"The ______ Song"

>"The ______ Song"

Other urls found in this thread:


>Implying The Sweater Song is bad

Oh, it is

>implying car seat headrest's the gun song is bad.

Fuck off will

Dumbest types of song titles ever

The rain song
The lemon song

>The Song

nah they're cool
at least they didn't go with just a single word


what's wrong with single word titles

>The ________

>"___ _______ __ __ ___ ________ ___ ___ _________ ____ _______"


the thong song?

I like the way the booty goes

I remember that album being bad even before I cared about music

>implying The Weeping Song is bad

Plus The Ship Song, it's so goddamn beautiful

Usually that's a working title thing, from what I've gathered. In the end the best title was just the working title. Imagine if "Immigrant Song" was called "From the Land of the Ice and Snow" or "The Western Shore" or "Hammer of the Gods." I guess "Valhalla" would have been a good title, but still.

Isn't 'The Nurse Who Loved Me' by Failure?

We can't forget The Witness Song. Honestly that album is the most loaded with "The ______ Song" titles. Hell the album is one letter off from being The Good Song.

>Immingrant Song
>The Immigrant Song

kek loopzoooopzopzopzo

they're the least creative you could possibly get
prove me wrong


>The ____ Song Pt III

>The ____ Song... revisited"
>The ____ Song (reprise)

i love supertramp

The Nick Cave's "The Nick Cave's song" song

>________ song, the

>Song 2
>Song No. 4


>Untitled #_
>Whole album


You better not be shitting on the most unwanted song


the wanton song?

>I wrote this song during a dark time in my life...

This one

Orignally, yes

what the fuck? why do you care about the creative effort of a title you retard. listen to the music. fucking child.


The Logical Song was the first one that came to my mind

I like it

>Hell the album is one letter off from being The Good Song

i know, i just wanted another led zep reference. they seem to like the ___ song
even the song remains the same. l0l


Don't hurt his feelings, OP