What happens here?

What happens here?

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Uyghurs, Chinese Muslims, desert, oil.



Uyghur Separatism


you mean freedom fighting

t. Alparslan Öztürk

chink muslims

羊肉串 is being made.

>in opstand komen tegen totalitaire regimes
>le turk diaspora miem



t. zhang

How much of it has been colonized by han chinese?

Ik ben meestal helemaal geen vriend van communisten, maar hun aanpak van terroristische geitenneukers is toch wel de goede.

>maar hun aanpak van terroristische geitenneukers is toch wel de goede.

ze waren geen terroristen totdat die communistische spleetogen hun moskeën als varkensstallen begonnen te gebruiken

40% is ch*nk

Ze worden daar zwaar onderdrukt. Ze hebben groot gelijk dat ze in opstand komen.


looks intredasting, I wanna go there

how dangerous is it for a white boy to go there?

Turks are white, so you'd fit in.

I'm being serious, Oğuzhan Osmanoğlu


>looks intredasting, I wanna go there

getting a visa to Xinjiang and Tibet is pretty much impossible, unless I wanna pay too much for a propaganda tour while being followed by a communist cadre all day.

>this is China


>this is China

it isn't.



t. zhang

You only need a permit to go to Tibet, you can travel to Xinjiang easily. Only journalists and diplomats aren't allowed in unescorted.

And Uighurs won't kill white people, they only hate Han Chinese.

Try again Pedro. Third time's a charm.

Not sure who you're talking to buddy, this is my first post in this thread.

>this butthurt "dutch" user

>Recent incidents include the 1992 Urumqi bombings,[11] the 1997 Ürümqi bus bombings,[9] the 2010 Aksu bombing,[12] the 2011 Hotan attack,[13] 2011 Kashgar attacks[14] and the 2014 Ürümqi attack.[15]
>As a result of these efforts, some Uyghur separatist movements have been labelled as terrorist groups by the United Nations and U.S. Department of State

yes it is


Have they ever considered petitioning Russia to be federated?

Should make for an interesting event.

To be independent...

men ölüşim tabii ki, amma, küreş ölmeydü
o meñgü devam neşer

>turks are white

No we are brown you fucking wh*tey fuck off

Considering half the population there is Han Chinese and hasn't been killed already, no. They would gladly kill whites for money. Remember, these are Muslims.

What a disgusting language

I notice they don't have those ugly-ass Mao outfits anymore and they just instead rip off US Army uniforms.

Vat? The PLA hasn't worn Mao uniforms in decades.

Uighurs have attempted to kill Han Chinese every chance they can get, they just haven't been able to because the PLA has overwhelming force.

Uighurs have no reason to kill whites cause we're not their colonizers. White journalists and researchers who visited Xinjiang shortly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq reported that Uighurs would ask them when George Bush would come liberate them.

Not all Muslims countries hate America, see Albania, Kosovo, and Bosnia for further examples.

>can I have a bazillion pizzas with extra nothing
>got you phamalam

What year do you think this is? 1971? For fuck's sake, the Berlin Wall was still standing the last time they wore these.

Used to be inhabited by group of Caucasian people until the area became a desert. Then Turkic people took over the area and claim the mummies that they found their are their ancestors

>le people start separatist attacks for no reason meme

Muslims stabbing Han Chinks

During war with each other it's just going to be a free for all anyways.

Friendly-fire mode on was a smart idea.

t. elite armchair strategist

Are you fucking serious?

Yep. Complete copy of US Army uniforms.

Lots of Uighur look pretty white to me.
They have nothing to do with Turks.
No same ancestor or blood line,but many Uighur still believe they are Turks.
Thanks to the Pan-Turkism.

I've been to Xinjiang Province.

No special permits or visas are required. The Uighurs are friendly as fuck toward Westerners and couldn't have been nicer. Most haven't seen a Westerner before, so if you have blonde hair and a blonde beard (me), you get a lot of odd looks and people asking you for selfies with them.

