Grimes sucks

Grimes sucks thread.

so does Sup Forums

If only she did this the 4 other times and realized she didn't have the potential she thought she had

she doesnt suck, i think she has a lot of musical talent, but i just dont like her or her music, i find it boring and forgettable, even if i can recognize the talent she has, i still dont enjoy her music

That's what high standards gets you, I heard she was highly critical of the latest Bieber project

If she sucks then why are you contributing to her fucking relevance you attention seeking motherfucker

Hey i can appreciate you might not like grimes, but please be respectful.

Just add bubblegum and some industrial clangs, what ever it takes to get her to produce some more fap pics.

Get your shit together. What the fuck kind of Grimes thread is this?

Negativity? Demeaning posts? Lack of music discussion?

These aren't the Grimes threads you are capable of making. I'm disappointed in you.

grimes fuck horse

spotted the obsessive grimes-poster

while i slightly agree, the only thing you can really do tho is give more energy and effort in your own grimes thread and ignore these kinds of unnecessary hateful threads of people that don't like your generals

also, Geidi Primes is awesome

Why do you care so much about Grimes if you hate her? Does that mean she affected you in some way and she basically won?

im just here because the old general died and i dont wanna make a new one.

im not going to go into a non-grimes thread and post about grimes. that'd be cancerous.

Grimes is complete trash, but the only thing more unbearable than her "music" is her fanbase.

Please don't feed them bait, let them circlejerk in their general.

The opposite of love isn't hate - it's indifference.

So why does this thread exist again?

Grimes fans, ignore this shitty thread (let it die a painful death) and go here instead:


as much as grimes is a big part of Sup Forums I've only listened to her once or twice. not my thing. have a nice day, grimes nerds

Listen more. You may be surprised.

If only she considered that for the rest of her music


Primus sucks