Why is this album so perfect?

Why is this album so perfect?

it's not

Amnesiac is better tbqhwy



You have to be literally retarded to think that OK Computer isnt their best album

it's not

amnesiac, kid a and in rainbows and HTTT are better imo

too much filler in ok computer imo

You have to be literally retarded to think that OK Computer is a good album

Congratulations you are a tasteless retard

Name 2 bad songs on it

i'll defend him on this

so mad

Fitter Happier and No Surprises,
more like Fatter Whore and No no no no

For the most part Radiohead aren't very good. When you think about, they're really not that much better than coldplay.

However, they somehow managed to capture the anxious and uncertain feeling of the late 90s/early 00s and struck a cultural nerve so well with this album. 9/10 tbqh my family

radiohead more like radioshit
he he he

3rd best next to In Rainbows and Amnesiac. There's a small gap between their quality.

because it's fucking OK computer

The into to Fitter Happier where Ed creates that feedback loop with his guitar that folds in on itself again and again and just collapses is one of my favourite moments on the record

it's objectively the best radiohead album and really good, not perfect though. all other albums are pretentious bullshit
hes right, apart from fitter happier (which is just downright annoying) every song is good

That's the end of Karma Police tho

It's the end and the beginning, really. Without Fitter Happier you don't get that cool transition.

Because you're 15 and you've listened to very few albums

Maybe Fitter Happier can be considered bad as a separate song, but it fits in the album and fortifies it comcept

In Rainbows is their best

Karma Police and Lucky

None of the songs on In Rainbows managed to reach the climax of Karma Police and Let Down, the only one that comes close of doing that is All I Need

ow the edge


I've been listening to ok computer for almost a decade and it's still a ten

>ignoring weird fishes/arppegi and bodysnatchers

It was the best album of all time until this came out

In Rainbows and Amnesiac are a snoozefest

OKC and The Bends are their best

Kid A is pretty good too