I am very white but love gangster hip hop

I am very white but love gangster hip hop.

What have to do in order to become very gangster rapper. No cringe faggotry just straight good spitting

I am very black but I love white booty

I am very lonely

does anyone else love the musky odor of a womans orifice?


Just don't try to be gangster. Rap about whatever. Do what Das Racist was doing.

Right here brotha! I love me a warm stinky hole, you betcha

Yeah, but that's a man, baby.

im a girl btw


Mmm I can smell it now! Thanks user

Very nice advise thank you friendsmen

is this the true meaning of friendship?

be the new spose

what is wrong with you people...

Fuck, someone else remembers Spose? What's he doing lately?

i hope so

Try killing yourself you race traitor

why don't you learn to write and play music instead of pretending to be a pathetically uneducated black failed poet

>Finding girls who look like 15 year old boys attractive

>finding 15 year old boys who look like girls attractive

Fuck both of you

>>Sup Forums

Who else wants to kiss dat ass

Who is this, anyway?

No. What is wrong with YOU.

nah, I'm not a racist idiot

just think it's stupid that people idolize all these talentless idiots when there are so many intelligent forms of music created by black people

but whatever, listen to your white girl turn up music and pretend like anyone gives a shit about the music you'll be making just like the thousands of ignored loser white kids putting shit on datpiff. very 15 year oldish of you


Do what Eminem did, honestly. Focus on your technical rapping skills. You could probably get away with trying to do a Drake thing and shift the focus on to emotion as well. Descks are stacked against you if you try to rap about hardships.

Spit some abstract rhymes or be like the Beastie Boys or something

if you have to ask that question, you'll never be a gangster rapper.

source: a white rapper.

I'm very white but I love black booty

Join a gang
Do jail time
Get a tatoo and a gun

Go back to the cuckshed mackerelmorman


Just be like an action Bronson or riff raff or you could be like Eminem. Make outrageous shit and be yourself totally. If you are authentic people with like your stuff. Nothing. Worse than a poor imitation