/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico

the Man in black-edition


Other urls found in this thread:


good edition

Johnny cash is entry-level garbig

the aroma of tobacco and coffee

Best sport edition
Commies not invited

literally kill yoursellf

Entry level, yeah.
Garbage, neck yourself.



Have a good night, /cum/

See you tomorrow.

goodnight anime poster

i got it, thank you

np pablo, k-keep us posted!

his taste is not cool but that's not very nice


ill be honest, those fucking commercials ruined this otherwise great song

im not going to school on game day

i like your trips do you like me

I can see you guys' floyd and "american poet" posters from here.

i love you, baby

that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me you have my gratitude

Got an interview on friday at the city hall for a blue collar job. Guess I won't die too poor if I get this job.

tfw honey butter chicken sandwich and a patty melt for dinner again

bring whataburger west already

we already gave you In n out

>patty melt


why would you want whataburger when you have sonic? they send qt's rollerskating to your car with food. They didn't when i was in California though, but thats hardly america anyways.

Sonic burgers were ok, but Id take a double double or smash burger over it if I had the chance

What the flying fuck is a 'bullet button'?


Was a bit disappointed when i finally got sonic, desu.

Why do American politicians look like shady businessmen?

>qt's rollerskating
do some of the sonics still do this?


Its a communist invention made specifically for Californians/Californian cancer that spreads elsewhere.
theres are the people making California gun laws.

Is this the infamous german humor?

In Washington they do, sonic is very popular here so the business owners have super high standards. When i was driving through California to get to Arizona they sent a chubby Mexican lady to my car. was very disappointed.

t. Mitt Romney

I wonder what Huckabee is listening to.

*laughing at

pulling an all-nighter lads

how's life in alaska guys?

woo, 10:50

thats pretty late, kid

I live in Washington, what fucking area in this state has a Sonic? Down in the Southwest part of the state there's none, just Burgerville.
Cali is wonderful to visit, but is full of dumbasses, Tumblrinas, surfer douches, and Leninists. I mean my state is liberal, which is alright I guess, but Fuck Cali.
SOOOO much

its 1:50, kid

no, it's definitely 10

Im looking right at my clock


>there will be no wall
>there will be even less deportations
>there will be refugees
>there will be no trumpconomics
>there will be more mexicans



you just aren't looking hard enough

I have the hiccups how do I stop them?

Should I get some lad or mushrooms for a solo trip?

It's been a while but I kinda want to trip out. I'd consider DMT if I could find it

Any philly bros still up.


uhm leaf that is english teacher in south korea, how did you manage to swing that job? what did you study and so on.


How'd you know I just posted


>all these shills shilling for shillary
oh my fucking god.. are they doing this ronud the clock those fucking KEKS I HATE CUCSK SO MUCH


fuck you CUUUCKS

get btFO

So LSD or mushrooms?

Glass of water, have your lungs half full (so take a small breath) and VERY slowly drink the water, I'm talking about 8 or so gulps of a half-full glass of water.

a night of elections?

a day of electoral votes and democratic proceedings?

Other side of the state tbhwy.
wat up.

Once Sup Forums's secret power was revealed to the world, their enemies used it against them.

Kill yourself autistic amerifat

nobody lives there but eskimos
they live inside igloos with no internet
eskimo cuisine is seal meat and seal blubber
lotsa ice, sarah palin, guns, penguins and polar bears etc.

hmm, LSD.
>western """""""pa"""""""
pretty much flyover tier tbqhwy

>tfw you put your head in the ketchup to catch the burgers but then your eyes hurt too much to vote for drumpf

that actually worked, thanks mexi-bro

>tfw its time to prep the bull

>tfw someone asks for sauce of an anime and you spoonfeed him a subtle wrong answer instead
>tfw no one else spoonfed him the correct answer

>being a cuck is bad

do you kiss your mother with all that feces in your mouth?


and? people are free to have their sexual fantasies

Rude. I've been thinkin of visiting y'all over there. I haven't been to philadelphia since I was 6 or something. Would like 2 visit and check out the best places to eat/get drunk


technically true, isis will kill anyone that is not isis

sounds nice but i wouldn't be in the north close to polar animals


>just flew from sfo to jfk for dirt cheap on virgin
>get middle seat bc cheap
>girl at window in row in front of me closes window i have decent view of
>toward end of flight look around
>more windows closed than any domestic flight I've ever been on
>flying due east, no direct sun coming through windows
>realize coasties take the flyover meme seriously

I bet half of them were fucking transplants anyway.

you dont see the ground though

The fuck are you talking about

do u brush ur teeth before u go 2 sleep /cum/-chan ?~

Country is the most shallow genre, it's all entry-level. Johnny Cash is one of the only good country artists (read: has lyrics that don't contain worship of beer or pickup trucks)


later stages of when the east got slammed with snow back in 2015. I think this flight was to JFK. Or maybe Reagan.

>who is hank
>who is townes
>who is patsy
>who is loretty

Man look at us. Humans, like ants aren't we.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

that's good at public schools, nationalism shouldn't be forced on impressionable children

no cavities yet

out of curiosity, how many country artists do you actually know of?

Fuck snow mang, I have never seen it in person, hopefully I never will. it sounds like my worst enemy. Anything north of Jacksonville gets way too cold for me, it's unbearable.

i now see the error in my ways, well played sven.
have a (you)


Snow is the one redeeming quality of winter outside the holidays.

cant tell if haitiANUS

this upsets me because some people unironically use the argument

I love snow. Some of the best things in my life have happened in snow.
>the ultimate comfy of warming up right after coming inside
unbeatable. When you're cold you can always warm yourself up. When it's hot as fug, it's just hot

>feeding it (You)'s

I'm not mad, just disappointed.

>last time seeing snow was 4 years ago
>town I live in is just under the snow line
>car doesnt have 4 wheel drive and snow chains are too expensive

call a cab driving in snow is terrible

holy fuck this is a shitty ass thread. What the fuck does this have to do with international discussion?