There are a lot of Han around: local government, traders, army, police. They were nice too (towards Westerners), but they treated the Uighurs roughly. They do regular military parades in the squares and main streets, as a 'show of force', I suppose. The Han were touchy about us being around police stations and military, but that's about it.

Lovely place, highly recommended.

>"oh no, we have to speak chinese to get into university and to find better jerbs than being a fucking fruit vendor on the streets"
>"oooh dey han chinks force us to learn chinese and cut our beards or we cant get jerbs in official positions"
>"oh noes, they forbid us to circumcise our children because we dirty muslim nomads cant wash ourselves and kill them by infections all the time"
>"Oh no, I'm soo poor I have to feed all my 20 children because the evil commie government exempted me from the one-child policy!"
>Oh noes, I'm so fucking poor because the evil commie government's subsidies for halal foods isnt enough to feed my son's 20 children as well!"
>"allahuakbar! lets kill random chinese people on the streets to protest against our own incompetence!"

U*ghurs are literally Chinese niggers, that enjoy many government benefits that Han people couldnt even dream of, but still fail at life and at everything else.


Funny, as when I went there with a Turkish friend, she could talk to and understand them perfectly. Their languages are Turkic and still mutually intelligible.

If uyghurs aren't a turkic people, how did they end up speaking a turkic language?

In other news, Tibet used to be stuck in the Middle Ages until the Chinese built roads, schools, electrification, abolished child marriage, etc. But you'll still drive around with a Free Tibet bumper sticker on your Prius.

Great place tbqh



>"oh no, we have to speak Russian to get into university and to find better jerbs than being a fucking fruit vendor on the streets"
>"oooh dem Russkies force us to learn Russian and cut our beards or we cant get jerbs in official positions"
>"oh noes, they forbid us to circumcise our children because we dirty Muslim nomads cant wash ourselves and kill them by infections all the time"
>Oh noes, I'm so fucking poor because the evil Russian government's subsidies for halal foods isn't enough to feed my son's 20 children as well!"
>"allahuakbar! lets kill random Russian people on the streets to protest against our own incompetence!"

Chechens are literally Russian niggers, that enjoy many government benefits that Russian people couldn't even dream of, but still fail at life and at everything else.

t. Zhang

Yeah Tibetans and Uighurs should be grateful for invaders of a different ethnic group moving in and economically marginalizing them in their own homeland. Meanwhile Mainlanders will call Hong Kongers and Taiwanese 汉奸 for saying that British and Japanese rule brought economic development.

They are from the same language system,just like south Afrian blacks speak english too,you won't said"yeah we are all anglo",don't you?

Read the history book,Uyghurs and Turks orginally are Nomadic people from the north of China.
And during the Tang dynasty,the Chinese allied with Uyghurs to defeat Turks,and result of the Immigration of Turks.

Yeah American Aboriginals should be grateful for invaders of a different ethnic group moving in and economically marginalizing them in their own homeland. Meanwhile Burgers will call Mexicans "Illegals" for saying that their hard labour is what brought economic development to the US.

This is the guy who thinks it was better before the Spanish stopped people in Mexico from chopping hearts out as a sacrifice to the gods and made everyone wear pants.

Or that Tibet was better back when you could sell your 8 year old daughter for a block of salt.

Nice whataboutism Zhang, haven't seen that tactic before from you people. I fully admit we fucked over the Indians. Meanwhile, you morons will tell yourselves "we wuz peaceful and shit" and endlessly bitch about Western colonialism, while failing to realize your justifications for ruling Tibet and Xinjiang are the exact same justifications that Westerner colonialists used.

No, Han people actually were in Tibet and Xinjiang long before Columbus even discovered America.

Actually, for Xinjiang, the Han colonized it before the Uighurs came. If anything, it was the Uighurs who invaded from central asia and genocided the Han-people away.

Also, not t.Zhang here. Just as sino-guy.

>give America back to the natives
Ha ha, yeah right. It would look like Haiti in a week.

