Is it just me or is the first half of the album solid but the second half is fairly mediocre

Is it just me or is the first half of the album solid but the second half is fairly mediocre

everything after sunshine is not that good yeah

it's a real tossup for everyone

from my experience some people connect with the catchy danceability of the first half, and some like the more bittersweet nostalgic vibes on the second half.

to each his own

The drop off in the last 1/3 is pretty astounding.

It's all pretty shit apart from Frankie Sinatra

you see this is weird to me because the last 4/5 tracks on the record give me real goosebumps

yeah its all about taste i like that its diverse through the whole thing

First few tracks are pretty good, Harmony is about the point where I start losing interest

It's just you.

Side A is great, side D is good, sides B and C are decent but far weaker.

Harmony's the time when you start losing interest?

holy shit different strokes has never been more relevant

Just saw them live bois. They mixed frontier psychiatrist up and wasn't as good imo but the rest of the set was pretty fucking good. Anyone else just see them? Thoughts?

Has their mixing got any better?

who cares can we please stop talking about this fucking album


This, especially Saturday Night Inside Out.

It sucks they're just playing festivals, I would think they have enough support at this point to at least hit the bigger cities in the US.

It's interesting cause I think the album slowly gets better and better as it goes along.

Side D > Side C > Side B > Side A

For reference Because I'm Me, Harmony, The Wozard of Iz and Stepkids are my favourite tracks from their respective sides. Least favourite track is Frankie...

No, it's literally the opposite. The first half had some pretty good jams but the second half is just enchanting

I think it's pretty consistent, except for maybe a small section near the end. It's still all great though.

Every time I listen to this album I start with If I Was a Folkstar. Everything before that is trash.

The whole thing is mediocre.

Kaleidoscopic Lovers and Stepkids are definitely the weakest tracks on the album. Saturday Night Inside Out is a dope jam tho.

the whole album is mediocre, all of the tracks have some shitty sequence that totally ruins everything

stop lying to yourselves

the whole album is amazing, all of the tracks are amazingly put together and it's beautifully crafted

stop lying to yourselves