Has there ever been an uglier pop star?

has there ever been an uglier pop star?

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BTFO'd doughnut munchin ameriburger detected

Marina and the Diamonds, She was 29 in this pic

>pic related

would do both 2bh

Grimes is objectively the ugliest to ever exist




this is what she looks like now

I maintain I would still make soft, gentle love to her

>those dumbo ears and dogface

fuckin gross


she's also 29 in this webm

and you're a figgit

Looks greasy and has a man's body

>pop star

>those tits
>man body
homosexual detected

thats called sweat faggot, doing a live show is strenuous

>liking defined muscles on women
homosexual detected

>never had amazing sex with a fit woman
virgin beta male detected

>not a pop star

>not liking healthy and muscular bodies fit for sexual intercourse
asexual detected

>taking a strap-on from an alpha female

gay as fuk homes

holy shit this is fucking horrible, lmao at that chorus



Ariana is a fucking queen, shes fucking beautiful 10/10, but her music is fucking awful and cringey and she seems fucking fake af

If you think shes ugly, you're a fucking faggot

She looks Like a trap these days, you're the faggot if you still find her attractive


I'm a faggot for a woman?


She still look's /young/
Goes to show that men are natural /hebes/

mick jagger
mick jagger is the ugliest fucker ive ever seen and it baffles me how girls wanted him back in the day

honestly i'm not seeing how she is ugly at all

if you think she's anything less than above average, you are at least half a faggot.

>shopping pictures to prove your point

even if its a meme its sad

Faggots who can't take an obvious joke.

>tfw marina could probably kick your ass


she was pretty qt back in her victorious days, specifically s1

she needs to stay out of the sun, reduce the makeup and lay off the coke and gain some weight

rn she looks very oily

What went wrong?


philip seymour hoffman looks good in a wig

I really just want to see her getting fucking pounded by a black guy as her eyes go all watery and she bites the pillow

with a better hairstyle she'd look great

She looks better with her hair down, I wonder how many more years she will get away with doing the 12-year-old hairstyle before it looks creepy.

as someone who likes most of grimes' stuff, seconding how awful that track is

holy shit

I agree, Ariana is beautiful and her feet make me horny in like three seconds

She ruined her good looks. She looks like a generic bitch now.

Just let me post this gook

lmao she looks like a fucking alien and is a half nigger. every facial expression she has is full potato and i dont listen to her """music"""" which btw she didnt produce herself

nigga ariana isn't even the ugliest of the nick/disney pop stars

her music is shit, I agree, but you can't deny she's actually beautiful. regarding the "half nigga" bullshit, see

How about ugly males for a change? Roger Waters always takes the cake for being the ugliest fucker around.

Are you OP? Because you seem retard like him. Roger Waters is an handsome man.

She is a little goddess, you ignorant faggot.

please rid the earth of your vile self


No male star holds a candle to Shane McGowan.

nice soles

i could lick them for hours

At least she has talent

Demi's is probably the most attractive Disney princess

next level faggot

I've seen alot of hate against Ariana on this board recently, like People saying she's "Slutty" "Ugly" and "Untallented". You're all fucking retards and you have a shit tier music taste when it comes to pop. Also what is up with these faggots calling Ariana Ugly and dirty? Ariana is one of the most attractive women out there, And i bet you fat neckbeard Virgins couldn't say that to Ariana's face, and even if you did i'd be there to protect her. You know what's funny? I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL. Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what is happening. You guys talk big shit, But if i'm ever around you in IRL and i hear you talk shit about Ariana then those will be your last words. Watch Yourselfes

she must have smoked heavily or tanned too much




What is it that you like about feet? I'm genuinely interested.

I think she just got too thin/fit

It makes her skin look really tight in the wrong places.


that's not as bad as the other pic but still, she looked better before she got /fit/

grande reminds me of some mexican grandma

Mexican grandmas were once Ariana Grandes

yeah that sounds about right

she used to have more babyfat in the face

it's not that I like all feet
Ariana's ones are just way better than the others

Cool. I understand

New pasta

homo detected

Fuck off. Grimes is beautiful.

>posting shopped pics to "prove" your shitty point

ok but Ariana is better

She's perfect, gaywad.



please, faggot

Ariana Grande is absolutely gorgeous, but naturally she is actually kinda fugly. This is what makes her so interesting to me - with the right physical trainers, the right make up people, the right PR people, the right photographers, the right fashion consultants, the right management, etc. they've turned a mediocre, spazzy Italian into the literal embodiment of sex appeal.


What really got me was a year ago or so she pretty much said she hates white people.


She didn't say that. She said she hates America and Americans, because doughnuts.

yeah she got banned from the white house because of that

Though "with the right physical trainers, the right make up people, the right PR people, the right photographers, the right fashion consultants, the right management, etc." Grimes and Gaga remain shit. Explanation?

She's quite right lmao

both of them refuse to accept help
especially grime grime


The right surgery, too.



You = faggot.

Grimes is not shit, you shithead.

if i'm a shithead, you are a memehead

now what is worse?