Don't even take that b8.

Indians had no concept of nation states and land ownership

Yup, unlike the Tibetans who had an empire which ass-whopped the Tang, and later on a state that declared independence.

are you a real macanese chink or proxy?

>Han people actually were in Tibet long before Columbus even discovered America.

[Citation Needed]. The Mongols were the first to unite Tibet and China into one empire, and it's debated if Tibet can be considered a part of China during the subsequent Ming dynasty. The Qing were the first Chinese dynasty to establish undisputed control over Tibet, which is after the discovery of America. And a few Han Chinese merchants on the Tibetan plateau doesn't imply they're indigenous to Tibet.

>Actually, for Xinjiang, the Han colonized it before the Uighurs came.

No, they controlled it during certain dynasties such as the Han and Tang, and would then would lose control of the region to other empires. There was never continuous Han Chinese rule of Xinjiang. Xinjiang was only able to be resettled by Han Chinese when the Qing committed genocide on the Dzungars, and that was done by Manchus and Mongols, so Han can't even take credit for that.

Granted, Uighur nationalism does frequently turn into "we wuz" pan-turanism bullshit and exaggerates how long they've inhabited Xinjiang, but Han claiming they're more indigenous than the Uighurs is also bullshit, especially since the vast majority of Han living in Xinjiang today only arrived after 1949.

Ugyhurs and Tibetans are all a bunch of backwards, nigger-tier people who don't deserve being civilized by Han Chinese. If it wasn't for the silly naive westerners cheering them on thinking it increases the chance of China "losing", and strengthening their American-led Western democratic liberal world order, then there would be no fucking reason to like those slave-holding goat fucking natives.

>it was okay for the South to unconstitutionally secede and then attack US forts

Okay if you hate them so much and don't like wasting money on them, then why don't you let them declare independence and build a wall between China and them, instead of simultaneously bitching about them and screaming "muh integreal part of China"? You let go of Outer Mongolia, another non-Han region, before and evidently you're all not too regretful over that. I've seen attitudes like yours countless times before, and it only shows Tibetans and Uighurs are right to not swallow your bullshit of "muh 56 minorities living in harmony" and are justified in chimping out at you.

>Aztecs practiced human sacrifice
>Therefore, everything the Spanish did following the conquest of Mexico was good and they dindu nuffin

>Tibet was a so-called "serf society"
>Therefore, everything the Chinese have done following the invasion of Tibet was good and we dindu nuffin

Han have been in Xinjiang longer than Uyghurs.

When did the Tibetans beat the Tang?

1. [Citation needed]
2. Does that justify an invasion and siezure of Indian land?
By the time of the 1750's, Indians had a definite concept of "nation" and "land".
Iroquois federation + Cherokee.

So China conquered Tibet, does that mean that Tibetans should recieve there own state?
How about Kurds in Southeast Turkey?

Han have been in Tibet proper in sizeable numbers (3000-10000) since at least the 1260's with the Yuan invasion. That's when sinicization first began.

You don't know anything about indians or the history of the country do you.

And the Cherokee and the Iroquois didn't have capitals or anything needed for a nation state

The Yuan were mongols weren't they

Vietnam were also Neolithic savages before China civilized them in the 1st millenium AD, but Vietniggers nowadays act like China is the worst thing ever.

>Baaaaaaaah why do people hate us when we invade them

Wang Biao, plz go.

t. Trang Van

t. Ding Dong the Dalai Lama is here

they are/were a turkic tribe

those subhumans mongoloids invaded that land and raped the native into extinction, result?

modern day uyghurs

>Han have been in Xinjiang longer than Uyghurs.

Again, did Han Chinese dynasties maintain continuous control of Xinjiang? The answer is no, they were continuously BTFO of Xinjiang by other empires.

>When did the Tibetans beat the Tang?

