Ok now all the fuss has died down we can admit it's shit, right lads?

ok now all the fuss has died down we can admit it's shit, right lads?


Identikit was definitely pretty shit on this album

wrong. also, bait.

>original thread got 3000 replies

i still havent listened to it lol

It's better than HTTT and Bends

idk if Sup Forums likes HTTT and Bends though

The Bends is their second best album.

I didn't like it but I'm don't really like Radiohead altogether (except for Kid A)


Better things could have been done with the songs.
It also doesn't sound like a very warm album.

I listened to it in a car driving through Queenstown during their cold winter and tall forest trees surrounded the roads. I feel like that was a good environment for the album.
In a slightly negative way the album captures that environment in that it's cold and thin aired and there is not much you can do
There is some great scenery but it's so cold when you go out and you feel almost trapped and helpless.

It's average as fuck. Typical fan service album. Listened to it 5 or 6 times when it was released and i haven't listened to it since.
The more i listened to it, the less i liked it.

i couldn't find an album called image.jpg

Nah it's still good.

After what? Pablo Honey?

1. "Burn the Witch" 3:40
One of the better tracks on the album. Drums/Drum machine sounds too retro however
Great dark chorus though

2. "Daydreaming" 6:24
Harks to a more classic type of Radiohead somberness. But as instruments build the vocals do not which doesn't give the track the "epic" boost of older Radiohead material. Arpeggios are generic but tolerable.

3. "Decks Dark" 4:41
The choir and piano on here make this an almost silly "spooky" sounding track. Reminds me of HTTT in a way. I liked the melody on the outro.

4. "Desert Island Disk" 3:44
A Dad rock/mega pleb folk sounding song.

5. "Ful Stop" 6:07
Very repetitive. Some nice guitar and drum builds though and a chaotic high pitched Thom. No real good melodies. Not a track id return to much

6. "Glass Eyes" 2:52
Wasn't a huge fan of the strings. Like most of the tracks on this album it would have been an amazing track if it had Thom singing falsetto on it. But he doesn't bother.

7. "Identikit" 4:26
Nice melody, pretty cool guitar based track. One of my favourites except for that horrid "BROKEN HEARTS MAKE IT RAIN" section made even worse with that god awful choir choice. What were they thinking. Those synths curing that part were not good either. Pretty much ruins the song for me when it comes to that part.
8. "The Numbers" 5:45
Lame dad rock. Such a lame chord progression. This is Radiohead ffs what are they doing here.
9. "Present Tense" 5:06
A shock on first listen with the samba like beat. But a real pretty sounding track. Guitar arpeggios don't sound like Typical Radiohead but do sound nice and pretty regardless. One of my top tracks off this album.

10. "Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief" 5:03

One of the more "Amnesiac" like tracks on the album. Cold and haunting. Radioheads string sections have always been most effective when complimenting Thom';s rising vocals and especially his falsetto and/or yelling. Here Thom doe snot sing during the outro string section and thus isn't as powerful. Sounds like a "le dramatic" James Bond/action movie type orchestral section.

11. "True Love Waits" 4:43
Really liked the choice they made to do this song on piano. A better choice than acoustic guitar in my opinion. When Thom sings "YOUR TINYYYY HANDS" his voice sounds like it's cracked which was/is a slightly annoying listen but something I've grown to appreciate more in it's sincerity and "roughness".
The melodies save the track and make it work.
Full on simplistic musically and an another addition to the typical "sad solo Thom on piano final track" trope.
Could most likely have worked well with strings. Anything could really the song is set in stone as a great one. As long as it had no awful skip beat drumming, which it didn't thankfully

definite improvement over the shitheap that was TKOL, but i'm not in love with it. favorite track is identikit, but you could have guessed that.

Hell no, lad.

I'm currently enjoying this as much as IR. A strong contender for my AOTY.

TKOL is their best album.
Actually, Amnesiac is their best, and TKOL is #2.

This album puts me in a strange mood. I love it.
Fucking love the bends.

>Amnesiac is their best
Based opinion. It's my personal favourite. I might listen to it now.

this desu

The Bends is my favourite Radiohead album m8

Oh fuck yeah... Amnesiac...

It's like 007 Thom Yorke.

dont lol

better sequenced than in rainbows and amnesiac


still not that great though

radiohead peaked with ok computer senpai

I think you really have to be in the mood for that album to enjoy it. I think it´s great, but I see why people could hate it


pretty forgettable if we're going to be honest with you family

I'm going to keep making these Amnesiac memes, because "fuck you".



I redid the first one better

shit opinion, the guitar solo owns

there is not a single good vocal melody on this album. The delay effects are so fucking stupid too. It's not a far cry from what Kanye West does when he just starts warbling into autotune on stage solo and expects everyone to emote to it.

The only memorable thing on the whole album was the one guitar solo which sits in the middle of basically nothing. Their ambient music is so awful for anyone familiar with electronic music. The only other memorable part is the opening try, which is memorable for being laughably bad and sounding like a literal parody of their music (or coldplay's music for that matter).

I'm pretty sure there are Jandek albums better than this polished turd.

vocals on Daydreaming, Glass Eyes, Present Tense, Ful Stop all have great melodies, you gotta try harder than that man

while this is true from a listener's respective, from a historical and critical perspective OKC is the best.

