I get so depressed about my existence when I find out that a classic album was made by someone my age or way younger...

I get so depressed about my existence when I find out that a classic album was made by someone my age or way younger than me.

Everytime I like an album I search for how old the artist were when he made the album. And most of the time they were in their early 20s.

WTF am I doing with my life? Why am I not special?

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Maybe you're overthinking it.

times have changed my user

Because you go on Sup Forums instead of doing other things that would benefit yourself and others in more significant ways.

some people are born better to make music than others

>It's not my fault I'm a pathetic NEET
sure user

no one talked about NEETs so i have no idea what you're saying here

It's because they live different lifestyles to you. You yourself posted Bowie as an example; He'd already learnt how to play saxophone and guitar at a fairly young age, and so had years to practice, find his style, and write music. Simultaneously he was active in his local music scene and sought out other creative people, which opened even more doors for him.
On the other hand, you've been sitting behind a computer screen for the past ten years.

Are you able to speak without using memes?

Most likely OP tried to or thought about making music and clearly failed to make anything close to Ziggy Stardust in quality or staying power which is reasonable since something like this is more about the perfect enviroment for a musician to reach their potential rather than raw skill.

That hit me

start meditating, find your purpose and just stop with the bullshit. one thing you'll find too is that you'll dissassociate more from the romanticising of music and you wont give a fuck about that album anymore. bowie is dead, you can make music and he cannot.

That's alright, younger people made that album before Bowie did.



Now you just have to kill yourself.

Sonic Youth were in their 30 they recorded this masterpiece.

Boards of Canada were 31 and 32 when they published the best album ever

Contrary to what society tells you, people don't go through life at the same rate despite doing similar things at whatever age they're at. Bowie released Ziggy Stardust at that age because his life before it prepared him to release something great. Just think about those kids on YouTube who can play piano like gods, or hell look at Mozart. They've either worked at it for years, or they're prodigies.

Op, Fucking bowie compose song he is 15 years old, he learn music back when he was 11 and he also have a diverse base of music knowledge cuz his parents and possibilities (1$ vinyl store) he also have a cool scene around to get things interesting.
also, most of famous artist start with making music at young ages:
Animal collective, the beatles, the beach boys, the strokes, Arctic monkeys, billy joel, nirvana, bob dylan, lou reed and cale, pavement, weezer, bowie

And yeah, maybe you don't like this bands but all this bands songwriter's start at the age of 14-15 to compose and let them masterpieces shine in their 22-24 golden years. also there's a lot of old people with album made in their 30s. gbv make they bee thousand and alien lanes at 30's and the obvious case if you like songwriting write songs everyday, try to find your own way and that's all, practice and a little bit of nature talent (well, maybe s lot) don't over thinking it, is fucking music

>On the other hand, you've been sitting behind a computer screen for the past ten years.
welp, brb kys myself

Mangum was 28 when he released the meme over the sea.

Most everyone is not special.

oh shit nigga

Wtf are you saying?Preez speak Engrish mofo.

this is completely true. to get results you need to put in the work, get connections, meet people, learn how to perform and write music.

They were like 12 when they dropped this masterpice we should probably all kill ourselves we'll never be on their level

user, art isn't a competition. stop comparing yourself to others. if you go into art for the sake of your own self-worth, you're just going to keep being frustrated with yourself. figure out what you are really interested in and pursue it for its own sake, not for the sake of comparing yourself to others. follow your own path. i play music everyday, not because i want to get better per se, but because i simply enjoy doing it. and maybe the answer is you are just not that interested in making music—and that's fine. if you can accept that you will probably be a lot happier. otherwise, go pick up a guitar and start writing some songs or whatever. if you waste your whole life never doing anything meaningful you'll really have no one to blame but yourself.

Alan vega was 39 when the first suicide record came out

you can make any dream feel hopeless by typing in "(thingyouwanttodohere) done by a 3 year old asian kid" in google.

Robbie Basho started playing guitar at 19 and is considered one of the greatest guitarists ever. You've got time.

user, all of your feelings are valid. Not everyone can be great, and not everyone will be great. All you can do is experience what makes you happy in life, and pursue that. Fame is something we have been diluted to believing should be the ultimate end to a life. But there is so much more. Having fun with friends, starting a family, jamming at open mic nights, these are the moments you need to live for. Chasing fame, and achieving fame, will only make you want more fame. It is a cycle that you don't get to win. Stop thinking of it as the end goal, and your life will be so much fulfilling. As in buddhism, let ideas enter, embrace them, then let them go, for this is the path to enlightenment and fulfillment.