"There was a long string of conflicts with Tibet over territories in the Tarim Basin between 670–692, and in 763 the Tibetans even captured the capital of China, Chang'an, for fifteen days during the An Shi Rebellion.[124][125] In fact, it was during this rebellion that the Tang withdrew its western garrisons stationed in what is now Gansu and Qinghai, which the Tibetans then occupied along with the territory of what is now Xinjiang.[126] Hostilities between the Tang and Tibet continued until they signed a formal peace treaty in 821."

>So China conquered Tibet, does that mean that Tibetans should recieve there own state? How about Kurds in Southeast Turkey?

Not necessarily, but Tibetans do have a right to resist and demand greater autonomy if they're unsatisfied with Chinese rule, just like how the Kurds have resisted Turkey and demanded greater autonomy for many years.

>Han have been in Tibet proper in sizeable numbers (3000-10000) since at least the 1260's with the Yuan invasion. That's when sinicization first began.

Again, does Han Chinese living in Tibet imply they're indigenous to the area like Tibetans? And in what ways exactly have Tibetans been "sinicized"?

The USSR started it.

>chinks civilizing anyone

nope, culture and people are different. we don't look like weird aliens i see everyday at my school.

you need to read history of that and its ancient people

its ancient people were iranian, they didnt get strong so they got conquere by china then some turkic tribes migrated, finally a turkic tribe (uyghurs) settled there and raped the few pure iranians into extinction

i dont know why iranians did to God that they got externinated

>Again, did Han Chinese dynasties maintain continuous control of Xinjiang? The answer is no, they were continuously BTFO of Xinjiang by other empires.

Wait. So if you temporarily lose territory then you have no legitimate claim over it?

How exactly does France legitimately own Alsace-Lorraine then?

>"There was a long string of conflicts with Tibet over territories in the Tarim Basin between 670–692, and in 763 the Tibetans even captured the capital of China, Chang'an, for fifteen days during the An Shi Rebellion.[124][125]
You wrote "BTFO". Not "fought each other and eventually made peace".

>Not necessarily, but Tibetans do have a right to resist and demand greater autonomy if they're unsatisfied with Chinese rule, just like how the Kurds have resisted Turkey and demanded greater autonomy for many years.

But then why does Western media support Tibetan indepedence movements in China but not Kurdish independence movements in Turkey?
The media coverage I see of Tibet is always negative about China, while there wasn't even a mention of Kurds in Turkey until 2014.

Did I not say earlier that the Uighurs are guilty of "we wuz" history and exaggerating how long they've inhabited the region? All I'm pointing out is that Han Chinese claiming they have more of a right to Xinjiang despite repeatedly losing control of the region is also bullshit.

Xinjiang has gone back and forth between empires for centuries with different ethnic groups there constantly moving in and out. No ethnic group there can claim they are indigenous.


an iranian tribe
i have read the history of that land, tocharians were the natives but they got raped by mongoloids

free Uyghur !
free tibet !

t. Mohamed Xing

>Wait. So if you temporarily lose territory then you have no legitimate claim over it?

I'm not saying Han have no claim to Xinjiang at all. What I'm saying is that Han claiming they have a more legitimate claim to the region than Uighurs is bullshit considering how the region has gone back and forth between empires for centuries. No one there is truly "indigenous".

>You wrote "BTFO". Not "fought each other and eventually made peace".

Losing control of Xinjiang and allowing Chang'an to get captured sounds btfo to me.

>But then why does Western media support Tibetan indepedence movements in China but not Kurdish independence movements in Turkey?

Because of how China is a great power and what goes on there is relevant to the rest of the world? And because China has generally been more important than Turkey? And because Tibet is a region which has captured people's imaginations in both the West and the East for centuries?

Great powers will naturally face scrutiny for their actions. So deal with it and come up with better PR instead of crying about how the Western media is biased.

And the West has been sympathizing with Kurds in the Middle East for decades. Did you forget how the US imposed a no-fly zone over Iraq in response to Saddam gassing Kurds?

So how much was that apartment in Vancouver your daddy bought for you Zhang?

t. Xan Wang

It will be quite habitable there in 100 years.