ITT: post a cartoon character and the band's they would listen to

ITT: post a cartoon character and the band's they would listen to

>animal collective
>cap'n jazz
>dean blunt
>my bloody valentine
>various vapourwave artist

Other urls found in this thread:

but they are listening to Twisted Sister, Kenny Loggins, Queen, Motley Crue and Alphaville in the cartoon

Twee Pop

And rapped against Tyler, The Creator.... if you wanna include that.

yeah, but remember there's that one episode where he tries to show Rigby some obscure shit and acts like a twat

Fuck i completely misread the thread. Time for bed i guess.

Can someone change this so it plays death grips or something. Like the binky meme

I'll do it tomorrow cause it's 2am and as I said it's time for bed.

I'll post it in a random thread, I hope you see it.

Thanks user I look forward to seeing it

Cartoons are stupid

-Love, user


mind if i steal ur idea?


here it is

Top kek, thanks user

>Tyler the Creator
>Wu-Tang Clan
>Death Grips

>Sup Forums is now filled with children now
I'm leaving leaving this sunken ship.

>that punctuation

bye, summer



You're like 4 years too late.

welcome to summer. you new here?

This is probably my favourite meme, there's so many cartoons and tv shows to use
