Does good speedcore exist?

Does good speedcore exist?

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pick one.

Years ago, before vulpvibe, I used to love renard's stuff, all the character's he'd invent for the different genres of music he made was amusing to me and I enjoyed the music itself very much.

However, as a right thinking human bean I can't bring myself to agree with the ridiculous things he's been brainwashed into by the tumblr crowd and so stopped listening long ago. To continue enjoying it would be hypocritical of me.

A talented and promising artist reduced to just another pandering SJW snowflake in a bucket full of pandering SJW snowflakes. They didn't elevate him, they dragged him down. I dread to think what sort of stuff he's making these days.

I keep an archived copy of all three Mungyodance games and their relevant expansion packs out of respect for the effort that went into them and the difficulty people have in finding them these days but I can't bring myself to play them.

>>A talented and promising artist reduced to just another pandering SJW snowflake in a bucket full of pandering SJW snowflakes. They didn't elevate him, they dragged him down. I dread to think what sort of stuff he's making these days.
he's not a SJW anymore, he's been reduced to nothing but an icon once more. After being outed as a rapist, he's nothing but furry j/o material.

He renounced the path of the SJW?
Is that true?

yes, see his later releases too, aint brony or forced furry shit


So how come he still thinks he's a "Gender neutral" "They" then?

that's not SJW, that's just being mentally retarded. SJW is an active force, not passive such as Gender Identity.

he dont give a shit about this anymore too, he said that a fucking pronoun dont define a person

who was the guy accused of raping his roommate in Lapfox again? he had attention hair colours or something

I'm trying to be open minded here, I want to enjoy this stuff again but I'm not seeing a change.

The wiki still lists all the faggotry about him.
I even looked at the reddit page devoted to him and yeah, it's all gay furies preening over haircolours and pronouns, this is recent stuff.

I can't find anything written by him that denounces it so I'm just going to carry on.

>The wiki still lists all the faggotry about him.
>I even looked at the reddit page devoted to him and yeah, it's all gay furies preening over haircolours and pronouns, this is recent stuff.

>I let others effots in wiki and his fans make my decisions for me

i mean his music, his fans are pretty much cancer

I don't know the guy so what else can I base my opinions of him on?

I'm going to find some of the newer stuff and give it a listen then. Thanks.

Came here to say this.

Also Maddest Chickn'dom, Psycho Filth, CSR etc.

Renard. It's just one guy with different personas he makes for different genres. I lost interest in him a bit before that shit so I don't really know what went down but SJWs accusing someone of rape isn't something to take too seriously.

He admitted to it but claimed he has "Sexsomnia" which causes him to touch people in his sleep, thus without their permission.

Argument is full retard on both sides.

What's your fav lapfox album lads?

most of the good speedcore producers are apparentely from japan

with some exceptions like Bonehead or Gabber Front Berlin:

also does Berzerker count as speedcore?

Broken Core.

I was blown away by that album, wish he'd get back to that sort of stuff.


Is that like hugging your pillow while your sleeping or some sleep walking shit

Sleepwalking leading to sleepfucking

I'm listening to phwoa right now.

It's a bit of a return to form for those people who don't like his newer stuff so much, not directly but there's touches of it there.

Lets all be honest with ourselves, Renard's music was best when he was suffering and using music as an outlet, before all the nonsense happened to him and he was born again.

I for one welcome a return of the suffering.

What was the argument on the other side?
Japan is really good with digital coreshit, how do they do it?
Can't decide but I like the Best of Lapfox albums

passenger of shit
la foudre (this one's really good)
the quick brown fox sans wanderlust
the berzerker


what's some good _melodic_ speedcore?

what's something cool with drums that ebb and flow like this:
i know that wouldn't really be speedcore anymore

>letting politics stop you from liking the way music sounds to you


im p sure frankjavcee has a meme vid on that

Just speed it up

I like Ren's recent stuff.
Well, for the most part, anyway. I mean what the heck is Phwoa and that one galaxy album he did that was just ambient noise trying to tell a story? I get him wanting to tell stories, but leave some music in it as well. ;~; Framedrag was okay with the story/music balance, though.

take a heavily distorted 909 and play it 250 or more times in a minute

This so much

It's Murder, probably.
good bleepy house shit

This album

The track Bad Dream Baby seems to be the closest fit


Do I know you, stranger?

idk my dude. I'm Brightly

i have just looked up lapfox and this is literally the worst genre ever created

jesus christ mu

he's not representative though is he

Ah, I see.
That's a no. I thought you were someone else who's name begins with Shi.

>passenger of shit

my nigga

Maybe it's too edgy to post even while self-aware of its edginess, but

Renard is one of the few people I think I would actually try to murder if I met him

You hate furfags that much?

furfaggotry is light stuff, this is renard I'm talking about

That self-aware self-awareness is p edgy

I still don't get it. There's much worse out there

he's a furfag rapist

also he's cancer

I think the user you're responding to is referring to the rape allegations? Correct me if I'm wrong.

oop a couple seconds too late. but hey, i was right


What genre? Lapfox is pretty diverse.

You know that nishi lied, right?

There's lots of reasons to hate on that retard, the false rape story isn't one of them.

How about the fact that his self-image was so weak and flimsy that it was utterly obliterated and overwritten by Tumblr? Turning him from a normal canadian into a "genderless" pink haired, problem-glass wearing, hipster social justice fuck? Of the "Dis Cis Scum" school.

pls upload these, I've been wanting to find them

In what way does his music reflect "pandering"?

>makes the same thing that countless other unknown bandcamp shit artists do
>has a furry aesthetic so furries flock to be fans of his

he's only successful because of his marketing, if he weren't a furry no one would care

why don't you base your opinions of him on his music you gigantic faggot
music isn't all about image

Literal TQBF but weeb instead of furry

Any other furcore artists besides Renard's projects and Andrew WK and Car Seat Headrest?

I feel like he would be more successful if he WASN'T a furry. His music would be much more accessible.

How about in his music though?

The lyrics, few as they are, don't reference furshit but the album artwork and external references do.

You're the one implying, friendo. Explain how you think it affects the music

From my experience, Ren's always seemed like a genuine dude. Like here for example:
(He's the top comment)

meant to go to

You realise that entire paragraph boils down to "If you can't accept that i'm furry I'd rather you didn't listen to my music", right?

Yes I realize that. Which means he's not pandering. Integrity is good for musicians.

Nobody claimed he was pandering to EVERYBODY, he's clearly pandering hard to the furry/tumblr crowd (There's a tremendous amount of overlap).

It's not integrity, it's storming off with the ball.

Why would he go after a demographic that nets him less followers in the long run? It's because he's just making what he wants.

All good music has dynamic.

Speed as a genre is a meme, not a style.

4lung, but that's more like happy hardcore

Speedcore doesn't inherently lack dynamics.



fuuuuuuck off

his fanbase is almost as big a circlejerk over music with no substance as crimewave420's

i mean i think her music is rather good, but you're entitled to that opinion i guess