Which artists/groups are immediate red flags to you when someone mentions that they like them? Preferably explain why...

Which artists/groups are immediate red flags to you when someone mentions that they like them? Preferably explain why, don't just drop an album cover to start an argument.

For me it's The Smiths, pop punk of any kind, buttprog like Opeth and Dream Theater, Joy Division, and Death Grips.

Smiths and Joy Division fans, at least people who love them enough to mention it when asked, are typically a little mentally unstable be it from trauma or from just being a little off.

Buttprog fans are difficult to socialize with and very defensive about their tastes. See also: black/death/odinist metalfags.

DG fans are 80% skinny 17-22 year old white kids whose vocabulary is a smorgasbord of memes and whose depth of character is thinner than a sheet of paper. Not saying I don't listen to and love them, it's just an ugly fanbase to be a part of.

None, I don't judge people by their taste.

Aaron Ellis

Being wary of people who might end up shitty isn't judgemental. I've known people who fell into each of those categories who were perfectly fine.

>Smiths and Joy Division fans, at least people who love them enough to mention it when asked, are typically a little mentally unstable be it from trauma or from just being a little off.

I cut myself when I was a teen, attempted suicide, and The Smiths is one of my favorite bands. Can confirm this stereotype.

There is literally nothing wrong with Dream Theater

Middle aged women that like modern pop music.

They're usually the sort to post passive aggressive Minions memes on Facebook

proving my point

yeah i can confirm this

however my grandmother likes lil wayne and is patently batshit insane

You're grandmother sounds cool.
My grandmothers are both dead.
I have got my 54 year old mother into a lot of Sup Forumscore though, which is actually kind of sad now I come to think about it.

If that shit don't slap
I don't give a crap

>DG fans are 80% skinny 17-22 year old white kids whose vocabulary is a smorgasbord of memes

I have never encountered someone like this tbqh

were they other element of the fanbase that consists of pretentious college juniors and stoners?

Young teenagers that listen to classic rock and nothing else. They think they're superior but don't really know anything about anything, and spout 9gag memes all the time. Fortunately most grow out of it by their mid-teens, and most end up coming here presumably.

>he does not like Le bohemiean rhapsody

Hardstyle probably

dae music sounds liek crap now

if i download bon jovis discography in flac my dad will love me

i actually know a bunch of qt girls who like them, big variety of people now that i think about it

maybe people around you just suck dick

honestly i'd be impressed if i met someone who was still repping hardstyle in 2016

i haven't heard a word about it in years

Skrewdriver fans tend to be a little bit racist, I've found

I'm in Portland, OR, so yes. They do.

jus a lil bit

tbqh, naming bands/groups at all is pretty big eyebrow raiser. past a certain age, its like, a pretty insipid way to have a conversation.

on bumble dates, if i want to steer to music, ill try best show/last show?; and its a lot more interesting than having girls just enumerate the things they like

thats cool dude, got any more hot PUA tips for us? what's your peacock strategy? should i wear reeboks or nike? should i just walk in with my dick out?

i want the scoop from the master man, you've clearly Got It

its just an example of when musical tastes would come up inorganically. but please project away.

Early darkthrone if they dont like current darkthrone more than early darkthrone

Lets hang out


Because theyre wrong

^this guy is projecting cum strings of his brilliant wit all over your sore asshole after he savagely pounded you
>its like, a pretty insipid way to have a conversation
you know, like, unless both of you are really into music you insipid dumbass

Fuck Coldplay

People who care about fanbases are red flags to me


if i had a quick summation of rymcore in a chart it'd be nice right about now

just look at rateyourmusic.com/~telephone_junkie and get a list of red flags going, iunno.

Can confirm

I am a Smiths and Joy Division fan and have PTSD, agoraphobia, and clinical depression

>Smiths and Joy Division fans, at least people who love them enough to mention it when asked, are typically a little mentally unstable be it from trauma or from just being a little off.
that's an universal truth user, nothing new here
it's spot on though

I don't have any cause I don't talk to people lmao

When people say Metallica is one of their favorite bands. These folks almost always mention the Black Album as their favorite album, which tends to annoy the shit out of me.

>please, list all the things you like!

enjoy having interpersonal exchanges that read like the about me section of your social media page you milquetoast faggot

Sup Forums is more obsessed with image than with music.