Who is the most respect artist on Sup Forums

Who is the most respect artist on Sup Forums
>pic related?


Probably The Beach Boys

Axl Rose
Every other "musician" is a total homo gay in comparison

David Bowie until he died and people became contrarian

>gets called for a fucking Avalanches album
>phones his lines in

Fuck him

How can anyone respect an obese mask-wearing manchild who raps about food?

I see universal praise of DOOM
Same for this


Kendrick Lamar
Or he was the last time I was on the board. I haven't been here in a while.


never was


probably one of the least respected


fuck off
have the people here hate his ass, the other half ar retards

definitely jeff mangum



It was just a meme my dude

Except for all of us who have finished puberty and outgrown teenage angst*

>*also applies to Death Grips and Nirvana


Was just about to post this

almost nobody hates doom for some reason, even if they don't really like him that much
nah there are some contrarians that say pet sounds is trash
this too
once again contrarians


This. Nothing but praise till he died then a bunch of fuckwits said he was "a talentless hack who marketed his way to the top".


phil elverum probably, i've never seen any kind of hate for him

Definitely, from NMH to OTC and all the other Elephant 6 bands are pretty amazing. Mad respect

I've never seen any hate for Sam Ray



Aphex Twin
>how has no one said this yet

I see people hate on him all the time saying shit like babies first electronic..

If that's true that's fucking hilarious

I don't know what it is but I just can't stand the sound of the beach boys. The only song I like is 'Til I Die. I don't hate the beach boys and I won't say they are bad. They are a great band, I just don't like them.



Fuck, man. I can't even look at him now. His normal sadness just seems so amplified. I don't care if the picture is old, just knowing all the shit he's been through fucking kills me.


