What have they contributed to the world?

What have they contributed to the world?

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now fuck off

>250 million people
Good question

No. Now free West Papua!

>Indonesia is as wide as continental US


well, go and persuade them, make sure you make them believe PNG and timore doesn't exist btw

indomi and the non-aligned movement (thank based sukarno)


Catshit Coffee.

An easy target in Civ 5

Best cigarettes and coffee

Why did they never move down into australia pre european discovery

why should we?
we have enough fertile space back then, and actually still do

The Raid 1 & 2

Fair enough

Java coffee
I prefer their style of rendang

supposedly abos may have traded with the people from Makassar

Indonesia as the country and its people are bro-tier.

imagine if you have those numbers of muslims elsewhere, it's pretty much fucked up but they are quite peaceful and nice.

Literally nothing besides Bali, but that was built on Australian dollars anyway.


dads roight, leave us alone

Those myanmar buddhist can't even do genocide right and trouble us neighbours with hundred thousand refugee mess.
Please understand our dissatisfaction.

Don't let them in

that's not what your countrymen and your SJWs cried

The bengali muslims from Bruma didn't make the news here. You are thinking of Germany

>You are thinking of Germany
and the rest of the UN

>over 200millions muslims
>0,6 homicide rate (#9 lowest in the whole world)
>only 8 terrorism incidents in the last 5 years

A 3rd world country is more peaceful than most of advanced countries

The organization that every American laughs at at and jokes about how it's useless?

Arabs are literally the only thing wrong about Islam.

>Arabs are literally the only thing wrong about Islam

>>only 8 terrorism incidents in the last 5 years

>Severe repression of non-Muslim minorities
>East Timor
>Nature mismanagement, pollution, palm oil plantations, deforestation

Stop being so salty Netherlands. We all know you miss Indonesia.

When overlayed over Europe.


Why are indonesian on Sup Forums are generally rude and self hating? Or they just indonesian chinese?

because you expect us to "think positive" to be proud our country, we're proud about who we are without having to cling into western standard.
you get it wrong, we're not self hating, we just don't give a shit about what foreigners think about us

nailed it on your last words

Check it yourself cunt

>Severe repression of non-Muslim minorities
only radical shit like the wahabbis/salafists do that, the rest of us couldnt care more about religion more than money

It's old stuff, right now, only idiots fell for the free papuan movement propaganda

>East Timor
Not entirely our fault, just look at them now, dirty, poor and alone, not even their western 'liberator' would help them

>Nature mismanagement, pollution, palm oil plantations, deforestation
We're working on that, we did literally nothing good for 30 years under that corrupt dictator Soeharto

Maybe hes' implying 8 is alot?

Poor AND tiny

any is a lot.

jesus. i rather live in a world where I can get shot in the streets at random, rather in a world where I can expect bus I ride on exploding.

have you ever met an African muslim?

They cut women's clits off at a much higher rate than arabs.

Its not really that many for a 3rd world country with over 200m muslim (88% of population)
Check out Turkey (98% muslim) or France (5-10% muslim) and count how many times terrorist accidents they have in the last 5 years

If you told your family you didn't want to be a muslim how would they react?
If you married a non-muslim how would they react?
How difficult is it to buy something like a pork sandwich in your country?
How rare is pre-marital sex?




I like Indonesians a lot. Friendliest people I've ever met

>If you told your family you didn't want to be a muslim how would they react?
not a muslim family
>If you married a non-muslim how would they react?
good, you're not pedophile after all
>How difficult is it to buy something like a pork sandwich in your country?
difficult but possible, there's a section in supermarket to buy canned pork.
some village have it easier because swine farms.
>How rare is pre-marital sex?
90% of uploaded indonesian amateur porn are underages, we didn't reach 250 million population by being frigid

>your country is bad if it's not full on degenerate
what did he mean by this

>90% of uploaded indonesian amateur porn are underages
uh oh

>surprised that 3rd worlder are dumb and degenerate

>Implying the measure of a good country isn't how free it is

People should be allowed to suck on a cock in an alley, join the army, get drunk until you vomit, become a doctor, eat whatever they want and buy anything that doesn't cause harm to others.

It's not like I love the degeneracy of the west but there shouldn't be laws preventing me from becoming a degenerate.

Then the government is dictating the way you live your life.
Then again with your 60% tax rate your government already owns your ass so you have no idea what it's like to be free.

