/fa/ Albums




Skramz is /fa/ af



You're listening to the wrong skramz. Orchid is terrible.



pic related is godtier desu


off-topic for /fa/

Trips confirm

Ok kid

trips confirm?

Whhhhhaat albumb dis?





someone post london calling


Don't mind me just posting the best album in history of music

gojira from mars to sirius

Brand New
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me


what the fuck do you even mean by "/fa/" music
clarify your meanings and shit
don't be one of those cucks who slaps "/fa/" onto everything

well imo an /fa/ album is one with the aesthetics that match our current fashion trends while the artist gives their own art to the cover
i can see that from by seeing that the album is completely in two variations of color black and white which can be directly led to the latest trends of wearing usually darker toned cloths
>inb4 faggot

>Orchid is terrible.
sounds like youve got shit taste m8

