Post your personal 10/10

Post your personal 10/10
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better than ITAOTS imho







>shitty static with ocasional howls

trying this hard to feel different, my god this is pure cringe

i am actually bulgarian and that shit is trash

Holy shit the first song is really good

The whole album is fantastic. I definitely agree with OP on this.

>there's no static even on this record
>trying this hard to bait


it is the absolute perfect soundtrack if you were going into a dungeon in a haunted medievel area.



Hey OP, thank you for introducing me to this album
Honestly loving it right now


You're welcome user.

I just listened to this for the first time yesterday (independently of this post) and it was great.



Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself and Speedway are GOAT


Absolutely awful, probably one of the worst albums I've ever listened to.


Objectively correct


thats not a high mark to achieve

fight me


Maybe not a 10 but that song "Sons & Daughters" from the end of The Office gives me some good feels.

First time I´ve seen arckanum mentioned on here. You´re cool, user!

It's just really fucking good and influential.

5/10 album desu senpai. Sucks ass

5/10 is mediocre though

"Sucks ass" would be a 2-4/10


5/10 is below mediocre. Because 0 isn't part of the scale, which means there is no single number at the middle of the scale that represents mediocre.

In a 1-10 scale, there's two numbers that occupy the "middle" of the scale, 5 and 6. One representing a positive mediocre and one represents a negative mediocre.

Anything that is more negative than positive "sucks ass" in my vocabulary.


Checked, and beautifully said.

Beat me to it, a modern masterpiece

Something about them just cuts me really deep.



Such a tight album, great call

And preety much his other 3 classic albums.

was just about to post this
easily one of the best albums ever

>edgelords will deny this

I don't get the fascination with Dylan. Guess you'd have to be bred American for that.

Blood on tracks?





Which are ? I'm guessing Bob and Freewheelin' but i cannot decide if the third you're speaking of is Blood on tracks, The times they are-a changin' or Bringing it all back home.
Other than that, I agree, that one is a masterpiece

Wouldn't disagree more and im big Dylan fan


good for you

This is not a personal 10/10

A shitload of people think this is a 10 so it's not very personal

This or MPP by AnCo

I don't understand why so many people post already generally accepted 10's in a "PERSONAL 10's thread!!!!!!!!"

cant listen to it that often because its so sad but yeah

I'm going to listen to everything ITT
here's mine