Cheap hookers and spices

Anglos are truly the Jews the Europe

>People should be allowed to suck on a cock in an alley, join the army, get drunk until you vomit, become a doctor, eat whatever they want and buy anything that doesn't cause harm to others.
no we don't want your freedom, i don't care if you hate us.
just no

Best immigrants, great food
Gave my grandfather PTSD

About even I'd say

>Cheap hookers
turns out they're actually 14 You know what's funny?
In the UK we always find this token muslim that's completely westernised who supports gay marriage and feminism and shit and he's always on the BBC pretending muslims love faggots and women's rights.

The two countries he always points to as being "good muslims" are Turkey and Indonesia.

It's funny how even Indonesia is degenerate. KEK

>every country should be pro-degeneracy because muh feels
globalism was a mistake, unbridled hedonism destroyed the roman empire let's try again what could go wrong

Freedom comes whether you like it or not.

america is isolationist and scared now, look at your election grandpa, no more freedom memes


>If you told your family you didn't want to be a muslim how would they react?
>If you married a non-muslim how would they react?
I was born and raised in a secular muslim family, I think they would be repulsive at first, but they would accept it because its my right to choose my religion or my wife

>How difficult is it to buy something like a pork sandwich in your country?
You can get some at at a chinese/japanese restaurant or luxurious mall in almost every urban city, or go to a batak/chinese/christian restaurant, they usually offer pork or even dog meats

>How rare is pre-marital sex?
Almost everybody do it, but in secrecy of course


they won't let her wreck shit after this election senpai

>turns out they're actually 14
only if they looks like this and ride scooter thingy, tehy are cancerous phenomenon and should be purged.
the other hookers are alright
>supports gay marriage
>It's funny how even Indonesia is degenerate
gee i wonder why poor country with terrible education can be such a degenerate

No, south east asians are the only time islam works out well.

Islam is shit when practiced by negroes and other non-arabs like pakis, persians and afghans

Bosnians are alright

>tfw I can't even tell they're underage

Am I racist?

not so bad. much better than the typical 14 year old prostitute you would find in say Brazil.

no the problem is clearly arabs, they can't stop killing eachothers even when unified by religion

some people do looks old faster once they got banged

How secular is the Indonesian government?

I doubt that you can mention one islamic terrorist accident that doesnt have any direct relation to the gulf/arab states

0% its never been secular.
i got no problem with it, but "government approved religion" concept is downright retarded

Somalia aren't arab and they get bombed every day by Al-shabbab.

Boko Haram are black but they're the second worst thing in the world apart from ISIS.

The most research on insanely stupid ways to cure diseases

yeah true but it's business as usual in africa and splinter groups from anglo/saudi """"""""islamists"""""""""

Afghanistan and Pakistan aren't arab and they're dangerous as fuck.

I think I'd rather live in Syria than Afghanistan desu.

Literally 100% of muslim countries are bad countries because Islam is shit.

Haha, right, my ex-gf slowly becoming fatter after I pierced her hymen, she got like 85kg and I decided to dump her because she wont start a healthy diet

Very secular as the opposition currently has most of the radical muslims support, they have accused the president as a chinese-descent commie even though that's isnt true

Indonesia should just join the Netherlands again. We'll mentor you in exchange for military support when we're going to conquer Europe.

>keTUHANan yang maha esa
>Very secular

>military support
screw your tutelage, just give us the war
peace made us rot

link please
for scientific purpose

But I love you Indonesia.

That's the spirit. We'll do a test run on Australia. They aren't nato after all.

i visited some village few months ago, they do have lots of swine, you can find your pork needs in every local online shop, just look it up yourself

we should've kept em

Secular =/= Atheist
learn more faggot

look at some regular porn sites and search for anak smp/ anak sma, i found some on xvid**s

its literally the primary base of constitution dumbass.
we just do everything backward, secular social with non-secular constitution

Keywords only
>anak SMA

of course its an issue, thats like having a black muslim president for america


ok thanks

i thought you're asking about pork.
just look up for
there you go, jailtime

That's why I called the government as very secular, they were planning to erase the religion column in our identity card and PDIP as their main party supported many local beliefs outside of the 6 approved religions, how is that isnt secular?

just because we have one christian communist chinese jew party currently holding the government doesn't mean our country is secular, liao

I said, the goverment is very secular, not the country nor the constitution, ahmad.

They gave the world this.

Indonesians are subhumans. They live on some of the most fertile land on the planet and all they've fucking done is make a bunch of animals extinct, cut down rainforest and put some fucking CHICKEN ON A STICK

Duh, obviously we can't do that if we live in barren desert.