Weed will never be legal in Finland

>weed will never be legal in Finland
Why even live?

Is it stopping u from smoking?


how? its illegal here and im able to smoke as much as i can afford

Well I don't have any friends so I can't find anyone selling it. It's not that illegal here, you'll get a fine if you get caught smoking it. But I can't find anyone selling it.

California legalises in on 8.11.
Takes about 5-10 years for the rest of the states to legalise it
By that time the american federal ban will be repealed and so will the UN 1960 drug classification on cannabis as a class 1 drug. That'll take a couple of years. Then you wait for the bigger EU countries, mainly france and germany to start slowly turning towards extended decriminalisation and maybe even legalisation. Then with any luck maybe in 15 years we'll get an EU directive to legalise soft drugs such as cannabis. Swedes will legalise it first and funland will do it 5 years later with extreme limitation.

So wait 20 years and then enjoy severely gimped and expensive weed OP.

Better go to amsterdam for the weekend you fat piece of shit.

Same user, I always thought about trying it out, but not knowing anyone is a major problem.

Do you live lose to us?

you will have psychiatric problems

It's like 100km to the border, so kinda.


I knew some people in High School that sold weed and it's pretty gud but I lost all my friends after high school

lol wut?

Same here user. I can get weed any time I want but I don't like dealing with annoying turbo-normies so I simply don't smoke anymore. Why can't I just buy it at the supermarket or in a store?

good thing. fuck off junkie

Weed is satanic my bois

Why not get from the dorkweeb?

>he fell for the 'weed causes mental problems' meme
Don't listen to the fucking retarded government

hint: sipulikanava

Guys, you surprise me. Just imagine yourselve in this country. Here it will never be legal i think. You at least have chances there, i don't know why so much pessimism. So if you are not into buying on the streets just use TOR


i started smoking at 15 with heavy use from 15-17 and i have psychiatric problems

prop 64? I dont know if that will pass, it may likely but it didn't a couple of years ago.

Jonnebis is for jonnes, life schoolers and junkies.

autism doesn't count

you are autistic enough already to smoke weed

kasakhstan, i thought you're bro and can into weed. What about boshetunmay?

I just want to be able to go to a dispensary instead of having to message someone I barely know then drive the 45 minutes to their house.


>I barely know then drive the 45 minutes to their house.
where the fuck do you live? in the middle of the desert? do you drive 45 mins just to buy a fucking draw?

I've smoked pot two times and the high was pretty good, but the people associated with hashish are literally all losers. There are more important things in life than being high all the time.


>There are more important things in life than being high all the time.
Such as being low all the time.

Is this thing frankensteins monster?

>implying you wouldn't

Fuck off we are full

explicitely I wouldnt