ITT: Bands women will never understand

ITT: Bands women will never understand.

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Every girlfriend I've ever had was barely capable of understanding or appreciating any of the music I would play around her. Although I turned my first gf onto AnCo and Death Grips.


i'm not kidding

Never found a woman who liked this band.

my mom like em

Any band that isnt top 40, girls have shit taste. I would be surprised if they could even use google to find the songs they "know"


>pluck all your silly strings, bend all your notes for me


All of them

Not sure how that band applies. Whatever, they only had two really good album, one of which's best songs were all written by Neil Young, and even then he was still saving all his best stuff for his (at the time) magnum opus, After the Gold Rush. Neil Young, now there's an artist who you could reasonably make this argument for. He's intense enough to draw women in, but the emotions that provoke that intensity some people could say relate to feelings that men mostly harbor.

Frauen und Deutschpunkk gehen einfach nicht zusammen.

Munich reporting in :/

>more than two gf's during 5 years
what a manwhore you are!



does this shit ever get tiring for you guys after a while

This. My mom loves her some CSN and sometimes Y.


Hallo XD

Geh weg Hans.

I played talk talk all the time and my ex hated it. She liked gorillaz and other cool stuff tho.

Yes. Which is why we're waiting for someone to prove us wrong.