Best song

>best song
>worst song
>most underrated

also gen. nirvana discussion thread

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck you


Come As You Are
On a Plain (still good though)
>most underrated
Lounge Act

territorial pissings
drain you
come as you are
endless nameless


Territorial Pissings (upbeat punk) or Drain You (most atmosphere setting song)
>Worst/Most Overrated
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nearly empty with meaning, not one of Kurt's songs on his old casette tapes, everyone in the band thought it was a joke and I could go on about it)
>Most underrated
On A Plain

On a Plain
>most underrated
On a Plain

Lounge Act


>Most Underrated
Smells Like Teen Spirit (lots of hipsters actually believe it's the worst song on the album just to be different)

>not one of Kurt's songs on his old casette tapes
>everyone in the band thought it was a joke and I could go on about it)
please do because I don't believe that at all.


I think they were playing hip hop when I went.

>everyone in the band thought it was a joke
waste of trips

breed (could've easily gone under underrated, for some reason no one ever talks about this track and i love it)
on a plain by a country mile
drain you (really good pop rock song)

Well I personally have a fondness for the songs that Kurt wrote before or during the early stages of Nirvana which he progressively improved on overtime.
As for the second comment, Kurt saw someone write "Kurt smells like teen spirit" on some wall at his school I think and didn't know "teen spirit" was a deoderant. Kurt wrote the riff quickly and the band laughed and thought it sounded a lot like "More than a feeling" so they put it on the album not expecting it to do well and pretty much shat it out. I personally don't like it because being in high school and going to normie parties, every girl that thinks they're edgy play this song when handed the aux cord or something and wear nirvana merch and claim to love Kurt Cobain but like know only a few songs (yeah I know you're waiting for me to say some shit like "I was born in le wrong generation" but this shit holds true)

Shit I was in a rush

>the band laughed and thought it sounded a lot like "More than a feeling" so they put it on the album not expecting it to do well and pretty much shat it out.
source? I don't recall anything remotely like that in With the Lights Out which as I recall featured the very first performance of it.

>it sounded a lot like "More than a feeling"
holy fuck can't unhear

Look it up, I gotta go to a party and put death grips on the aux cord or something, it's a well known story and they reference it at Reading Festival when they play "more than a feeling" at the start to bait the crowd

>on a plain


>listening to any version of this album besides the MSFL version

Lounge Act
Endless Nameless
most underrated

this except i like come as you are. territorial pissings deserves more love though

Polly really is the only weak spot on this album. Would've been better if it wasn't included desu.


>Come As You Are

drain you
endless nameless

It sucks.

Drain You
Stay Away
In Bloom
Lounge Act

>On A Plain

In a jar
>runner up
Little fury things

Endless Nameless or Territorial Pissings

In Utero was a lot better

I still have yet to hear any mainstream song more cloyingly, cringe-inducing than "Butterfly Kisses." Can we have a universal declaration?

>not a single "MODS"
>actually discussing music

You guys are disgusting.

Bleach > In Utero > Nevermind

debate me

Nirvana is the most overrated band.