretty rad. How about an Eagle decal


i'm not sure if i like the way SG's look or think they're ugly. they definitely have character, but whether i like it or not depends on the day

Blue-green burst. Best finish for phat djent toans

it's possible for an everyday person to do crazy solo's that some people seem to come up with on the spot with enough practice, right? or are some just born better?

why the fuck do people think others are just born with musical talent

lots of things are genetic. height's genetic, athletic ability is genetic, IQ depends greatly on genetics. why wouldn't it be?

>genetic guitar solos