Fuck venues

>work up the courage to go to a music venue in LA
>all the people there are too cool for me and smoking cigarettes (immediately makes me cough)
>music is way too loud
>music is weird noise I've never heard before
>people start moshing
>see a qt, try to hit on her
>turns out she's in a lesbian couple
>call her a degenerate sjw and say I triggered her
>I get pushed
>run out
>immediately get mugged by a black hobo

music is degenerate

this is retarded

kill yourself and stop being a pussy

The outside world isn't for you friend, just stay inside.

>call her a degenerate sjw and say I triggered her

I know people who talk like this in real life.

Forgot to add: one of them was in the special ed section for senior year of high school, he had really bad ADHD and aspergers or something and didn't like being touched. He wore a sonic the hedgehog shirt everyday and sat by himself at lunch watching anime on his phone. let me pull up a picture of him in my yearbook

Sounds like you were at Low End?

if I lived in LA I'd be out every day at venues man

this board is too much sometimes

I think /r9k/ is more your speed my guy

>It's another John Kennedy Toole posts from the grave thread

>believing any of this
Learn how to irony

I don't care if it's fake, it's still funny.

>go to local venue alone
>cautiously walk in and hobble about waiting for first act to come on, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone
>put hands in pockets repeatedly and continually take phone out of pocket and check the time, pretending I'm texting someone
>stand right to the side of the stage, way at the back, with arms crossed
>watch people dance while nodding head occasionally
>walk over to bar and try to order a drink
>ask for a beer
>bartender can't hear what I'm saying
>stutter while shouting "BEER PLEASE!"
>still can't hear me
>slowly turn around and speed-walk away from the bar to the toilets
>stand around crowded urinals waiting for a stall to open up so I can pee
>people coming in and out of them like clockwork, can't use any of them without someone else walking in ahead of me
>return back to my wall and wait 5 minutes for next act
>it's a band with a girl in it
>can't look at stage in case we make eye contact
>attempt to leave venue
>get stuck behind huge crowd of people all speaking among each other at the exit
>patiently wait there for them to move
>they're in that same spot for 20 minutes
>no escape
>take phone out again and stare at it blankly while waiting for an opening
>manage to worm my way past after the 7ft tall bouncer walks in
>go home and listen to bjork on vinyl as I cry myself to sleep

this is Sup Forums not your blog

>>it's a band with a girl in it
>>can't look at stage in case we make eye contact
c'mon now

>music is weird noise I've never heard before


This honestly sounds just like me, except I'm really big and people get out of my way, which isn't necessarily a good thing.
Worst experience was being at an of Montreal concert.
I loved the music and performance but I've heard Kevin is self conscious about people not dancing to some of his music and assumes they hate it.

>tfw in the middle of one of his most catchy songs (can't remember which one, was off Hissing Fauna)
>everyone starts dancing and shouting
>tfw standing in the middle with arms crossed bobbing my head ever so slightly
>never have danced in my life
>Kevin is making eye contact
>can't look away
>I'm over 6'6"
>Kevin keeps staring as I feel like shit for making one of my favorite artists feel like I don't love them

I just left and didn't go for the merch table, felt awful.

>go to a venue
>lanklets are already in the front row

every single time

This is cute

>manage to worm my way past after the 7ft tall bouncer walks in
>go home and listen to bjork on vinyl as I cry myself to sleep
thanks for the laughs user

I remember going to a few shitty venues with some friends of mine during highschool, shit was awful and pretentious.

Fucking kek,

>go to local venue
>lanky manlets as far as the eye can see

Fucking manlets when will they learn?

Oh cool, I'm as tall as you.
>always tower over everyone in crowds
>be at local venue 6 months ago
>some random band playing some legit good songs
>acoustic guitars, shakers, cute girl singing
>"wow, this is really good"
>been starving myself because I just started working and living alone and my second paycheck hasn't come in yet and I'm saving for a Nord Lead 4
>music gets muffled
>next thing I know I wake up in a sofa backstage
>qt singer asks me how I feel
>apparently I fainted
>they had to get 4 people to carry me
>not fat or anything, just really big
And that's not the worse part
>fell on a girl who was in front of me
>she broke her wrist

>be front row at 4Knots a few weekends ago
>some lame rapper comes out
>Kirk knight
>only rap performer on the line up
>starts giving the crowd commands
>crowd is pretty dead
>tells us to put our hands up
>I stand there nodding
>he goes on a rant about how he needs the crowds energy to perform
>I physically can't make myself give a fuck
>make weird eye contact a few times
>tells use to sing the next verses with him
>everyone is just there too see car seat head rest and protomartyr
>tfw had to stand 3hours through a bunch shitty 30min sets for will

at least it was free

Jesus christ.
Yeah tall feels aren't great, I'm self conscious when in crowds because I want others to see.
This leads into people taking advantage and getting in front of you even though they had a view.

>tfw never front row ever
>tfw anything under 1500 calories makes me ill

I later read an article about how he said he saw someone not dancing in his show, I know the chances are slim but oh god that's terrifying.
Going to see him again in september and hopefully I can get buzzed enough to seem like I'm having a good time.

>tfw one of my best friends is 6'5 but has a weak heart so he might die very early

Cherish every minute you have with them user.