
Gambia has announced it is leaving the International Criminal Court, referring to its ICC acronym as the “International Caucasian Court” and accusing it of unfairly targeting Africa while ignoring the crimes of the West.

Gambia's departure makes it the third African nation to leave the court this month, after Burundi and South Africa – the latter a strong supporter of the ICC under former President Nelson Mandela. Namibia and Kenya have also raised the possibility of leaving the court.

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Western imperialism is strangeling Africa.

>The United States is not a participant in the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC is a permanent international criminal court, founded in 2002 by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute) to "bring to justice the perpetrators of the worst crimes known to humankind – war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide"

>In 2002, the US Congress passed the American Service-Members' Protection Act (ASPA), which contained a number of provisions, including prohibitions on the United States providing military aid to countries which had ratified the treaty establishing the court.

>In July 2002, the United States threatened to use its Security Council veto to block renewal of the mandates of several UN peacekeeping operations, unless the Security Council agreed to permanently exempt US nationals from the Court's jurisdiction.

>africans commit more crimes
>"why da fuck da white boys be oppressing us with their laws n shit"

who is that black cockcharming devil?

Is that girl real?
I'm ashamed to realise this again but looking at the picture, it wasn't their skin color I hated, it was just all facial features of blacks making them turn offs.

she is 10/10 i would fuck if had pupils

this and this

lol, do you don't recognize heavy photoshop magic?

my point is that skin color isn't really a turn-off

just true African girl

cant you just tell me her name and leave the deep thoughts for later?

she look liked strong of armwrestling.

>photoshop magic?

It's not photoshop, her skin is really this dark

I tell not about color but about heavy filtres and redrawn face. IRL she must be much more ugly.

Forgot her name

No, she just looks like that.

what is this faggotry

>tfw Finland will never love you

Real talk

How do fellow Africans perceive Somalis?

Be honest I fear no redpill

Asians are mongoloids and how coem they have no complaints?

blacks have been given so much aid by the west that they have a heightened sense of self importance

Who looted fucked over and made stupid borders thus knowingly created conflict over a region

It goes both way btw


That's doubly incorrect.


>and made stupid borders

yeah because we knew how to draw a map.
tribal wars are a lot more ancient than you might seem to think.
african fought between them before us, in some places they were even eating themselves.

It doesn't go both ways.

what the fuck are you talking about?
theres plenty of natural resources still in Africa
and we built up all the infrastructure and gave centralised governments.
African countries have actually gone back in time and devolved since we lef them

Anyone have that picture of a Chinese investor in Africa telling an African that they got free infrastructure from yurp, but that they were irresponsible and just let it go to waste?


well atleast that black man is trying

That's the one! Thanks, Nigel.


Yeah building a dusty road and bricks equals infrastructure

Are you one of those whites did good kind of fag
Africa was alright before you plagues came we could've fixed our shut made our own cunts but nag white fags had to interject the notion of saviour or educator

Only ones who were living it up during colonization were whites and their elite African stooges

Of course there were bad things but it wasnt cartoonishly evil like every black makes out

>we could've fixed our shit
then why didn't you? Even now Africa is 50-100 years behind the rest of the world

It's impossible to get things done when we are warring cuz some idiots chose to put hundreds of different tribe's in one cunt cuz they black and whatnot thus having person from ethnic group A oppress Group B and so on

Mixed transnational finnish families. You just have to get over the autism. It's breddy good :DD

>few shoped images in Internets
>No, she just looks like that.

>we good boyz
Dindu nuffin, the post

She looks like a black version of that teacher Don Draper fucked in Mad Men.

Literally get shot or look for a shart mart you piece of fat fuck

>blame whitey for your own tribal warfare

really makes you think

As an example, the only railroad in Ethiopia was built by the French (Ethiopia wasn't even colonized). Everything is written in French their and it stayed this way for more than an hundred (100) years.

They are building a new one at least ... Well ... The Chinese are building a new one.

Those things aren't likely to happen, as I'm an upper-middle class white male who lives in New England. I don't shop at Walmart, and the only way in likely to get shot is in a hunting accident.
My life is cozy, bud. How's yours?

how to get black gf

t. white boi

>gold coloured earrings


Go to college
Worked for me

majko božja

Girls are the same. Race is not matter.
To be a man.


Be my goddess

I'd make for a shit deity desu

in america they call those dark blacks jiggaboos.

can confirm

Let a nigga tap that

What a controversial thread today. What happened to the qts and curly hair?


>tfw there's a really cute black girl in your residence hall that could even be Igbo but you haven't seen her in weeks
It hurts.


Father fucker her daughter multiple times during many years, because he wanted to get rich and went to see some fucking voodoo priest. He gave him some "medicine" and told him to fuck her over and over and over, until he is rich.

One guy fucks/rapes every girl in the village that are menstruating for "sexual healing".

Every other race of people should leave Africa and let it be. Just build a wall around it and make it into a reality-tv show.

>He gave him some "medicine" and told him to fuck her over and over and over, until he is rich.

hmmm seems like it could work

remember, science is western and thus made by whitey and flawed ; we should listen to African scientists like this voodoo priest. After all Kenyan scientists can make lightning come from the sky on demand.

