/ausnz/ + /balt/

peeling skin edition

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>tfw dark hair and eyes

exam study is pretty gay tbqh


what are you studying? i recently dropped out of law school. thinking of killing myself.

I'm studying science, majoring in genetics/biochem

p-please don't kill yourself

sounds very interesting. i hope the exams go well for you. where do you study?

it won't be a huge loss if i did

I can give you some tips for suicide if you want.

ok, enlighten me please

is suicide a tradition amongst lithuanians

Applied African Studies with a major in Cuckoldry and Bull Taming at the Angela Merkel University New-Mogadishu (formerly TU Hamburg)


I am interested, please tell

How do I become a big boy, lads. Currently living with parents

get a job and move out. find some studio apartment. living with housemates is a fucking joke.

>living with housemates is a fucking joke.
honestly this

stay as long as u can and save up
dont give into peer pressure from poor as fuck flatting friends

thanks! and unimelb

no dont do it
im a virgin
good post

>i recently dropped out of law school. thinking of killing myself.

calm down buddy
lots of people dont get into law school

my suicidal tendencies preceded dropping out of law school but now that i am completely stuck in a directionless and futile state, i am becoming more depressed and bitter as the days go by. i feel i have never been treated with the same respect i treat others (or how others are treated by others), constantly undermined and insulted, patronised, even by my friends. i no longer have any drive or motivation, my interests have dwindled to the point where i basically have no interests, i sleep all the time, can't afford to eat properly so im rapidly losing weight yet all the while i am completely numb to this circumstance. i feel like calling centrelink for them to cancel my payments and give them to someone more deserving because i plan on killing myself. if i did that, would that be counted as a threat? would they call the authorities on me?


how true is this

>living on your own
>before 50
>in australia
>without housemates

50 is a very early estimate

Practically a documentary m8

Memes aside though, the general message of the video is actually fairly true

Materials science

pretty fun

Cool post number

Your next job is to claim octo 6's for /balt/

Could've been worse
At least you weren't born in Brazil





just be yourself :^)

Your post number appears to have three sets of repeating digits, congratulations on this achievement.

Es waren 300 Männer, meine Kameraden, Jahrtausende sind vergangen, und heute gilt dieser Kampf dort, dieses Opfer dort, so heroisch, so als Beispiel höchsten Soldatentums. Und es wird auch einmal heißen: Kommst du nach Wellington, so berichte, du habest uns in Stalingrad liegen sehen, wie das Gesetz, das heißt, das Gesetz der Sicherheit unseres Volkes es befohlen hat.

>getting my Ps in december
man i love waiting for 5 seconds at stop signs when its all clear and then cars show up when i'm about to go

Jenes ütz

nice baltic culture, my friend
you too, braliukas

What did he mean by this?

To buy or not to buy?

Do it m8

Or maybe the yank one

true, im just surrounded by conceited normies who are practically reliving brave new world by aldous huxley.

no one asked for this.

Its 3

lmao who drinks Amerishit

You fucking pseud read 'we'

oh for fuck sake
my instructor said 5


Whatever do 5 in your test to be safe my man

how is it pseudo-intellectualism? the book draws some clear parallels to modern society. thanks for the recommendation though. who is the author?

K I bought the Australian one and a fine vintage from Georgia (the country not the place in the USA)

>Waiting at stop signs
You come to a complete stop and give way to all traffic. Consider that stop signs exist for a reason and they want you to take the time to observe all approaching traffic before proceeding across the intersection
5 seconds is arbitrary and dumb though

Do you have to actually count the seconds?
We just have to get to a full stop and then we can instantly continue


my cousin did his test a while ago and he said he got marked down because he didn't wait long enough at a stop sign

gj m8, thanks for supporting the Australian wine industry

thanks, reading the background of the author and the book now. this is intriguing stuff. any other recommendations? im pretty entry level to a lot of things


I'm pretty sure you have to stop for at least three seconds in the Provisional License driving test, but normally you just have to come to a complete stop and then you can proceed whenever it is safe

Anything for the Australian comrades

Fucking finally I'm unbanned

Why were you banned m8?


>come back from ban
>Sup Forums breaks

maybe they should ban you again since Sup Forums went offline once you came back.

this is good quality wine desu

>coworker wants to throw money at nintendo
>he will buy nintendo switch
this can't be happening.

lel what a fag

I semi-accidentally posted a NSFW picture in some thread in Sup Forums and got a 3 day ban

I was getting worried the problem was my internet connection

I'm a really dangerous guy ;)

tell us more, should i buy it too?



im not exactly a connoisseur, but it has a rich (slightly bitter) aroma and flavour. pretty much what you'd expect with wine.

you called?


this, if so can you post some pics thanks

this 2bh

Wtf I love Ukraine military now

On a bridge across the Severn on a Saturday night
Susie meets the man of her dreams
He says that he got in trouble and if she doesn't mind
He doesn't want the company

But there's something in the air, they share a look in silence
And everything is understood.

gerojam cnaba!

that's pretty fucking gay

Man + Woman = Gay in Latvia?


>listening to a song where a dirty succubus stops a brave lithuanian from achieving enlightement
fuck off grzegosz

ok that was a nice one

>tfw to intelligent to go outside

>gerojam cnaba!

kinda not happy with the quality of posts here.

>tfw to intelligent to make quality posts

heroyam slava
can't you read cyrllic?

is there any way i could convince you to make quality posts in the future?

probably not tbf

then maybe you want to be my bf?

only if you are a qt female (in this case female includes males with feminine penises)

>btw I'm a girl

>make quality posts on /balt/
>share knowledge and great opinions
>the creepy weirdos who frequent /balt/ start spreading these opinions in public
>now when you open your mouth you will be associated with them

No thanks. Literally too intelligent for that.

AAA glug glug glug AAAAAAAH monkeee.

>(in this case female includes males with feminine penises)

isn't that the guy who's going to fund Sup Forums or something?

le boobies or LEAVE xdd

>be Shkreli
>try to roleplay Chad
>get herpes

Yes his name is Martin Shkreli

are you the same guy that asks this question whenever I post picture of him?

Who /softhands/ here?

uhhh no

hmmm ok, but I got asked the same question that you have asked by 4-5 other lithuanians