These not good videos from the neede drop kinda piss me off. Regardless of the album...

These not good videos from the neede drop kinda piss me off. Regardless of the album, the videos come off as bratty and disrespectful to the artists that put the work into them. Also fuck the retarded meme reviews

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In what way is it more disrespectful than just giving it a 3 in a normal review?

its clickbait

doesnt matter they're shit albums he could take a shit on the jewelcase or not even review it and i wouldnt care either way, just get off the mans dick and dont give a fuck about what he does

wahh he didn't like my shitty albums

Hey guys its kid cudi

Did those "artists" REALLY put work into them, though?

It seems to me like Fandango is spending more time and efforts on his reviews than those rappers did on their music.

He is obviously a music nerd and has his thing. but I don't relate to anything he says, it's like I hear music from a totally different point of view, so he doesn't even mention what I love about an album, and I don't understand why he points out the things he does... but cool guy and he has his passion, so go for it. but his reviews never give me the "shit, I need to hear that!" feeling.

athony is like a 12 year old spoiler little shit who got everything he wants and now thinks his opinion means anything to anyone. This cunt never released anything and is not a musician so i dont give a shit even if he´d make 5000 videos. I´m never watching this channel not now not in 10 years it´s a boring meme and youtubers have contributed nothing to music discussion except
>"hey this is a meme, now give me attention"

>This cunt never released anything and is not a musician

so -- why do you watch his reviews/care enough to post on a thread about him?


It's actually pretty pratician post rock,
But lol
I'm so triggered that one or multiple groupies let this cringy fuck hit just because he was in a band

probably the first thread about him that I've been in.

I'm thinking maybe somebody feels the same way and has some pointers, maybe he read it and accumulates some kind of useful knowledge...

I watched a couple of reviews last night, because he seems like he knows his shit and the music he reviews is relevant to my interest. the conclusion I came to was made up by watching 7-8 reviews last night.

why do you ask?

Felt this way when he reviewed Vektor's new album, he spent most of the video talking about the lyrics and story, slapped a light 8 and called it a day

>wasn't a musician in 2004

I find it takes ~10 years for an album to be important to me. How can people review music after listening to it a few months, weeks or maybe once?

I wouldn't review an album before 5 years of knowing it. but that's how I roll, I wouldn't say that is how it should be.

But the "not good" videos have so far all been terrible, is Desiigner really an artist? Either way retards like his music so I don't think Desiigner would care

If I were an artist I would prefer "not good" over a 1-4 rate

I agree. I also see it as him just putting less effort into the review and growing gradually more lazy, which irritates me almost as much.

Because he's a YouTuber that gets paid from his videos, that's one of the dumbest shit I've ever heard yea people are really gonna wanna listen to reviews of 5 year old albums use your fucking head

Are you autistic?

>but that's how I roll, I wouldn't say that is how it should be.

I added that line to my post because of retards like you. read it again if you're still in a twist.

can't hear shit yo

its just frustrating because he could be spending his time reviewing much more worthwhile and interesting albums but i guess they don't get the views

he gave dean blunt an 8. anthony is based AF

This reminds me. Besides all the hip-hop videos, he hasn't reviewed enough electronic albums this year. I feel like his curation has gotten more and more boring.

So basically what you are saying is that you are highly autistic?

Good god, all the autists itt, complaining and whining about nonexistent problems.

on a live stream he did. awhile back he said. the channel focused was shifting towards getting the hip hop/pop crowd into more experimental music by reviewing those albums and hoping they checkout his channel for other works. but that doesn't work lol

anthony sucks at reviewing electronic music so its best he stays away from it

What sucks about these vids is that they ruin the surprise of finding out the score, might as well not even do them

And yet you still manage to be the most autistic person in the thread. Impressive.

What the wrong if wrong with you. I guess I don't know most of the albums I listen to because my interest in music only piqued 3-4 years ago.

Who gives a shit? I fucking loathe numerically rating art. If I like something I like it. I don't need to slap a "8/10" or a "6/10" on something to justify my level of interest in it.

I kinda have to agree. Compared to his reviews of a year ago, and earlier than that, his new ones don't have quite the variety.

Right but honestly he's not great at reviewing hip-hop either and he doesn't even seem to enjoy doing so most of the time. He legitimately looks miserable in most of the hip-hop reviews lol

Yeah IA but it's not totally his fault. Fantano is definitely beholden to his (very obnoxious) fan base and is sorta forced to review what they request or they will spam the comment sections of all his videos asking for it.

>what the wrong if wrong with you
Woah buddy what are you smoking

At least he puts energy into his music. Future is on auto pilot more often than not and Desiigner could honestly dethrone him if Future doesn't step his shit up. He didn't even consider this on his video or the fact that he arbitrarily likes certain trap over other trap.

but neither of them have any talent, it's Metro or whoever produces the music that makes it what it is, yeah he might put energy into his music but that doesn't make it good, putting energy into your music is something every artist should do anyway, not to mention his lyrics are pretty terrible

um because future has been around longer m8.. you're new to hip hop it seems
he doesn't need to step shit up.more pressure is on desiigner to not be a one hit wonder especially he's already backed by mike dean and them

They're both bad, but Desiigner is better. Anthony just arbitrarily respects Future more even though he's far from original too.

Been listening to hip hop since I was born unlike most of this board. Future isn't original but gets respect for some reason, that's why I was cheering for Desiigner since his whole career is basically saying "HAHAHAHA YOUR SHIT ISN'T THAT HARD TO DO WATCH ME DO IT BETTER FAGGOT" to Future. He's basically a huge troll. Not to mention his flow is much better and Timmy Turner sounds like a fucking game changer.

come back in 5 years then and let me know if you still feel the same about the albums you currently listen to.

I kinda agree. It's a more shoved in face situation instead of just a plain 3

>anthony sucks at reviewing electronic music so its best he stays away from it
yeah, like i was sorta interested to hear what his thoughts on elseq were (his exai review ain't bad) but then i realised that it'd most likely be a disaster.

Fantano has been in various bands. I think you're having him mistaken with the hack known as Scaruffi.