Africa is depressing. Timbuctu is a mess, I expected something grandiose, and even ruins in the middle of a jungle in East Asia are more impressing. Heck, one of the most sacred mezquites in Mali was one story high and amde of mud. The fuck, those guys had the biggest golden mines ever.

Good for them. Forcing the same legal standards on different cultures is silly. Not like these international organizations would stop crimes or the UN have prevented 1956, 1968, Mao or Pol-Pot.

Also, the grill is cute.

Oh shit, the fallist logic is perfect! Magic'n'shieeet!

The UN is a western organization, i dont know why other countries accept it

Source, she has those lips

Black people even when they practice christianity, they have another approach to it.

When Africans first met whitey they adopted whitey's creed, christianity, because they thought "obviously his gods are stronger than ours, seeing the powerful magic they perform".

Even today blacks in the USA will pray together before committing a robbery, to pray God to let it succeed. They will pray to God to let their son who committed murder go miraculously free, even though they never question the morals involved.

I used to know a guy from Ghana, after losing his wife and kids because of a serious gambling problem, he found God. He walked around with a sorts of relics, like rocks in which he saw the virgin Mary etc, treating them as if they had magic powers. It was closer to voodoo then to western christianity.

Anyway, he was a good guy and a friend, I'll never say a bad word about him.

I will about USA ghetto nigger "culture" type blacks though,

Juicy lips are godtier.

don't mind me dropping this

Maybe in the South or rural areas. Here they just call them "Black people".

I saw soomeone replied to me and was happy because i thought it was source :(

Took a nap, feelin greeeeat. no gym today though

I like real Africans though. I have several friends from the Congo and Rwanda, and one from Ghana as mentioned before. They're good and decent people. And I had an Ethiopian girlfriend once, she was pretty and sweet.

Cameroon girls are also nice.

I can't stay American gangsta rap nigger "culture" though. Makes me want to puke. pic related


Lemme check

>african thread

no african flags

Awwwww you're so cute.

She looks different in every picture on her instagram. Some hardcore makeup and photoshop.

Different lighting


Poor girl has to deal with ignorance like this

what would happen if she racemixes with a white guy? Would the baby come out gray?

>africa thread
>it's filled with nordics, americans and that one croat

It's like 1000 layers of foundation makeup and shit. Trust me I know.

Half of those nordics are somalis. Not even kidding.

Not surprised t.b.h. seeing how many somalis there are on Sup Forums compared to other africans.

That state is like the Somalia of the USA. On the other hand, you're suddenly X+2/10 while on it's territory by comparison.

Would never marry a black girl because I just couldn't do something so evil to my children as force them to be born black.

jiggaboo jiggaboo where are you?
"I is here in the woodshed watching you"
jiggaboo jiggaboo won't you come out?
"No I is scared of the white man way down south"

no, coffee brown one
an extremely sexy brown one if its a girl
t. knower

black and blue/grey eyes

that's quite something

anyway I agree with the Greeks of antiquity, that the "people with burnt faces" from "the edge of the world" have ladies that are attractive and sweet

shun American nigger "culture" though they are swines

I'd love to wake up next to her

or see the reflection of her eyes watching me in a darkened room

pls post a new picture aruba chan ;_;

Im.not racist but i want an all white country

How can we relocate blacks?

America was never a white country though

Cool what does that have to do with what i said?

you know, black girls smell different too. I bet a girl like that, she smells really exotic, the fragrance of the jungle, wild and untamed, yet with a heart full of love for the right guy

when I close my eyes I can just about smell her

when I went out on weekend nights I always like to pass a bunch of real african girls, pretending to go to the toilet, just to pass and smell their fragrance

then I usually went home with the fresh impression and fapped

I made love to a rare Senegalese/Thai crossbreed once. You'll never know what it is like to get aroused from the contrast, not just my skin on hers, but my cum on her skin

and the fragrance

once I was drunk II passsed the whore neighbourhood, and one bigg black mama told me with sign languaage to come in. She was really drunk and opened the next bottle of champagne. I was a broke student but shee told me to stay, it was late and she wouldn'ty haave costumers anymore anyway. we danced to African music, drank 3 bottles of cham^pagne free, her treat, then we kissed and ucked. She even let me sniff a bottle of poppers, and it madde me super hard. Then we fucked for a while and afterwards she gave me some weed and told me to rooll a joint

I stayed until the sun came up, then she closed shop and said she haad to go to Brussels to visit her husband and children. She also told me it was her last year as a prostitute and she was going to open an African groery store in Brussels.

the next week she was gone, I never saw her again. What a nice night though, I will never forget. I wish her all the very best


Romance doesnt exist in the jungle only ooogas and waaaaaagh booooooooga

Look at apes and tell me if you see romance, that is tge black.

We need to start a black resttlement community program.

Blacks in general like Sup Forums because it's more normalfag-friendly

I would assume you'd want an nationalistic country. Which would mean if we had a country only for white people from that country, as in Norway for only Norwegians. You would be just as rejected as any black immigrant if that was the case.