Just stop with the shitposting.

they don't. I can't even argue with you anymore about it because after listening to the album several times when it came out and formulating an evaluation, at this point in time I literally do not even remember how any of the songs go and am not willing to listen again. It's just that fucking bad. I am honestly really shocked it didn't get the pan it deserved. It really is true what they say about Radiohead, they can piss into a microphone and the press will suck their dick.

I literally wouldnt be surprised if they put out this album with the intention of testing that. Like, they were feeling some incredulous self doubt about the endless praise they get and said, lets just throw some underwhelming b sides on an album, give it the silliest Radiohead sounding name and cover we can think of, and see if they still fawn over it.

Imagine their disgust at what happened.

Like for fucks sake, it really seriously sounds like they didn't try at all. It's just a tease. Like that guitar solo, it's there just to remind you they can make good music, while they insist that the mediocre ambient package it comes wrapped in is worthy and important. It's either cheeky as fuck or pretentious as fuck.


it's in the bottom right corner of the cover you dumbass

Eh, if you like R.E.M. that bad.

Lol why do you care what he posts?

OKC is more U2 than REM desu, like, the backbeat for Let Down could totally be on Joshua Tree

these memes are great btw. there ought to be something like this for Portishead desu

>Let Down
wasn't let down plagarized? or is that Karma police?

Karma Police takes the main melody of Sexy Sadie yeah, I kind of see it as more of a tribute but w/e, The Beatles never suede them. Not heard about Let Down.

Is suede a good band or are they just like blur for faggots?

Suede are Pulp for faggots.

>A Dad rock/mega pleb folk sounding song.
lmao, amazing criticism. never change Sup Forums

i don't know what this thread is about but damn, that album really suck

>I'm pretty sure there are Jandek albums better than this polished turd.

do you think Suede ever got suede and chose that name because of it?

they ruin the melody on the present tense because of all the fucking delay they put on it

it's called reverb

what do you think reverb is?

The harmonized background vocals when Thom is singing "and all this love will be in vein" and whatever are fucking angelic

the delay effect and reverb effect sound completely different in production terms

im well aware of the way the term is used in production, I'm pointing out how stupid you are for trying to leverage that vernacular to bolster yourself belittling this poster when it does not make a difference to his point.

What do you think reverb is?

Kid A>OK Computer>A Moon Shaped Pool>In Rainbows>Amnesiac>The Bends>The King Of Limbs>Hail To The Thief>Pablo Honey

>I'm pointing out how stupid you are for trying to leverage that vernacular to bolster yourself belittling this poster when it does not make a difference to his point.
Damage control much? So many unnecessary words...
>What do you think reverb is?
You tell me lol

>You tell me lol
so you don't know what you are talking about, not surprising.

>So many unnecessary words...
what a great comeback...did you have to google those words or something?

>Damage control much?
I'm not the poster you originally bullied, I just stepped in because I do know what I'm talking about and knew you didn't

lol you mad bro

>gets btfo
>posts 'u mad' and an image

how do I keep forgetting this place is for children? that's for the wake up call I'll be leaving now.

whatever you say dude, keep fuming from all the mild rustling, since you didn't do anything to disprove my point kek


It always seems there is two types of Radiohead fans.

1. The melody fans, who prefer OK Computer/The Bends/In Rainbows
2. The innovation fans, who prefer The King Of Limbs/Amnesiac/Kid A

I like that about Radiohead.

you didn't do anything to disprove his point, which was my point and I made it.

the thing is they aren't innovative really, but apart from that syntax your point is valid and I respect it.

I thought you left? I feel like you're getting even more distressed now...

nah its pretty good

I hit the snooze button.

I feel like you are a bore. Maybe that's why I can't wake up it's too tired here.

>listened to it during winter
>it came out in May

u wot

I've never heard music like:

1. Bloom - TKOL
2. Morning Mr. Magpie - TKOL
3. Everything In It's Right Place - Kid A
4. Like Spinning Plates - Amnesiac
5. Feral - TKOL
6. Fog - Amnesiac B-side

Maybe not be majorly innovative, but some of these songs sounds like the first of their kind.
And i would love it, if you should me anything that remotely sounds like Bloom, or Everything In It's Right Place

try Robert Wyatt, Scott Walker, Apex Twin and Bjork.

Thanks. Big Aphex and Bjork fan... but I never heard of these other two.

its winter in New Zealand user

listen to Rock Bottom if you like TKOL

granted these comparisons aren't one to one, the production on the radiohead stuff is pretty different.

TKOL is more Talking Heads than Robert Wyatt

no you must be stupid that's a shame

New meme

I hear so much about the Talking Heads
I need to listen to them.

But they are so harsh to beginner ears.

Why Gatorz?

It's excellent.Very purposefully crafted, which is how Radiohead has been able to stay relevant for all these years.

My only concern is that the live version of the album is going to be an immigration of the album. Their first few live concerts after the release of the album showed this, and yeah, pretty concerned.

As much as people may dislike studio version of TKOL ( I don't), there's no denying the Live From the Basement version feels completely different. Really hoping they achieve the same thing with AMSP.

i like it, i don't give a fuck, the present tense gave me feels

Try their live album, Name of the band is Talking Heads, very accessible and immediate

the only song i didn't like, was the last one, so... nothing, then i heard the live version and t was so much better