How did you come across your favorite album?

How did you come across your favorite album?

I listened to it

I'm deaf so my friend had to tell me about it

If your deaf how can you type?

Listening to the albums in that famous Sup Forumscore picture
Decided to check other albums made by the artists from the chart I liked.

With my mind

If you're retarded how can you post on Sup Forums?

i have my mother do it for me

Did you just shitpost a reply to a shitpost?

I downloaded it from amazon

WOW Really MAKES YOu think.............................

did you just shitpost a shitpost shitpost?

Did you just use a reaction face to a shitpost reacting to a shitpost reacting to a shitpost?

Ahahahaa! Infinite chain! We did it Reddit! :0)

never reply to a thread im in ever again

>a tripfag telling people to go to reddit
Now I've seen everything.

around 7 years ago while watching salad fingers

Heard Frontier Psychiatrist and went in expecting more of the same.

What I got was better though

What tracks did David use for SAWII?

Dad used to put it on all the time in the car

Bunch of you recommended LS so i checked their Spotify and they had this instead and so listened to it and couldn't believe what i was hearing

later i checked out LS
still hate it

a coworker at an old job and i used to pass a thumbdrive back and forth to share music on it
this was one that he shared with
fell in love with it after the first listen

Rhubarb was the one if I recall correctly

>listen to STGSTV
>sounds like a bunch of shitty noise
>see someone else on the board say the same thing a couple months later
>"i bet you only listened to the first five minutes didn't you faggot" (I did)
>listen to it again and realize it's the best thing anco will ever do

I found a burned CD of it in a stack of them that my dad had. After listening to the first few tracks and realizing that the segues didn't make any sense, I realized it was in alphabetical order and I had to rearrange it to the correct order.

Became obsessed with alt-country/americana and eventually just came across it through Amazon's "customers also bought" recommendations

And after you listen to the rest, you start to like the first track, right?

I don't have one so I didn't.

oh look at patrician you are. piss in a lake george-fag

hOL uP :0 WE DEM BOYS :>]


Calm down, lad, I was just answering OP's question. I don't have a favourite anything, never have and probably never will - just the way I am. Please don't hate, appreciate.

Googled best concept albums, since they're my favorite kind of albums.