RYM // Sonemic general

Be nice to one another. Life is short.

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who keeps making these godforsaken threads?





good swagger-filled gangster film pls and thank you

I don't post a lot on Sup Forums.

Someone tell me why this board is obsessed with hip hop made by black folks?

Rec me some good stuff, I'm new

Cat City

Pulp Fiction

Hey lads


Ok /rym/, serious question.


Have people actually listened to this entire album before rating it 0.5 or are they just fake-raters/poseurs trying to buff their curve?


tryna rate something from the "top 100" chart each day and for the most part all this stuff has been below average

i also dont enjoy music so thats prob the rsn

fuck swagger

Carlito's Way by Brian de Palma
The Yards by James Gray

enjoy the feels.

What really matters is that No_ rated it 4/5 so it's objectively a good album


what about tankpit

First and foremost, listen to Out To Luch again, you wanker. Then:
Andrew Hill - Black Fire
David Holland Quartet - Conference of the Birds
The Don Ellis Orchestra - Electric Bath
Pete La Roca - Basra
Charles Mingus - Let My Children Hear Music

It comes pre-packaged with the UHS software so people just rate it anyways. It only takes a few minutes to listen to the whole thing with UHS installed

I'm a big fan of jazz. I'm not sure what is so good about Out To Lunch but I will definitely try it again. Thanks for the recs

nothing, didn't even wishlist


find a worse comment box than this i bet u cant

This meme needs to end


Listen to Far Cry by Eric Dolphy instead.

>tfw no kg account
>tfw can't ascend into avanthood

>tfw lost my Empornium account because I kept pausing downloads and they registered as hit and runs and now I'm banned.

can't descend into degenerate porn anymore

feels batman

i didn't read it, but i already know what it looks like

>Pate and VinceTehMan in the comment box

No wonder it's so shit

>tfw kg account
>tfw I watch like 10 movies/year

I've mentioned this tip to film embryos before: all the canon arthouse & foreign films are on rutracker. Watch those before you start pretending to understand Straub-Huillet and Benning.

Will do, thanks.


I want your recs bbs

>all the canon arthouse & foreign films
what are they? is there a list somewhere

lol, you don't need to watch 'canon arthouse ' to watch straub huillet or benning.

maybe not, but you need a solid understanding of film theory

>understanding of film theory
it might help but you can just watch them, just try to keep an open mind t. bh

i wish i had watched them cold turkey when i was going through popular films

no you don't have to but you'll definitely understand it better and get more out of it if you do. not that any of that matters to the crowd that only watches these films so they can say they did and their cred will go up or whatever, i don't know why i'm even bothering.

How many canon movies should I have under my belt before I can start watching avant-teen movies?


it's not how many you watch, but how you watch them

So many flicks on this list, yikes.

At least 1.5k

whats uhs


A sophisticated program(soft) that every high profile rymer is using nowadays

what does it do

is Pate transwoman ironically?

It allows you to listen to multiple albums at the same time and auto rates based on your previous ratings

or maybe you watch them because you are interested in different kinds of films?
not saying understanding film theory wont help you, just that there is more than checking out films for the sake of checking them out and theoretical understanding. people without major in literature still enjoy Joyce and people with near zero knowledge about music in theoretical level still enjoy Beethoven

what the fucks the point of listening to music then

i don't want feels tho i wanna feel like pic related at the end of the movie
i haven't seen pulp fiction in years, great movie though

of course, he's serbian

Watching art films is a waste of time. Just watch Japanese porn instead. It's something foreign and interesting, plus you can actually masturbate to it.

Higher numbers


What did Deagger mean by this?

philosophically analyze this photo

>It allows you to listen to multiple albums at the same time and auto rates based on your previous ratings
Please be fucking trolling

t. embryo

post more epin cat

It's not real, just a shitty meme people are forcing because of all the rampant fakerating going on

what is it with these slavs

see: plastictears

>It's not real
t. sp59

the cat's out of the bag mate

the egg symbolizes the lack of reality

where does it say that guy is transwoman?

did she lay it?

>not knowing that plastictears is bipelle

she used to go behind this big couch in the dining room and sit there all the time and one day i investigated to see what she does there for hours on end and i found that egg

i bet he's still wondering what he should reply LMAO



Redpill me on plastictears/bipelle



Shane Dawson's really gone downhill...

All boring shit.

What the fuck is up with his hair
He wouldn't look half as bad with an actual haircut
God damn this pic makes me cringe every time someone posts it

why did you change your rating for Complete Works Opp 1-31 from a 5.00 to a 4.00


too popular

im new to this meme pls rec


People (well, not really people... embryos) with under 1,000 ratings are not tolerated in this general. I recommend you buy a UHS account if you're that eager to start posting here.

People who use UHS don't even discuss things here though, all they do is try to "anonymously" push their account and viralize themselves here or post retarded drama.

>IP banned because UHS requested too many pages at once
What do I tell the mods?

t. poorfag who can't afford a UHS invite



Please link me to the official UHS website



there's a board for it on here

t. embryo

UHS is a P2P network only;they don't even have a website. You can only get in by invite. Your best bet on getting one is through the deep web

It's a deep web shit, embryo.

post RYMers that probably have a massive knob



w o w

probably a virgin


Post a screencap of the UHS board then

Is sp59 the most pathetic RYMer ever? It wouldn't be so bad if he was in his late teens or early 20s, but this is a 56 year old man who spends his free time fake-rating albums to look knowledgeable. Sad!

leave me a comment it doesn't even have to be nice


it's feminine too


it's masculine too

What are you trying to accomplish, embryo? I'll post a screenshot for 10$. If it's too much for you, don't even bother; UHS itself costs way more if you are not lucky enough to have a friend inside.