Artists who have never made a good song

Artists who have never made a good song

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this overrated hack

>implying Black Sunshine isn't a fuckin' jam

dragula was based.

eat shit, op

t. p4k drone

this tbhfamilia

currently strongest contender for worst album of the year

you're pretty much objectively wrong

name 1 memorable song he wrote

Seriously senpai?

I can't help but smile when I hear any song from that album

You're not gonna listen or care either way but
Mr tambourine man
Like a rolling stone
Every song on blonde on blonde
Every song on blood on the tracks
Desolation Row
The times they are a changin
All along the watchtower
Subterranean homesick blues
Maggie's farm
And that's just off the top of my head

Like a Rolling Stone, It Ain't Me Babe, Blowin' in the Wind, Ballad of a Thin Man, the list goes on...

very serious but I dunno I guess I should give it another chance since I bought the damn thing.

and "worst" doesn't necessarily mean inherently bad although I do think it is.

literally wrong as can be

>Implying Astrocreep 2000 isnt, 20 years later, better than most of what passes for "Rock" these days

all shit

I bet you have a sick aftermarket CD player in your Civic.

I don't know what to say other than you probably just have bad taste in music.

meant for

I don't know what to say other than you probably just have autism


got it from my mama is a zinger ya pleb

Astro-Creep and La Sexorcisto are both A++ dumbass riff rock albums, will bump that shit forever

in case anyones curious, that sex sample at the beginning of more human is from Cafe Flesh

Cool thanks, that sample's been haunting me since I was 11 but I was never really curious to find out where it's from. Interesting though.

awesome, happy to help

As I recall, its the scene where the guy has a pencil for a head but its been awhile.

OP that's dumb. White zombie was putting hits out before you were born.

Interesting. I just googled some images of the film and it was immediately obvious how much the horror/porn filmgenre influenced Rob's style.

What happened to you? There is no need to be this bitter.

Thunder Kiss '65 you fucking degenerate

What's not shitty then? The top 40 summer hits?

Aphex Twin.


I will never understand how this band became so famous. They've never made a single good song in their entire career and they're not influential either.

Please explain this band to me

thanks for picking up my bait while i was gone, its much appreciated

Window Licker
The one with the random bleeping

Hideous Exhibitions of a Gore Whore and Medication for the Melancholy are alright. Rest of the album is very underwhelming.

John 5's talent is being wasted, he should've stuck with Manson. Of course then we wouldn't have The Pale Emperor, so it's a trade-off.

>Demon Speeding

literally fuck off OP


White Zombie was pretty good and his first solo album was ok





not even b8



>inb4 all the waifufags start getting triggered.

Why do you think it's bait? Name one good song

plebs thinking they're avant-garde or some shit
pic is reminder

Scaruffi has shit taste, no need for a reminder, thanks.


ok that song is pretty decent but it's really nothing special, it's just as good as one of the worst songs from any given album in my top 200 albums of all time list.

This is pretty much a pleb thread

i know im giving you exactly what you want by replying but even if you hate his music you can't argue that it isn't MEMORABLE, like for christ's sake Like A Rolling Stone is literally generation-defining what are you smoking

scaruffi actually has taste unlike radiohead fans who eat up britpop disguised as avant-garde as the second coming of christ

Radiohead never said their music was avant garde.

What the fuck are you babbling on about?

>listen m83 at youtube
>wow this has such cool sound effects
>realize it didnt come from the EP you just forgot you´re frying meat at the same tiem

>Kid A

>Artists who have only made one good song

Anyone who doesn't listen to music using his dick will agree.

Who the fuck said Radiohead was supposed to be avant-garde? It's just Scaruffi being a retarded shit nigger faggot with his autistic terms like "faux-avantgarde" and you even more retarded drones repeating everything he says

dude Thom Yorke at least clearly thinks they're onto some Next Level Shit, he went on and on about how Creep was a bad song and is just generally pretentious.

Well he's right, Creep was a bad song and their later output is better.

yeah but the level that he tried to ridicule and distance himself from their mainstream success is just embarrassing. i can only enjoy radiohead when i forget that Thom is their frontman and remember that Jonny Greenwood is responsible for all of their good qualities

Cruel Bloom, if you don't like anything else they ever did

>Jonny Greenwood is responsible for all of their good qualities
Phil Selway is an excellent drummer

So you're saying Radiohead is bad because of the success?

No one from Radiohead ever said they're trying to be completely different/avant but you can't deny they experiment a lot (production, electronics, time signatures, song structures etc), while combining these elements with traditional rock/(pop) music elements.

How is this a bad thing? I'm not a huge fan, but I respect their artistic value and music itself and I think it's one of the few modern bands that deserve their huge success.

>Implying you don't groove hard af whenever Superbeast comes on

they're fine imo. i think they're super overrated, but i don't have a problem with their success, just that Thom Yorke acts like some kind of artsy messiah and says stuff like "spotify is the last desperate fart of a dying corpse". it'd be like David Byrne coming out and saying "Burning Down The House" is a bad song. anyway point isn't that success or popularity makes you bad, but that acting pretentious makes you responsible for your band developing a reputation as "avant-garde" or edgy or experimental, and i don't think Thom Yorke is ignorant of that.

The personality is a factor that can be used in music reviews?

People should care much more about the music when talking about music ffs

Same shit with the Michael Gira rape accusations, or Aphex Twin's pretentious statements

i thought this whole conversation was about why people call Radiohead "avant-garde", my point was that it's not just Scaruffi's pretension, it's also Thom Yorke's for acting like the next Warhol, and that behavior also grates on me. i loved AMSP and i listened to OK Computer as a misunderstood teen like everyone else on this board, but it does get to me when artists act a certain way. The music is obviously more important than an artists behavior, but music is very personal and also places a lot of emphasis on the writer or at least the performer, so when you're listening to someone's voice in a song it's hard to completely ignore what else you've heard that voice do or say.



it's okay to like radiohead but you don't have to defend them at every opportunity. They're not your mom, they're a product.

i dont even have a car, but i guess you're not even old enough to drive

>Not knowing Blood milk & sky is the heaviest song ever recorded by a gone mainstream group

lamo thinking of the loser in my class that went to buy this the day it came out.

nice dubs but fyi liking radiohead is not ok
