Now that the dust has settled, can we finally have an honest discussion about car seat headrest?

now that the dust has settled, can we finally have an honest discussion about car seat headrest?

his music is completely mediocre. his voice has an unpleasant dopinesss to it, like it's too rounded off or something.

his lyrics are simple to the point of sheer banality, oh sorry but that's 'stream of consciousness' right?

his production fucking sucks. all his shit is absolutely drenched in reverb and the instruments are generally mixed together with the scrutiny of a newborn learning to distinguish shapes. 'but dat's lo-fi x DD' no, lo-fi implies you actually made an aesthetic choice and don't just suck at recording.

stop making excuses for this average (and that's being generous) talent. it's okay if you like him but from any objective standpoint of measuring music, teens of denial and and everything that came before it are 'just okay'.

I love the Gun Song, what a great lyrical excise! Those memes are stale af OP I don't know what you're going on about.

>can we finally have an honest discussion about car seat headrest?

yeah his music is awful

>"can we finally have an honest discussion about car seat headrest?"
>posts Truck Stop Toilet track
Apparently not

>implying TST isn't a stellar satire upon the works of CSH

Your point being?


I like Carseat Headrest. Twin Fantasy is a nice album.

what specifically do you like about it?

>hear a lot of praise for Twin Fantasy around the time it came out
>decide to listen
>it was just mediocre power pop

I wish I could articulate what I like about music more. I'll try.

I don't listen to much lo-fi, so that's refreshing already. After that, I like his whiny voice for some reason. I'd probably hate him singing for any other band, but his voice works well with his music for me. Also while some of the lyrics can get cheesy ("Earlier in the song I used the term galvanistic...") I still enjoy them due to, again, them being refreshing.

Honestly, I'd have to defend any album with Sober to Death on it, even if the rest of the tracks were completely unlistenable. Thankfully, that's not the case. I enjoy every song.

The EP is a brilliant deconstruction of the backgrounds thematics surrounding the persona of Will Toledo.

How does this relate to you original point? If you wanted an "honest discussion" about him, you wouldn't be point the album that's been spammed to prevent such discussion.

>lo-fi implies you actually made an aesthetic choice
since when? lo-fi means you had bad audio equipment.

i think he recorded everything in his car.

not since 1996

why is the ending of dramamine such a great song



Will's a furry?

l really liked teens of denial. About ten times more than any other of his releases which l could take or leave. But a lot of Teens of Style is well thought out and well produced. Much punchier and less rambling than any of his other releases imo.

i think he fuckin sucks (dick)