ITT: lyrics that sound deep but probably mean nothing

>the ghosts of 'lectricity howl in the bones of her face

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Like 70-90 percent of dylan lyrics

Just listened to that song, the line sounds amazing but it's probably just some stupid in-joke he had with the band or something

>My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums

that whole song actually

Anything by Kendrick Lamar.

>here's a little lesson in trickery
>this is going down in history

Every lyric on this album


This line seems to suggest that a woman's fall from grace in discernible in her countenance. The use of the word 'bones' further conjures a sense of decay.

>hur dur Dylan is not a poet

but he's not, he's a songwriter

Pretty much all of Nevermind
Which was the point I guess

Dylan, along with Cohen and every other songwriter of the 60's (excluding Drake, in my opinion) were really bad and pretentious. It's all fluff, forced to rhyme and silly and awful. I could write better than Dylan and Cohen combined. Hell, Mangum beat them both three decades later heroically. The praise for 60's songwriters stems from the idea that they were the first to set poetry to music. Their attempts, as shown by today, were very shitty, but they were the first, and that notion alone propels them to eternal remembrance and legacy when in reality they deserve to be forgotten like the privileged idiots they were.

God bless Jeff Mangum forever, the greatest singer/songwriter who ever lived. Fuck Dylan and Cohen, but praise to Nick Drake.

>Through the mad mystic hammering of the wild ripping hail
>The sky cracked its poems in naked wonder
>That the clinging of the church bells blew far into the breeze
>Leaving only bells of lightning and its thunder
>Striking for the gentle, striking for the kind
>Striking for the guardians and protectors of the mind
>An' the poet and the painter far behind his rightful time
>An' we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing

write something better than that, faggot

you say you could do better but everyone says that and they can't

I already have. It's lovely little imagery but it's not hard to outdo.

I can though.

>Girls' faces formed the forward path from phony jealousy
>To memorizing politics of ancient history
>Flung down by corpse evangelists, unthought of, though somehow
>Ah, but I was so much older then. I'm younger than that now

post something, if you're so confident in your work you shouldnt have any problem posting it.

Read Beautiful Losers and then reconsider if you "could write better" you cretinous Drakegushing tumblrsmug cunt.


>Ballad of a thin man
Holy fuck dude, I don't want to spew a list of shit I think are well-written, but you're fucking wrong and it takes only one song to know that

Dylan is shit compared to Cohen.


>mfw yr all wrong

i always thought it was just describing her being really gaunt and thin like a skeleton

The problem with these assholes is that they like to shitpost more than contemplate what they read

All the fucking lyrics

I do like the song though

Why don't you post your stuff then

So what is the best line from visions of johanna and why is it "inside the museums infinity goes up on trial"?

To be fair Dylan would be the first to tell you that his more obscure lyrics mean nothing
For him it wasn't about linear meaning moreso using words to create imagery

Surf's up probably has no real meaning to it whatsoever, but the imagery and wordplay of the lyrics are so gorgeous it doesn't really matter.

i think thats the idea van dyke parks was going for. you can kind of form your own images and meaning around the completely meaningless sentences - they have just enough detail

Then again what Dylan claims about the meaning of his songs is largely irrelevant since he's just lying out his ass all the time and for instance says that you can't find any message in Blowin' in the wind


Quite possibly the worst ending lyrics to an album ever. The album and the song is still great though.

Okay, I'm posting something right now.

Well they lay down beside me, I made my confession to them.
They touched both my eyes and I touched the dew on their hem.
If your life is a leaf that the seasons tear off and condemn
they will bind you with love that is graceful and green as a stem.

Wrote this in an hour. So fucking easy.


Not bad, still miles behind Dylan and especially Cohen.

You fucking idiot. That's from Cohen's song. You just told me that Cohen himself is worse than Dylan and himself. You've just proven that they are average songwriters and I fucking win

Awkwardly worded



Ok. Its still loses meter in the last line.

The dylan verse posted higher up in the thread is miles ahead imo

You were right about those lyrics, then. They weren't anything special.

But just listen to songs like Ballad Of A Thin Man (Dylan), and you'll see what i mean.

Your father made fetuses with flesh licking ladies,
While you and your mother were asleep in the trailer park.
Thunderous sparks from the dark of the stadiums,
The music and medicine you needed for comforting.
So make all your fat fleshy fingers to moving,
And pluck all your silly strings, bend all your notes for me.
Soft silly music is meaningful magical,
The movements were beautiful, all in your ovaries.
All of them milking with green fleshy flowers,
While powerful pistons were sugary sweet machines.
Smelling of semen all under the garden
Was all you were needing when you still believed in me.
Say what your want to say.
Hang for your hollow ways.
Moving your mouth to pull out
All your miracle aimed for me.

Look at Blowin' in the Wind's lyrics and tell me there's any real specific meaning besides just universal societal statements

>not "Mona Lisa must've had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles"
best verse though hands down

Bowie was an amazing lyricist and songwriter.

It's safe in the city to love in a doorway
To wrangle some screams from the dawn
And isn't it me, putting pain in a stranger?
Like a portrait in flesh, who trails on a leash
Will you see that I'm scared and I'm lonely?
So I'll break up my room, and yawn and I
Run to the center of things
Where the knowing one says:

"Boys, Boys, its a sweet thing
Boys, Boys, its a sweet thing, sweet thing
If you want it, Boys, get it here, thing
'Cause hope, Boys, is a cheap thing, cheap thing"

>Aside from the message, the song has no message

Dylan was obviously referring to the song having no contemporary political message

>anti-war song released in the era of the cuban missile crisis and the middle of the vietnam war
>no contemporary political message

That's why I'm saying just look at the bare lyrics and they're nothing that couldn't be attributed to any time period, everyone just chose to contextualize them to the nature of the political climate of the time.

Neither is Fortunate Son, so I guess that has nothing to do with Vietnam either

semen stains: the post

stay pleb

yesterday i woke up sucking on a lemon

>my arguments make no sense
>better use the get-out-of-jail-free card

I really don't get how this album is so popular. That's the worst of the lyrics, but it's not the only doozy on the album courtesy of Jeff "I couldn't help it I was horny" Magnum

you have shit taste

It's okay son you'll grow out of ITAOTS too some day

Anything by Coheed and Cambria or Fallout Boy

literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm